Synchronicity Wins

Monday 27 June 2011

Some interesting points..continued ..

  • Ross Kelly Or

    7 hours ago ·  ·  1 person
  • Ross Kelly 
    See how the Seattle link came in to it by virtue of the Peachy tits Rob.
    Interestingly, a couple of nights ago I watched a film in which I heard that they call Seattle the Emerald City, a theme from the Wizard of Oz.
    The recent ROSE connections to Tornadoes was also linked to the Oz theme, Yellowstone and the yellow brick road.
    God writes all the fiction Rob (including yours about Ian) for a reason. It contains her clues.
    7 hours ago ·  ·  1 person
  • Kellie CosmicLove Because, because. because, because, beeeecaaaaause, because of the wonderful things 'she' does.
    God knows why Ana refers to me as the Robin? I have the worst singing voice.
    5 hours ago · 
  • Ross Kelly Yeah but you've got the read breast, we've all been readind about them.
    5 hours ago · 
  • Kellie CosmicLove I was just writing this as your notification came through.
    5 hours ago · 
  • Kellie CosmicLove ‎>>> Rob, it was ME who bought up the Peachy Tits on a FB status, not Ross. I'm happy for that to be on the blog, it's all for a good cause and it's Ana who ulitimatly decides what it is she will use to wake people up. It was infact my Peachy Tits that gave me the realisation that Ross' Ana code was IN FACT pre coded. :)
    5 hours ago ·  ·  1 person
  • Ross Kelly A couple of good points you've brought up here Kellie, let's hope Rob appreciates them!
    5 hours ago ·  ·  1 person
  • Kellie CosmicLove 
    Rob, I attended one of Brian Shaw's cases at Melb Magistrates Court in Oct (?) last year. There were two 'Christian' gentleman there that day, one I had met before and he seemed very concerned with my cigarette smoking. They asked me to sit down and join them at the table and then asked if I believed in God. I told them I most certainly do. They then gave me a lecture about the 'evils' of smoking blah, blah, blah ...sounded like my dad (God bless him) but I listened because I knew there was a message coming for me. They then proceeded into prayer to rid me of the evil of cigarettes so I can be 'born again'. I was laughing so hard on the inside, they didnt know the real message like I did. I knew it was Ana confirming that I had been 'born again' and that I was truly free from the igonorance of humanity.
    5 hours ago · 
  • Ross Kelly Yeah, like God didn't create the Tobacco plant to be smoked!
    5 hours ago · 
  • Kellie CosmicLove 
    I dont buy the whole cigarettes cause the deaths of ??? so many people per year. It's Ana who decides if someone is going to live or die. Why do you think you survived those car accidents Rob?
    That's because it wasnt your time.....mark my wo...See more
    4 hours ago · 
  • Kellie CosmicLove Brilliant Elaine, she is gorgeous! ♥
    4 hours ago · 
  • Elaine McGuckin If smoking was as bad as the medical profession would have us believe Ross and I should have been dead years
    4 hours ago · 
  • Shirley Kobiela It's not smoking that's bad for your health it's blind ignorance -
    4 hours ago ·  ·  1 person
  • Shirley Kobiela oops, got a wee stutter on there, fag got stuck between my fingers
    4 hours ago · 
  • Shirley Kobiela IIt's all what's being smoked
    4 hours ago · 
  • Kellie CosmicLove Shirl, your confusing the man now.
    4 hours ago · 
  • Elaine McGuckin We Love the Golden Virgin-ia
    4 hours ago ·  ·  1 person
  • Ross Kelly It was James from Seattle who ' independently' mentioned PEACHY.

    Iron Rod key -

    4 hours ago · 
  • Ross Kelly That was a cue for a mini key -


    That's LIFE.
    4 hours ago ·  ·  2 people
  • Shirley Kobiela 
    and that was the 222nd comment Ross - and that's beautiful as is the whole post, it's been great going back over all the dagobert lines from the blog, from Sam, Elaine & Ross being used to test the trio validity of the parchment to Isobelle, Mr Green & Carter Beale also being used to prove its validity and the links that ultimately led to this point...that really is life a cherished thing that sadly most folk don't even see as being real
    4 hours ago ·  ·  1 person
  • Ross Kelly Shirley just sent me this from April 1996 Seattle review, the month the writing was put on the wall in London -

    James' weird trip is just peachy!
    4 hours ago ·  ·  1 person
  • Ross Kelly What's the likelihood of that being in a SEATTLE newspaper in 1996?
    4 hours ago · 
  • Shirley Kobiela ‎...chance would be a fine thing. Sitting there waiting for this moment...just just don't know what's coming next, and watching it all unfold in front of you is so exciting...
    3 hours ago ·  ·  1 person
  • Ross Kelly If I'm in bed when the man comes back and somebody else isn't please ask him to read the bits he's missed before he misses it forever.
    3 hours ago ·  ·  1 person
  • Ross Kelly The bits since his last post.
    3 hours ago · 
  • Shirley Kobiela glad you claified that Ross.
    3 hours ago · 
  • Ross Kelly ‎..
    3 hours ago ·  ·  2 people
  • Ross Kelly ‎..

    3 hours ago ·  ·  1 person
  • Rob Crombie 
    This sounds wierd, but its true. Back when my Dad (James) met my mother, he swooned her with something very precious at the time. Peaches, of all things. Apparently peaches have brilliant healing properties, especially against nuclear radio-activity of all things, not sure why, and at that time, around WWII, not sure which year they married, but my brother was born 1948, so I reckon it was around WWII when they met. Peaches were as rare as hens teeth, I have no idea where he got the peaches or how he got them or how he paid for them, but the fact that he did, seemed to clinch the deal. Mum saw him as an excellent provider maybe, or maybe as someone different to the "norm". Doesnt really matter, but his name was James, and he did swoon my mother Joyce by the offering of peaches, at a time when no-one else had them or could even afford them. He's dead now so I suppose we'll never know and mum is 83 and might not remember how, but we do have a photo of them standing at Hartlepool Pier or Promenade, with them standing together and the holding of a peach. Like I said, this sounds weird, another thing you said about that priest driving home, or trying to indoctrinate me with his filthy controlled religion, something I was not quite ready for at that time. Maybe that is the blocking moment for me, maybe that effect it had on me as a young 14 yr old was far too impressionable, set in concrete as they say. You are putting these anagrams together and you've established connections or links with my name or both my names and my location. I'm assuming that you must see that I must be part of this story, is that the "play or act" that you refer to in your last post, again, for the average person who uses that phrase ... last post.... you see words written before you in an earlier position, whereas I hear a bugle tapping out the military LAST POST.... or last song or last respect. I'm not done with this yet, not until I've explored the different avenues
    3 hours ago · 
  • Elaine McGuckin Only God is capable of organising the synchronicity involved in everything you have seen on this thread. Ross did not know about your Mother and Father, he doesn't have too - the code proves that Ana did. The Ana code really is the book of life Rob. The Great Scroll.
    2 hours ago ·  ·  2 people
  • Neil Ashton Is this true Rob?
    2 hours ago · 
  • Elaine McGuckin Good question Neil, this is why it pays to be honest.
    2 hours ago · 
  • Neil Ashton The boy who cried wolf and the man who cried eureka, for the second time.
    2 hours ago · 
  • Elaine McGuckin If it is true it should have blown your mind, if it's not then what's the point?
    2 hours ago ·  ·  2 people
  • Elaine McGuckin Funny you bringing that up. I had to explain that very story to my daughter Cate yesterday.
    2 hours ago ·  ·  1 person
  • Elaine McGuckin She actually accused her older bother of making it up, she didn't know it was a well known fable. I happened to walk into the kitchen when there were both arguing about what it was. Experience - the only teacher.
    2 hours ago ·  ·  1 person
  • Elaine McGuckin I hope it is true as we all need time to learn and understand no matter what age we are. No one could have known about the code until Ana showed it to them. That's why timing really is everything. I sincerely hope that that is all you needed Rob.
    2 hours ago ·  ·  1 person
  • Kellie CosmicLove LIFE ISN'T JUST ABOUT YOUR EXPERIENCES ROB. We are ALL apart of the story, Ana's story!.... and when you realise that, you may actually see the brilliance in it.
    2 hours ago ·  ·  1 person
  • Kellie CosmicLove And NO it's NOT weird to us, because WE know the mechanics of REALITY!
    2 hours ago · 
  • Elaine McGuckin could also be - SEE THE CAT PLAY ROB
    The code is multifaceted Rob and even if the story of your parents isn't true the lines are still precisely timed to the given theme. PEACHY SEATTLE AND ROB are still relevant to today's events.
    2 hours ago ·  ·  1 person
  • Elaine McGuckin As Kellie just pointed out it is not about individuals it is about the truth and the fact that the ANA code actually proves it by it's very existence.
    2 hours ago · 
  • Kellie CosmicLove Right now Rob, you are like one of those dead people in my profile picture, and we are all TRYING to help you to change that and come ALIVE. This isnt about any of us because we already know what's REAL...... this is about Ana's teaching, for you, and for others.

    3 BLIND MICE IS ANOTHER GOOD ONE. Who do you think the farmers wife is Rob?
    2 hours ago · 
  • Neil Ashton The lesson is there for all who have eyes to see it.
    2 hours ago · 
  • Elaine McGuckin Yep..... It helps us see that big carving knife
    2 hours ago · 
  • Kellie CosmicLove ‎"The truth shall set you free" ....and it does!
    2 hours ago · 
  • Kellie CosmicLove Ana is constantly teaching each and every one of us, if we listen to her. I am always learning.
    2 hours ago ·  ·  2 people
    2 hours ago · 
  • Shirley Kobiela oops...
    2 hours ago · 
  • Rob Crombie 
    It's true.... I'll try to get that photo, the only part I got wrong was I said "swooned", but it should have been "woo'ed". It never came to mind until Ross sent me that link about his Seattle mate James who was walking barefoot. My Dad was also named James. The radio-active protection is something I have been looking at since Fukushima. I created a post on my FB about the dust spreading all over the earth, via the higher atmosphere. I was asking if anyone knew about Potassium Iodate for Thyroid protection, and this lady sent me a report she had created on the benefits other products offered, especially as Thyroid gland was only one gland. Among a whole list of natural things like sea weed, etc was peaches, apparently its very good at cleansing our bodies, or certain parts after contamination. Besides, whats the point of lying, I told you before, I am an honest man, I do not lie, but I did give some false info to expose what I believed to be a lie. There would be no advantage in trying to take that path any more. I am an honest man and I always have been. You guys can call me a liar if you want, you can even show it in anagram form if you want, but that doesnt make me a liar, as I said, I used it as a tool not as a main part of my life
    2 hours ago · 
  • Shirley Kobiela But do you see now that chance doesn't come into it Rob, who could have known about your mum and dad - only Ana - is that not proof enough for any man.
    2 hours ago ·  ·  1 person
  • Kellie CosmicLove 
    2 hours ago ·  ·  1 person
  • Neil Ashton I called you a liar Rob. Are you now a reformed character or still a tool. We shall see.
    2 hours ago · 
  • Elaine McGuckin Great, I'm glad to hear it, I understand, I hope you can continue to follow this with an open mind. I also know that your attention to detail will probably always be an issue for you Rob, James from Seattle isn't walking barefoot, he has lots of blisters from walking in his boots.
    2 hours ago · 
  • Rob Crombie 
    Here's a funny story about this place called HARTLEPOOL. It goes back to the days of sailing ships and the wars between UK and France. A French Frigate was stranded just off Hartlepool, and the ship's monkey was believed to be a spy. Peoplefrom Hartlepool had never seen or heard of monkeys, afterall, it was a very poor area. After "questioning" the monkey and failing to get any evidence, it was deemed that it must be a French Spy, so they HUNG it until it was dead. The Hartlepool emblem is that of a hung monkey. The local football team has a hung monkey on their club tie, and it can be seen all around on different motives. Not sure if this has any relevence, but you can google it....
    about an hour ago · 
  • Shirley Kobiela reckon it's Ana's way of letting you know to drop the idea of 'even a monkey can do the code' - to hang with that idea -
    about an hour ago · 
  • Elaine McGuckin Ha Ha that's a funny story, poor monkey, stupid people..... After you told us about your parents and the lack of peaches during the war I ended up with that silly song in my head ;Yes we have no bananas we have no bananas today' another old war time song about the lack of fruit.
    about an hour ago · 
  • Elaine McGuckin Also a link back to Ross' earlier comments to you about ban ana's.
    about an hour ago · 
  • Kellie CosmicLove OMG, this is too much, all this monkey talk made me remember this song Darren introduced me to ......Darren LOVES this song!!!!.
    about an hour ago · 
  • Shirley Kobiela what's 2 much girly is that it took you 3 attempts to spell song..ha ha
    about an hour ago · 
  • Kellie CosmicLove I know! ....maybe it was meant to say Son all along! :)
    about an hour ago ·  ·  1 person
  • Shirley Kobiela ha ha, that's even funnier Kellie...x
    about an hour ago · 
  • Neil Ashton I knew about the connection to Hartlepool and the Monkey Hangers Rob and I was going to mention it earlier. Now what was that about monkeys and the code again?
    about an hour ago · 
  • Elaine McGuckin No wonder lmao...... that is funny and bloody awful at the same time.
    about an hour ago ·  ·  1 person
  • Rob Crombie I think I said "any monkey can write these anagrams" or something like that, but then you know that
    about an hour ago · 
  • Neil Ashton Yes I do.
    about an hour ago ·  ·  1 person
  • Elaine McGuckin MONKEY - KEY WON
    about an hour ago ·  ·  2 people
  • Kellie CosmicLove How did you make that fit Elaine, have you been playing with tiles again.
    about an hour ago ·  ·  1 person
  • Elaine McGuckin Having same problem with spelling as you
    about an hour ago · 
  • Neil Ashton I have been shown many things in my life which seemed to have no relevance at the time and certain things stay with me. I have never told anyone in a conversation before about knowing about Hartlepool's conecction to monkey hanging.
    about an hour ago ·  ·  1 person
  • Kellie CosmicLove Thank God for Google Elaine, that's all I can say. :)
    about an hour ago · 
  • Elaine McGuckin Ah timing, we live in hope that should Rob have been alive at the time of the poor monkey's demise he was calling for it to be set free and not one of the stupid people shouting crucify him..
    about an hour ago ·  ·  1 person
  • Rob Crombie Those guys were poor fishermen, doubt they could even read or write, such was the life in those times. The monkey was dressed in a French military suit I believe, that's why they believed it to be a spy. Not sure if this is a fable, its just an old folk-lore story, but one the people like to believe really happened, makes them different or special, when nothing else could
    about an hour ago · 
  • Kellie CosmicLove Rob, do you actually read anything anyone else writes, or do you just go off into fairyland when you see something that is relevant to YOU?
    about an hour ago ·  ·  1 person
  • Rob Crombie yes I read the posts....
    about an hour ago · 
  • Neil Ashton I think he is very selective to whom and what he replies too.
    about an hour ago ·  ·  1 person
  • Kellie CosmicLove VERY Neil.
    about an hour ago · 
  • Kellie CosmicLove Do you listen to any of the comment Rob?
    about an hour ago · 
  • Shirley Kobiela I was going to say something about asses, but maybe peachy tits is enough for now
    about an hour ago · 
  • Kellie CosmicLove I mean actually LISTEN?
    about an hour ago · 
  • Neil Ashton He just proved it again :)
    about an hour ago · 
  • Shirley Kobiela I've just realised why you didn't answer my question Rob, silly me, I didn't put a question mark -
    But do you see now that chance doesn't come into it Rob, who could have known about your mum and dad - only Ana - is that not proof enough for any man?
    about an hour ago · 
  • Rob Crombie 
    Its not so much selective as not being in front of the computer 24/7. I'm supposed to be building my house not tapping out on the keyboard. Sometimes I'll miss comments because I'm not watching/waiting for an update. Elaine said i should pay attention to detail for instance. I read the blog Ross sent about his mate james. Now I can't find it, I'm pretty sure he said he was walking and then when he put his shoes on everything was peachy. I want to read that again, but can't see it
    about an hour ago · 
  • Neil Ashton Selective hearing(seeing) and a poor excuse and a dig.
    about an hour ago ·  ·  1 person
  • Elaine McGuckin We don't all come to the understanding in the same way, changing one's mind can be a difficult process, we all are equally capable of missing the point.
    about an hour ago · 
  • Rob Crombie I saw that as a rhetorical comment from you, one that did you did not expect an answer to, so it didnt need a ? added to it
    about an hour ago · 
  • Elaine McGuckin ‎.
    about an hour ago · 
  • Shirley Kobiela where it says 'see more' on posts, use that to expand them -
    about an hour ago ·  ·  1 person
  • Kellie CosmicLove You are so patient Elaine. ♥
    about an hour ago ·  ·  1 person
  • Neil Ashton Hey Rob, you avoiding me?
    about an hour ago · 
  • Rob Crombie not a poor excuse neil.... if I'm not sitting and reading as I am now, I just do not have the time to scroll too far back. What dig did I have or make, the remark about not wearing shoes or my interpretation of that being the story, that's the part I want to read again. its not a dig, its a request if anything... I can't see the post with that walker's story, just the highlights in the seattle newspaper
    about an hour ago · 
  • Shirley Kobiela Quite right Elaine we are all equally capable of missing the point, none more so than myself at times -
    It wasn't actually rhetorical Rob, I had hoped for an answer, thought it might help that's all.
    about an hour ago · 
  • Shirley Kobiela The Seattle paper and James blog are 2 seperate items Rob, I posted James blog for you it's 3 posts above your last comment or 2 above Neils - The Seattle post is something that I found on google when I googled 'peachy seattle james' it's from April 1996, the month the writing was put on the wall. It's to help you see that it's all linked.
    about an hour ago · 
  • Neil Ashton It is a poor excuse Rob. Rob Crombie Its not so much selective as not being in front of the computer 24/7. I'm supposed to be building my house not tapping out on the keyboard. Sometimes I'll miss comments because I'm not watching/waiting for an update. Elaine said i should pay attention to detail for instance.
    If this experience was having any effect on then you would pay attention to every word of it.
    about an hour ago · 
  • Elaine McGuckin 
    Rob I wasn't digging at you about your lack of attention to detail I was being sympathetic. What it is with your mind is the way you see a thing. You did read that James felt that everything was peachy when he put his boots on, he had just got up from a nights sleep. It's how you understand and read all information not just the code sequences. There is nothing any of us can really do to help you with that except bare with you and hopefully real understanding of what this is about will happen for you.
    about an hour ago · 
  • Rob Crombie My feet hurt until I put on my shoes. Then everything was peachy. That was from James' blog. I took that as being he had walked in bare feet andhis feet were hurting. Now I see that could be his start to a second day, with sore feet.... not sure
    about an hour ago · 
  • Rob Crombie Neil.... avoiding you....?...I answered with ..not a poor excuse comment
    about an hour ago · 
  • Neil Ashton You don't fool me Crombie.
    about an hour ago · 
  • Rob Crombie not trying to fool anyone Neil, just trying to fathom things out and I don't need the negativity to help me find it, you can get more bees with honey is the old saying..... in other words...lighten up willya
    about an hour ago · 
  • Neil Ashton I don't beLIEve you Rob. Prove me wrong.
    about an hour ago · 
  • Kellie CosmicLove 
    We are getting off track guys.

    Rob, the reason you are here on the Ana wall and not building your house is because Ana wants you here, that's why you cant help yourself to come back for more.
    So, in saying that, maybe instead of seeing this as something that is keeping you away from what you think you should be doing and take the view that it's FOR LEARNING that we are all here, and Ana is the teacher, so pls LISTEN, and really LISTEN and PAY ATTENTION TO DETAIL.
    about an hour ago ·  ·  1 person
  • Neil Ashton The bees are dying Rob, didn't you know that.
    about an hour ago · 
  • Elaine McGuckin One wonders how he can prove it?
    about an hour ago · 
  • Neil Ashton He can't.
    about an hour ago · 
  • Ross Kelly 
    I have a sneaking suspicion that Rob may not have seen the Monkey lines so just in case, here they are because they hung a Monkey too -

    Rob Crombie
    "If you have read the note you will have seen from the basic math explanation that there are TRILLIONS.....TRILLIONS....TRILLIONS of computations. This means if you sat a monkey down on a bench with a paper and pencil and you gave him an infinte amount of time, even the monkey could produce a line of code that fits in with Ross's 34 letters"

    So, Rob concedes that it would require an infinite amount of time for the monkey to select the same 34 letters that I was led to, (the formula that proves that time is preordained)
    Because there are indeed trillions of possible different combinations of 34 letters.

    Yet the very first one that I was given IN 2002 is the one that says -



    I DATE 3 REAL 25.6.11 MONKEY PI HINTS ROB...3.14.
    6 minutes ago · Like
    Ross Kelly ..

    That's what you get when you try to ban-ana.
    about an hour ago · 
  • Rob Crombie 
    you never understood my initial motive neil, so your tainted mind sees me as a liar and you'll not let that go. I have told you all that I gave false info to Ross, a lie, to expose the truth as i saw it, that's all. I can put you in front of hundreds of people that will vouch for my integrity. Don't see why i should go to all that bother for lil old you. Takew it or leave it. I'm not a liar and I have no reason to lie now. If you want to stay on that path that I'm a liar, so be it, there'll be no more comments to you from me, only you can decide if you want to converse, only you can decide if I'm a man of honour and integrity, I can shove it down your mouth til there's no room for any air and you'd die before conceding that I might be an honest man who used a tool to obtain what he believed to be the truth. Do what you will, say what you will, call me a liar once more and you'll not see any more words from me. I have better things to do than defend my honour and integrity to you
    about an hour ago ·  ·  1 person
  • Elaine McGuckin There is a way, it will become obvious in time......
    about an hour ago · 
  • Kellie CosmicLove We've all lied at some stage out of ignorace, I am certainly not infallible of that.
    58 minutes ago · 
  • Rob Crombie I know what thew monkey ref was, afterall, I was the one who stated it Ross, so I did not need to scroll back to where I wrote it to see what it was, what I said was close enough
    58 minutes ago · 
  • Elaine McGuckin The Bee Sting..... Rob trying to pull a fast one or Rob being sincere.
    58 minutes ago · 
  • Kellie CosmicLove ‎?? I dont know Elaine, maybe it's a trick.
    57 minutes ago · 
  • Ross Kelly You missed the point again Rob did you see the Monkey code lines. open the see more tab.
    56 minutes ago · 
  • Rob Crombie If you want to know why I'm sitting in one spot for more than I usually do, I was collecting wood yesterday (for the fire) and a huge branch popped up when my wheel barrow run over it, the end of the branch stood up and my knee walked right into it. I now have a very sore knee and do not feel comfortable climbing up and down on a 2 mtr high scaffold, so I'm resting my knee, which is bruised
    55 minutes ago · 
  • Neil Ashton We shall see. Rob Crombie I say you are a liar.
    54 minutes ago · 
  • Rob Crombie I saw the lines Ross, I always click "see more"
    53 minutes ago · 
  • Ross Kelly The lines were the point Rob, and who do you think whacked your knee so that you would be sitting more?
    52 minutes ago ·  ·  1 person
  • Ross Kelly The code lines call Rob the liar because Ana set him up to have to admit that he had lied BECAUSE THE CODE LINES SAY SO.
    51 minutes ago · 
  • Rob Crombie That's all I needed Neil.... thanks, now i will hobble off and do some work. Maybe the others wanted me to stay.... I don't know, maybe not, but you just had to poke me one more time didnt you, so here I am, a man of integrity, doing what I say...Goodbye...write what you want now...I'm not sticking around......either blame Neil or Thank him...I care not what you guys do
    50 minutes ago · 
  • Neil Ashton Bye Rob, again.
    48 minutes ago · 
  • Kellie CosmicLove Poor excuse Rob.
    47 minutes ago · 
  • Shirley Kobiela Blame Neil for what Rob, it's a good excuse to leave though...
    Elaine told you about the tree limb that fell where our kids played outside and then she whacks you on the leg with a branch to get you to sit still long enough to try and take in what is happening here -
    If Neil wants to call you a liar, so be it, stick and stones mate, sticks and stones -
    46 minutes ago ·  ·  1 person
  • Shirley Kobiela Elaine didn't whack you with a branch, Ana did
    45 minutes ago · 
  • Ross Kelly All the world's a stage Rob life is ANA'S play, that's what SEE THE PLAY ACT ROB is all about.
    44 minutes ago · 
  • Shirley Kobiela I'm off to bed - nite guys xx
    42 minutes ago · 
  • Neil Ashton Rob paints himself as a man of integrity and me as his scapegoat.I have been vilified in the past and expect it to happen in the future but I will always be living in the now and saying it as I see it.
    42 minutes ago ·  ·  1 person
  • Neil Ashton Give a man or monkey enough rope and he will hang himself.
    40 minutes ago ·  ·  1 person
  • Ross Kelly ‎..

    34 minutes ago · 
  • Neil Ashton Whatever happens to Rob it was always going to be.
    32 minutes ago · 
  • Ross Kelly The thing is Neil, if he really believed that this is all insane he wouldn't be here talking to us. What would be the point? You can not reason with insanity. Sometimes that needs to be demonstrated.
    29 minutes ago · 
  • Ross Kelly Tony Blair is always on about his integrity too!
    24 minutes ago ·  ·  1 person
  • Neil Ashton Transparency is the new buzzword now. Back to bees again. The Hartlepool thing, I was going going to mention the monkey hanging thing before Rob did it was in my mind before it appeared on the thread.
    18 minutes ago · 
  • Elaine McGuckin Neil has as much right to what he thinks as you have Rob, we do understand that you say you lied for a good reason, maybe Neil is just showing you what it feels like to be on the receiving end of false accusations, we all have feelings.
    17 minutes ago · 
  • Ross Kelly Really, I think Rob is beginning to conceed the fact that he might have been wrong. What he needs to understand now is that God made sure he was.
    17 minutes ago · 
  • Ross Kelly And he needs to understand that it was done for the greater good, there's a marvellous lesson on these threads and without his role as Devil's advocate there wouldn't be
    13 minutes ago · 
  • Elaine McGuckin You have never apologised nor have you said you were wrong about those accusations so how else can we know that you are being genuine now?.
    13 minutes ago · 
  • Elaine McGuckin There must be a bee theme on the horizon, it really will be awful for the world if they die out. Lately with the weather and all the crops that are already being wipe out around the planet. No bees, no honey, No food.
    9 minutes ago · 
  • Elaine McGuckin I keep thinking of Rob as a bear. The name Abercrombie keeps popping into my mind. BEAR CROMBIE. A grizzly or a
    4 minutes ago · 
  • Neil Ashton “The implications of the spread are alarming. Most of the world’s crops depend on pollination by bees. Albert Einstein once said that if the bees disappeared, “man would have only four years of life left”.
    3 minutes ago · 
  • Elaine McGuckin That makes sense, but if you take all the other factors into the equation it may only be a few months.
    about a minute ago · 
  • Kellie CosmicLove Maybe they should put that in their seed bank!
    2 seconds ago · 
  • Elaine McGuckin There is a way out............if you can find
    4 seconds ago · 

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