Synchronicity Wins

Monday 14 February 2011

The Cairo Horseman rides again.

This happened on The Political Commentator blog today, see comments below video -


Could this POSSIBLY be the fourth of Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse in Egypt? (Video)

I can definitely see how the figure could have been digitally planted, but what if...

Who are the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse?

Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (əpŏk'əlĭps), allegorical figures in the Book of Revelation in the Bible. The rider on the white horse has many interpretations-one is that he represents Christ; the rider on the red horse is war; on the black horse is famine; and on the pale horse, death. (

Is it real? You decide!

looks like the reflection of a vehicle. horses kinda bounce when they walk, especially when they gallop. that movement was fluid. almost looks like the back end of a HMMWV. lastly, check your biblical chronology. we're not there yet.
Michael Haltman said...
I certainly hope not.
Dar vetru said...
Apoc alipse -is in loose translation the end of an epoch. just like calendar has Zodiac signs so does solar system The Mayas predicted an end to epoch in 2012. NOT an end of the planet. just an epoch =time period that's all Nothing to fear.
Anonymous said...
It's easy to say that when you don't know about the writing on the wall or the Ana code!
Michael Haltman said...
Anonymous: It seems that the ANA code is some type of numerical application to the Bible, but what is its prophecy?
Anonymous said...
The Ana code is an anagram code formula that contains a predetermined precise plan that is synchronised to timed events. It is a means by which it is proven that synchronicity purposefully occurs and is not the result of random factors. It proves that everything happens by intelligent design including the production of that Cairo video no matter how the horse effect was achieved. The code's purpose is to provide a continuous warning about the consequence of mankind's continued negativity, it being the certain arrival of a number of extremely destructive asteroids unless the warning is truly heeded and a polarity reversal achieved by means of the real application of reason on the part of this world's so called leaders. They have known about the code for a long time but continue to live in opposition to it's message. These are some links that will help you to understand -
Anonymous said...
As the first film in the links explains the code 'key' was completed in 2002. This is an anagram of the same thing that's demonstrated in the film -  TPC LINES RE-LINK HORSEMAN TODAY - 14.2.2011.  It says re-links because a few days ago the code had already linked to the Cairo horseman as you can see on the synchronicitywins blog.
Anonymous said...
The previous code line indicated plural lines to TPC, here's one reason why. Cairo is on the river Nile.  TPC RE-LINKS NILE HORSEMAN TODAY - 14.2.2011

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