Synchronicity Wins

Monday 20 June 2011

Darren Sparey Ian Crombie part 2

This follows on from the previous post, please read that first.

  • Rob Crombie 
    Yes, I see, but I knew Bruce when he was at Cairns and I've known him for a couple of years. How could Repulse Islands, Kuttabul (sinking of by Jap midget sub in Sydney harbour WWII) and the bearing back to Italy, Parma @ 314 degrees and his friend Neil all come together just because he moved to Mackay, surely these things should have shown themselves earlier.... I'm confused now, too much going on, and that's before I checked Captain Cook being born 7kms from where I was and having the same initials JC, I'm starting to think that I'm wanting to see connections and so I'm just looking for things that do have a coincidence. Marton, Malton, Molten.... these words are NOT THE SAME, they just look/sound the same. If they were the same I'd fall off my chair, but they are not the same, so I'm now thinking its morte a coincidence
    2 hours ago · 
  • Elaine Ross Kelly 
    Who moved him to Mackay Rob? Nothing happens by chance including the connections you are seeing. Because everything is born out of the WORD and subtle changes in the code you would find that there are sequences that link it all together and prove the design behind it.
    The Iron Rod key (the one I've been showing you) is not the only key, it's just the one that's synchronised to me and all who cross my path.
    It seems to me that your mind is not on it but that's up to Ana. Just let the links come to you, who knows where it will lead you to? There's only one answer to that.
    2 hours ago · 
  • Rob Crombie It's like a brick wall surrounding my brain. I want to "see" these links come together as a natural occurance, but at the moment, they seem like very lucky coincidences, and some I feel are interpretations, like the Malton, Molten Marton sounds, which is all they are, similar sounds all starting with M
    2 hours ago · 
  • Elaine Ross Kelly It seems to me that you are away in a world of your own, we all are, but did you take time to actually consider what happened back there with the death of Brian Haw.
    2 hours ago · 
  • Elaine Ross Kelly And the timing of Julia's 'other side' post?
    2 hours ago · 
  • Rob Crombie I saw the Brain Haw link, but sorry, he does not mean anything to me so I must admit i glossed over it because I was rattled by my own links and now Bruce seems to be connected and I've never even met the guy, only ever chated on facebook
    2 hours ago · 
  • Elaine Ross Kelly It's got nothing to do with what Bran Haw meant to you. If you look at it again PROPERLY you may find that he now means a great deal to you, not for what he did in his life but for what 'he' did when his death was timed by God to show YOU something.
    2 hours ago · 
  • Elaine Ross Kelly Bruce Allen lives in Mackay so that you would see the Repulse connection.

    about an hour ago · 
  • Elaine Ross Kelly Darren, not sure that you saw the link that connects your snap back to ONE L code line -

    One L
    about an hour ago · 
  • Elaine Ross Kelly Here the code shows that Allen's purpose in identifying the repulse to Rob is proven by showing Rob another link that HE brought up, the place where captain Cook was born. Note that it's all connected to the British navy -


    So that's why you had to make me look into your question about the similar word connections.
    about an hour ago · 
  • Elaine Ross Kelly I have no doubt that the other words molten and malton are also key words that isolate specific information in the code connected to the themes of this thread.
    about an hour ago · 
  • Kellie CosmicLove I often wondered why it was that people would write Kell instead of Kel when referring to me, Now I know..
    about an hour ago · 
  • Rob Crombie I thought everyone referred to you as MS. PEACHY TITS
    about an hour ago · 
  • Elaine Ross Kelly Yes Kellie but the big question is...does Rob?
    about an hour ago · 
  • Rob Crombie I've always called you Kellie, never shortened it, but phonetically, Kel Kell is the same sound, almost like Molten, Malten and Marton, almost
    about an hour ago · 
  • Elaine Ross Kelly ‎..
    about an hour ago · 
  • Kellie CosmicLove Wow!!!! Freakin amazing!! 34 letters Rob.
    about an hour ago · 
  • Rob Crombie 
    I suppose if I saw those three names included in ana's code it would most certainly "rattle my cage", and I'm still trying to see how Bruce fits in to this, besides his friend Neil who I'm very eager to meet, maybe Bruce was meant to be in my life. Funny thing is, we met during a heated argument on facebook, total opposites, but we agreed to disagree and enjoyed the debate. I don't see how his link to PARMA in Italy has anything to do with me... I've never been to Italy and I've never known a full blooded Italian, as a friend, only a few i've done work for when i lived in Sydney. As for Mackay to Parma on a bearing of 314 degrees, what relevence has that, since you say 314 is more likley to be a part of ACID than Pi..... I'm going to re-watch 5 days in Varkala, I must still be missing something
    about an hour ago · 
  • Rob Crombie 
    Ian did not die on the submarine, he died in a car crash when the submarine was out at sea somewhere. I might know more if Bruce's friend Neil can tell me anything, you see that part of my brothers life is a complete mystery, besides the written letters I kept from him, but they were written as Adult to young brother, didnt really say much. I'm hoping Neil might know some part of Ian that I did not know. Only a matter of time before Bruce gets me fixed up with him, who knows he might have photos or a few stories, anything is better than nothing at this point in time, and that might be a reason for my mental block, because I'm wanting this Neil connection to work
    53 minutes ago · 
  • Rob Crombie letters from him that I kept better english
    53 minutes ago · 
  • Elaine Ross Kelly I didn't say 314 is more likely to be part of ACID than Pi I just pointed out that both LSD and ACID which are both the same thing are both coded in the first few numbers of Pi.
    45 minutes ago · 
  • Rob Crombie ok .... I was side tracked with your analysis of ASCID representing DRUGS and our Navy training indoctrinating us against their use, I believe that was part of the thread that those letters were an anagram of Pi... I can accept that, after you explained the Iesus part, allowing the I to become a J = 1, to bring Pi back into the code
    38 minutes ago · 
  • Elaine Ross Kelly 
    I know he didn't die on the submarine Rob, you missed the point again.
    The code is demonstrating the fact that the linked word combinations are not random and that they relate to the subjects on this thread. Allen in Mackay is connected to the RN Ship by his proximity to the Repulse islands and a whole major part of the code proof on this thread is linked to the fact that your brother Ian who worked on that boat, died.
    37 minutes ago · 
  • Rob Crombie This is one fantastic rabbit hole. I usually don't go this deep, but too many things, maybe syncronicity, maybe ANA, but there's something, only a total idioy could deny that
    36 minutes ago · 
  • Rob Crombie There's a lot to take in Ross, all these links popping up all of a sudden. I just don't know what to make of it all. I'm most defiantely interested and I can't thank you enough for your patience. I would have given up on me a long time ago, as most others probably have
    34 minutes ago · 
  • Rob Crombie I'm off to bed, I'm wondering what code will come next, no doubt I'll find out in the morning, oh it is morning here already, so I'll wish you good night, god bless and hope I sleep tight.... night all
    29 minutes ago · 
  • Elaine Ross Kelly Freudian slip? - "defiantely interested"....joke!
    28 minutes ago ·  ·  1 person
  • Rob Crombie yeah .... I'll pay that one.... nice one Ross, my eyes are tired, my fingers fat and keyboard is way too small
    27 minutes ago · 
  • Elaine Ross Kelly Goodnight Rob, sllep well.
    26 minutes ago · 
  • Rob Crombie defiant and interested isnt that an oxymoron, polar opposite, that's me to a tee at the moment
    26 minutes ago · 
  • Rob Crombie slip well would have been funnier!!!
    26 minutes ago · 
  • Elaine Ross Kelly Glad you saw the humour !
    24 minutes ago · 
  • Kellie CosmicLove ‎:)
    15 minutes ago · 

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