Synchronicity Wins

Thursday 23 June 2011

Sparey Crombie post part 4 - A dose of the Crombies.

  • Elaine Ross Kelly ‎..


    21 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

  • John Penkal After reading all of this, I think I'll be leaving the group. I've found nothing to learn here.
    21 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Elaine Ross Kelly It's Ana's choice John.
    20 hours ago · 

  • Elaine Ross Kelly ‎..


    20 hours ago · 

  • Elaine Ross Kelly Ana calls the key the Iron Rod -


    20 hours ago · 

  • Elaine Ross Kelly The truth can not attack the truth, only a lie can and that's why those who tried to attack it had to resort to lies as all who have reason to deny it will.
    20 hours ago ·  ·  2 people

  • Elaine Ross Kelly And they will present themselves as honourable men.
    20 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

  • XEquals RDspared 
    The path that we all tread is a sword edge, and don't I know it.The only real knowledge I have been shown and have felt more than ever before, is the understanding of Ana and what that really means....... I can remember what seems a long time ago how angry I was finding out, for real, that life wasn't all about me.,That anger does get left behind once you can see it ....all a necessary ring of fire to pass through .I have followed this amazing thread from the start ,I thank Ana for giving the strength and seemingly endless patience to those who have given their all to help others see the beauty of Ana's mind ...Rob Crombie and his friends have to see that they are being used to show people out there just how easy it is for the negative to pull you sideways, every one of us has to see the bullshit and do the positve most sensible thing in this case Rob should take a bit of time to think about what has just is a most amazing thing and Ana seems to have endless patience.What is going to pop up next?..

    20 hours ago · 

  • Elaine Ross Kelly ‎..


    The code has shown Rob to be identified by his initials a number of times and in that line it is used to identify the Rob that it refers to. The Penkal hint that timed this link says "It's Ana's choice".
    It was Ana's choice to use Mr Penkal as a timer again just as he was the last time he appeared on this wall perhaps a couple of months ago.

    20 hours ago · 

  • Elaine Ross Kelly Quite so Richard, let's hope it's not the ring of fire.
    19 hours ago · 

  • Elaine Ross Kelly Yes Rob, as the man said, the truth is a two edged sword, you just got used to show people the other side of it.
    Unlike you I do not profess to be a good man because I know that only God is good (blank O).

    19 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

  • XEquals RDspared I was going to say that Rob's participation in all of this is exactly what one would expect from all those years of government training ,but not a good time maybe to make light of the situation, they know not what they do is probably more apt...
    19 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Elaine Ross Kelly 
    When I first suspected that Rob was feeding me false information and then found that the code backed it up I almost posted a warning to him to say that he needs to understand that even if it was so the code would prove to be planned to use it to prove the point that EVERYTHING is planned but I didn't because I know that there is an anti code in the key and I wondered if that was what I'd found. The doubt stayed with me but I reasoned that no man would make up lies about his own brother's death, certainly no honourable man and I thought that my suspicion and the code line must be a negative ploy.
    When eventually Rob exposed his attempted dirty deed I was neither surprised nor angry because it showed that what the code had shown me was correct and I knew I already had the response to his folly.

    19 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Elaine Ross Kelly Those of you reading this that do not know what came before it (the last time Rob attacked it) should read the Is Crombie a Zombie post on the synchronicity wins blog.
    19 hours ago · 

  • Elaine Ross Kelly He got one thing right though, the brick wall around his head.
    18 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Neil Ashton This thread if it proves one thing proves that Crombie is a zombie. His ego and ignorance is plain for all who have eyes to see. It is stated in his own words. Oh I am so intelligent I work for the Navy. Talk of money, oh dear. Carry on serving the system Rob it's your duty.
    18 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Elaine Ross Kelly Here's a message for the Pope in the Iron Rod key -


    18 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Elaine Ross Kelly You should read your bible Rob, the book of Daniel and the secret book that he was told to keep closed until the end time and the book of Revelation about the great scroll that is opened at the end time.
    Then smile because you are mentioned in it. (the great scroll, that is)

    17 hours ago · 

  • Rob Crombie 
    Ross, I was very abrasive last night and very foul mouthed. On reflection I think I could have used a bit more tact, but all the same, I revealed you for what you are. On reflection though, I truly believe that you believe your code is from god, or from an entity you call ANA. It is your belief in your own devised code, that is stopping you from seeing or even believing that a possibility exists that there may be a crack in the glass bubble in which you and your soul mates live within. I exposed the crack and you are very CONveniently trying to patch it up to keep it intact and to stop the crack nfrom spreading. You had no idea that I was deliberately sending you wrong info. Once exposed, you were able to produce code which even gave a date stamp and the words CROMBIE and LIAR. Well done for that, what did it take, 2 minutes, 3 minutes?.... With your experience with the tiles you'll have realised by now that you can manipulate them to say anything you want and give Pi to 11 places as PROOF. Even I did that, its not difficult, anyone with a little time can achieve that. I apologise for the foul mouthed expressions that I splattered all over your nice clean page. That's not how I normally talk, but you have got my friend Kellie spun into a tight little web of deceit and she believes in everything you say, because you manipulate those tiles to show her what she wants to see, even the KELL HAS PEACHY TITS infamous line of dribble .... I will not call it code, its mathematical proven dribble that anyone could write. I'm going to make sure the whoe world knows about you Ross. That could work two ways (a) you get more followers (b) some people might just snap back into reality. Either way, my only concern is for Kellie. Please accept that I mean you no harm, I only wisdh you'd see a doctor and get some medication or advice on how best to treat your delusions.

    15 hours ago · 

  • Neil Ashton What is reality Rob? Medication is toxic do you not know that? Psychiatry a scam.
    15 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Rob Crombie 
    I agree Neil, we too easily rush to the doctors for "medication" as remedy, when often that sympton can be cured by other means, even by power of the mind only, I'm sure you know what the placebo effect is all about. As for Psychiatry being a scam, I'd ahve to agree with you again on that one, for I have been involved with a few of them in my time and they use words that you speak to twist around and give an alternate meaning. Maybe I am being harsh when I say for Ross to get some medication. I should be saying for him to seek out a natural remedy, because anything else is toxic and I would not impose that on others

    15 hours ago · 

  • Neil Ashton If you agree that medication is toxic and that Psychiatry is a scam then saying Ross should seek out such help is not harsh but wrong. Is there anything else you would like to expose you on?
    14 hours ago · 

  • Kellie CosmicLove The REAL Neil is here to speak truth. Classic Ana! Don't you see boys? Your fighting with divine intellefence' Ana. Open you eyes.
    13 hours ago · 

  • Kellie CosmicLove Ana, I would like my computer back pls. The phone crap has to go!
    13 hours ago · 

  • Elaine Ross Kelly I doubt that Mr Crombie even noticed Kellie.
    He loves skipping over things he doesn't want to see.

    13 hours ago · 

  • Darren Sparey we found each other after fourty years, we found OUR SAFE PLACE !without words we looked into each other eyes nodded at each other and both knew striaght away truth and love! the only one medling in our relationship is Ross, you are MY LOVE kell and i yours,waiting for you with pure love and life XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO
    13 hours ago · 

  • Kellie CosmicLove Yeah, just a coincidence Ross. I mean God, how many coincidences have to smack you in the face before ppl see what's real.
    13 hours ago · 

  • Elaine Ross Kelly You'd think they'd all be pleased to know that God's in charge of everything, we'd be totally f@cked if she wasn't, Obama would be god of the world and we'd be sitting on a little ball hurtling around a sodding great nuclear bomb with nothing to feel good about.
    Yet they fear the thought of God's reality more than anything..go figure!

    13 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Kellie CosmicLove Aint that the truth! I'm glad the Kelly gang came my way to show me what's real even if you cant see that Darren.
    13 hours ago · 

  • Elaine Ross Kelly We live in a world where people die of hunger because a bunch of evil scam artists convinced everybody that money is real so that they could control us and people want to stay in this Hell. They attack the thing that has been sent to help them out of it because they are insane.
    13 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Elaine Ross Kelly The bible states that the truth will split brother from brother and father from son, and it does, boy and how.
    The splitting is by design and it's God's choice, there is a division happening and it's happening for a reason. I would not want to be on the other side of this, no sir, not for all the money in this satanic world.

    13 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Elaine Ross Kelly ‎..

    ONE L = LONE.

    13 hours ago · 

  • Kellie CosmicLove I second that motion.
    13 hours ago · 

  • Shirley Kobiela I reckon I'll set the trend and get the cheese grater out...
    13 hours ago ·  ·  2 people

  • Kellie CosmicLove I have never heard anything so funny in my life Shirley. I had tears of laughter rolling down my cheeks.
    12 hours ago · 

  • Shirley Kobiela you should have seen me trying to type it....
    12 hours ago · 

  • Shirley Kobiela fuck it Kel, they don't know what they're missing with Ana, I'd rather have her and the cheese grater than all the phoney bullshit - cracked the code, cracked a brain cell more like...
    12 hours ago · 

  • Kellie CosmicLove Well, people can continue to swim in the fishbowl of illusion. I'm taking Ana & my cheese grater and I'm going home. :)
    12 hours ago · 

  • Shirley Kobiela See... she knew it would catch on..'oh no'...Ross has brainwashed us into thinking we need to rub ourselves with a cheese grater - all praise the cheese grater, for it is holy...
    12 hours ago · 

  • Kellie CosmicLove The holy cheese grater is mightier than the brick wall.
    12 hours ago · 

  • Bruce Allen 
    For a group of people who "have the truth" there is a lot of anger and judgement going on here? I don't understand that? If Rob is so wrong and lost shouldn't you love him into the light? Kellie you mentioned something about the NWO and the sheeples inability to recognize. Yes it is annoying especially after spending 20 years learning the truth but I would never discredit one to his/her face? That would be like calling my son an idiot if he doesn't understand what I am trying to teach him. If he didn't understand it would be a reflection on me not him and I would find another avenue and never remove my love cover from him. There are too many people in this world who say they have the answer but persecute those that don't. The answer is love, God is love. LOVE!! does love ridicule? Does love judge? Does love cause hurt? This thread is one of the most upsetting things I've read for a long time. It has highlighted many things for me but the main thing is, "Where is the love" I think everyone here should put down their scrabble pieces and spend some meditation time with Ana/God. Look inside you hearts and clear your minds and God will speak to you. God is love people, the answer is love. Please stop hating and start loving, really loving we are all doomed without love. Please. Namaste

    11 hours ago ·  ·  2 people

  • Rob Crombie Well spoken Bruce, you hit the proverbial nail on the head.
    9 hours ago · 

  • Rob Crombie 
    QUESTION:- If this ANA CODE is supposed to be so special and/or pre-planned by ANA herself, then who are we, THE MERE MORTALS in this scenario to JUDGE WHAT IS TRUE CODE AND WHAT ISNT. My written Code uses the exact same 34 letters that Ross says is the IRON ROD KEY.... Yet I can produce written CODE which proves Ross kelly is not to be believed. Or do you people only see WHAT YOU WANT TO SEE, therefore WHAT YOU DO NOT LIKE IS INVALID.... How can it be invalid if it is written using this so called special code. Uri Gellar used to bend spoons, it appears I have been able to BEND THE IRON ROD KEY, but then you guys would not like that phrase, because it attacks what you all believe in to be "HOLY" or from GOD HIM/HER SELF. Seems like Bruce is the first person to address the situation, he's the only one trying to apply any real logic. I'm on attack, you guys retaliate in anger and mock or write words in an attempt to ridicule or de-value what I'm saying. Maybe you should take a good deep look at what Bruce is saying here.... lets try to find a solution and stop throwing BRICKS at each other..... OK Bruce... I'll be the first one to drop the name calling and from here all my comments will be respectful

    9 hours ago · 

  • Neil Ashton 
    Rob you are a liar. That is a statement of fact. Where is your love Rob? Have I retaliated in anger or have a stated facts and asked questions? You are saying nothing new Rob, why are you here? Bruce If this is the most upsetting thing you have read for a long time you must not have read anything for an awfully long time. Again I ask where is Rob's love? You talk about love for a son who dosen't understand, why?

    7 hours ago ·  ·  3 people

  • XEquals RDspared ANA is love,light and compassion.No one person has the truth, it is freely given,it can't be held or manipulated it is the same truth for everyone.Given unconditionally ,by the mind that is Ana .
    7 hours ago · 

  • Bruce Allen 
    It's the sadest thing I've read for a long time because here we have people who profess to truth and love, yet respond with slurs and name calling, again, where is the love here? The son thing was an example of how not to love,......... "That would be like calling my son an idiot if he doesn't understand what I am trying to teach him" in the same way that you name-call Rob. Try reading my post again, it should be self evident, if not I'd be more than happy to spend the time required in trying to explain it another way so you understand what I am trying to say.

    7 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Bruce Allen ‎@XE, yet her followers respond with such vitriol? Doesn't make sense bro. My god IS love which is why I am trying to be the oil on the water, it's what he/she/they would want. May you live in the light with love.
    7 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Elaine Ross Kelly 
    First I will address Bruce. Where is the love?
    Then I will expend a bit more of it in another 'vain' attempt to help you people understand what the code proves even though I know that for Rob at least it's a waste of time, I am no longer doing it for him but for other people that he may have succeeded in confusing (if they are somewhere near as dim as he is)
    You can't just take the code key and make it say what you want it to say, Rob tried that and it doesn't work.
    If you do as I have suggested to Rob several times and go back to the beginning and look at it all again with no prejudice (not that I can see how you could possibly do that) ...See what it is actually demonstrating. It's about related word combinations and the way it demonstrates over and over again that they are not random and that they are synchronised to real time and a continuous plan that is and has been happening for the same reason in the case of the Iron Rod key for the last 9 years.
    I don't know how much either of you have read about the subject that Dan Brown based his DaVinci code NOVEL on, the so called mystery of Rennes Le Chateau.
    If you have read about it in books like the holy blood and the holy grail and the Templar revelation you will know that the secret is somehow connected to tombstone and monument inscriptions and a code that French speaking people used in English. And that Sauniere tried to stop other people from seeing the inscription on a particular tombstone by chiselling away some of the letters on it. The reason he did that is that the French inscription on the phony grave was An Ana code key that works in English. There was also another stone on the grave bearing the Latin words Et In Arcadia Ego. Those words are on all the Ana code stones, even the Shugborough monument on the Lichfield estate grounds in Staffordshire.
    When I was first led directly to a completely independent discovery of the code in yr 2000 I discovered clues that taught me all the symbols in the code like TT as Pi for example. I discovered that the code called itself The II Ana code and that the two I's represent I God and I man, the two polar ego's and that the II symbolises God and man together.
    I did not know at the time that I had discovered the same secret that was hidden in Rennes Le Chateau. It was not until late 2002 after the key was complete that I was given a copy of the Templar revelation book in Villawood detention centre and looked at the words ET IN ARCADIA EGO. It's an ANA gram of GREAT II ANA CODE, that's why it was used as the marker to enable initiates who knew the code to find the keys on the tombstones. The code was kept secret prior to Sauniere's discovery of it because the Vatican ruled the world and it threatened them. So, what then about the Iron Rod Key, how does it demonstrate the tombstone inscription connection? By showing you this -


    Real Love is not a thing that tells a cripple that he has beautiful crutches, it is the thing that tries to take them away and in some cases the best way to do it is with a kick.

    You can stick your Namaste up your bum mate It's an affectation, I spent 4 years in India and I know what type of non Indian nerd uses it.
    Ooooh Namaste lets go meditate and be spiritual. Stupid people, what do you think real life is.

    7 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Elaine Ross Kelly We name call poor little wobby? Are you as blind as he is Bruce? Yeah, you are and the point Neil just made proves it. People are dying from mans lack of love all over the world in wars of greed and this is the saddest thing you have seen in a long time. What are you, a f@cking Ostrich?
    7 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Elaine Ross Kelly If Rob hasn't deleted all his embarrassing posts again Bruce you look back at them and see who really has the vitriol and stop living in your silly dreamland where everything is lovely, the Max Igan pretender type is who you should be with if that's what you want.
    7 hours ago ·  ·  2 people

  • Neil Ashton I know what you said Bruce and I know what you are getting at I want to see if you will tell me why you are using that analogy. I have not called Rob a names I have stated a fact that he is a liar. Bruce I feel that you are not all you seem.
    6 hours ago · 

  • Bruce Allen 
    ORIGIN via Hindi from Sanskrit namas ‘bowing’ + te ‘to you.’ I use it because I am a servant of my brothers and sisters. It's one of the things I learned while living in the village in Papua New Guinea (not the word Namaste but the concept of serving) It's widely know and understood unlike it's equivalent in Motu (the main language spoken in the village) Maybe "the saddest thing I've read for a while seems a little too much but when people who profess love but behave like this it saddens me as the only real solution is Love not just the professing of it. Your servant.

    6 hours ago · 

    6 hours ago · 

  • Neil Ashton Bruce you are not all you claim to be.
    6 hours ago · 

  • Kellie CosmicLove No Darren, it's got nothing to do with Ross and the code!! It's because you want to compromise love. Love is NOT consolation, it is light! Love light, Ana's.
    6 hours ago · 

  • Bruce Allen I used it because I was a single father and I loved my son. I made mistakes, sure, but I learned from them as best I could. I'm not entirely sure what you mean by why I used the analogy? I just thought it helped make my point is all. None of us are what we seem, we are what we are. I am Bruce, I live, I love I try to walk in the light. Sometimes I fall sometimes I run.
    6 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Bruce Allen Who am I neil?
    6 hours ago · 

  • Darren Sparey sorry babe i'm just a simple man that loves you unconditionally you thew down the gauntlet! why i still dont get it?
    6 hours ago · 

  • Bruce Allen Oop's sorry Neil, I'm in the middle of cooking tea and misread you last post I should have asked, what am I?
    6 hours ago · 

  • Kellie CosmicLove The are TWO polarities to love but that's very hard to see when the self rightious are up on their pedestool pointing fingers.
    6 hours ago · 

  • Elaine Ross Kelly Grow up Darren.
    The woman you are talking about is and always will be a dear friend of ours, she had a breakdown when we had to leave Australia after the immigration people arrested us. I didn't break you and Kellie up, you did.

    6 hours ago · 

  • Kellie CosmicLove You already walk in the light Bruce, there is no trying.
    6 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Elaine Ross Kelly Well said Kellie I was going to say the same thing myself. These people don't know what the real light is. There is no where else to walk but in the light. They invent a phony one in their'heads'.
    6 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Bruce Allen I will always try to be better Kellie. I was once not who I am today. I will tell you my story one day.
    6 hours ago · 

  • Darren Sparey twist and turn and spinn and weave, i have never know so much bullshit or in you case dog shit in all my life, you know what you have done ross!, no worries mate over and out!you evil evil man
    6 hours ago · 

  • Elaine Ross Kelly Why Bruce? Isn't what God made you good enough?
    6 hours ago · 

  • Elaine Ross Kelly Like I said Darren, GROW UP.
    6 hours ago · 

  • Kellie CosmicLove Yep, that's why I asked Bruce to explain the light he speaks of. That's all you ever did, was show me the real light. What a crime Ross.
    6 hours ago · 

  • Elaine Ross Kelly Yep, I showed you the "evil" sunlight Kellie
    6 hours ago · 

  • Bruce Allen No Ross, who I WAS was NOT good enough at all, I love who I am now and look forward to who I will be tomorrow.
    6 hours ago · 

  • Bruce Allen Kellie, I said I will explain what I meant by look inside for the light. I asked for a few days to find the WORDS to explain what I now KNOW, I gave you my number and told you my phone is on 24hrs a day. You can cal me anytime, as I said.
    6 hours ago · 

  • Elaine Ross Kelly Yeah, I'm sure you do Bruce, do you know what the bible says about the end time and lovers of themselves?

    Birds of a feather really do flock together!

    6 hours ago · 

  • Darren Sparey he showed you a excuse to blame your fucked up life on by telling you you have no choice, taking away all onus on youself, yeah feels good but not so, all you had to do was stop living in the past and enjoy our present and future, not your fault babe other peoples actions affect us to thats what we cant control, yes riddicle is realy helping with kell and i ross, just doing your work hey bud!
    6 hours ago · 

  • Kellie CosmicLove There is no inside, no physicality Bruce. You still havent questioned that have you?
    6 hours ago · 

  • Elaine Ross Kelly This is YOUR 'work' Darren -


    6 hours ago · 

  • Darren Sparey no worries cheers ross :)
    6 hours ago · 

  • Kellie CosmicLove No Darren, I had a light experience as a child that I never understood. Ross' information about the light gave meaning to that experience, and everything else that's happening in the world..
    6 hours ago · 

  • Bruce Allen you don't have love for who you are Ross?
    6 hours ago · 

  • Elaine Ross Kelly Well Kellie, why doesn't that surprise me!
    I love God Bruce not myself.

    6 hours ago · 

  • Bruce Allen If you say so Kellie but wouldn't you rather speak to me to find out?
    6 hours ago · 

  • Elaine Ross Kelly Anyone who really knew the truth Bruce, without exception, would not have said that they try to walk in the light.
    6 hours ago · 

  • Bruce Allen do what you will with my words Ross, it worries me not.
    5 hours ago · 

  • Elaine Ross Kelly Kellie may have had difficulties in her life Darren, who doesn't? But there was nothing "fucked up" about it, it was her real education, the one God gave her and it turned out to be a very very good one.
    5 hours ago · 

  • Darren Sparey do you know Kelly? have you held her hand and looked into her eyes ross?
    5 hours ago · 

  • Elaine Ross Kelly The truth is Darren that her understanding is way above yours Darren and that has very little to do with me. Most of the work with Kellie was already done before our paths crossed otherwise she would still be as ignorant as some of the other contributors to this marvellous thread.
    5 hours ago · 

  • Elaine McGuckin 
    I find it very weird when people profess themselves to be 'love' or that they can somehow generate love just because they use nice words and never get angry with others, that's called self control and it sucks of make believe. What do you make the 'love' with Bruce. No doubt you meditated and eventually felt relaxed and at peace with yourself. That is not love that is selfishness and a denial of reality, it's called hiding away and not taking any responsibility, that's a cop out. The only people on this thread if you read it carefully that have been abusive have been Rob and Darren the reason for that from their point of view is obvious, they are angry, that's what real people do when they are angry, it's normal.. they are not pretending to be something they are not. The only reason we continue with this thread is to help them understand something we already know to be true, the only thing that can actually in all reality generate love is God, love is not what you think it is, love only hurts when you are opposed to it. Darren wants to keep Kellie all to himself, Rob is trying to help him, not out of love out of fear of losing her. The poor me syndrome is a classic pit fall and sadly most of the people on this planet suffer from it terribly. Until we all learn the real truth it is practically impossible for people to be at peace with themselves never mind with each other.

    5 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Darren Sparey no!
    5 hours ago · 

  • Bruce Allen Anyone who truly knew knew the path would not say it was easy. I struggle, lie all people therefore I try. can you explain what good any of this rhetoric is doing anyone?
    5 hours ago · 

  • Elaine Ross Kelly No Bruce I can't, not to you, you wouldn't understand.
    5 hours ago · 

  • Elaine Ross Kelly If it didn't worry you you would not have written this -do what you will with my words Ross, it worries me not.
    And you would not be on this thread.

    5 hours ago · 

  • Kellie CosmicLove The only difficulty I had in life was understanding peoples ignorance. I caused self inflicted wounds on myself in that pain, which I no longer have.
    5 hours ago · 

  • Kellie CosmicLove That's what Ross did for me.
    5 hours ago · 

  • Bruce Allen Elaine, I am a village man, I go to war when I have to but words are not my weapon. Thats to easy. I have no problem getting angry but see no need to here as there is already enough of that . Meditation was not my path to where I am today experience was. Like everyone I've had my pain and loss like everyone.
    5 hours ago · 

  • Elaine McGuckin Who is being angry Bruce?
    5 hours ago · 

  • Elaine McGuckin Darren is angry, at the moment he thinks he's lost Kellie and it's that horrible Ross kelly's fault, Darren does not own Kellie, when you try to possess there will never be love only it's opposite. Ross is sitting here in our living room, he is no threat to Darren, he's not using words as a weapon, he is actually trying to help Darren understand something about love, what a bad man he is.
    5 hours ago · 

  • Darren Sparey did he put his hand on your heart and your hand on his heart to feel the truth as i have?you know true love babe, our love! OX
    5 hours ago · 

  • Bruce Allen Well Ross I guess I should go then if thats the case. I don't care because I love so, with love, good bye all and enjoy your experience. Feel free to discuss my many faults after I'm gone. Also feel free to join my page Project P.N.G.
    5 hours ago · 

  • Darren Sparey he's not doing much of a job there for someone so wise as he claims!
    5 hours ago · 

  • Elaine McGuckin You are so condescending
    5 hours ago · 

  • Darren Sparey Cheers Bruce thankyou for being true and honest much love
    5 hours ago · 

  • Elaine McGuckin Classic Darren, you'll be all right Bruce loves you.
    5 hours ago · 

  • Elaine McGuckin Bruce has gone to eat chicken mate.
    5 hours ago · 

  • Darren Sparey cheers elaine, thanks
    5 hours ago · 

  • Elaine McGuckin 
    Well for goodness sake, get real, there is good reason for all of this, Ana has put us all through the mill, it will eventually get you out of hell. We have all been there, but until everyone gets out we are stuck with the problem. Anyone who says they are happy with this life as it is has got to be lying, we are all in this together, if just one of us is stuck in hell we all are. Love is therefore the only answer but love has got to be equal.

    5 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Rob Crombie TOP MATH SCILL BUSTED INSANE IRON ROD KEY (not too hard to create code is it?)
    5 hours ago · 

  • Elaine McGuckin You are bloody stupid Rob, you didn't create the code as the code already existed.
    5 hours ago · 

  • Elaine Ross Kelly What's a scill, didn't you miss out the Y?
    5 hours ago · 

  • Elaine McGuckin What I mean is you are using the code duh!!
    5 hours ago · 

  • Rob Crombie NEISH MAN - IRON ROD KEY LOST CAUSE - 22/7 = 3.142
    5 hours ago · 

  • Elaine McGuckin TOP IRON ROD MATH KEY SCILL BUSTED INSANE. that would have to be you then.
    5 hours ago ·  ·  2 people

  • Elaine Ross Kelly You never listen to a word anybody tells you Rob do you?
    5 hours ago · 

  • Rob Crombie TAS MAN SPILLS ACID - BENT THE IRON ROD KEY (ACID is anagram of 3.141 according to Ross)
    5 hours ago · 

  • Elaine McGuckin What is NIESH?
    5 hours ago · 

  • Elaine McGuckin Ooops NEISH
    5 hours ago · 

  • Rob Crombie Wonders if any of you believers have tried using a calculator to divide 22 by 7 ... Go on.... punch the numbers into your PC calculator, see what answer you get.....
    5 hours ago · 

  • Elaine Ross Kelly The first three numbers of Pi as 22/7 are 3.14. IT'S AN APPROXIMATION (see wikipedia) the more accurate ratio is the one the code is configured to. I thought you said you knew all about Pi Rob.
    5 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Elaine Ross Kelly There you go making a tit of yourself again.
    5 hours ago · 

  • Rob Crombie NEISH...check it out on line dictionary, means (belongs to Scotland, or cottish))
    5 hours ago · 

  • Elaine Ross Kelly I don't belong to Scotland Rob I am not Scottish.
    5 hours ago · 

  • Elaine Ross Kelly I notice that you said nothing about the Rennes Le Chateau comment, I suppose you didn't read it.
    5 hours ago · 

  • Rob Crombie The approximation used is 3.142 (to 3 decimal places), but as 22/7 is in itself an approximation, then even the written 3.142 is only an approximation, as is your 17 decimal places from which your code originates, yeah, I know about Pi, just wondered if any of you have punched in 22/7 on your calculators to see a different result, Pi can be written in so many different ways
    5 hours ago · 

  • Julia DeLap 
    Hi I make this comment unbiasedly. If Ana creates all, then Ana led Rob here for a reason. Instead of what appears to be fighting him. Why don't people who are proficient with the code ask Ana to give Rob/the rest of members watching the conv, some proof via the code. An unshakeable prediction, something personal to Rob that couldn't be known? This isn't a dig, it's just a logical response to what has disintegrated into what appears to be unuseful to any of you. As a psychic and definitely a mere mortal I have provided plenty of evidence of information I couldn't know to people I read for. Therefore, if Ana created me and passed to me her evidence of her existence through readings/cards/ etc then she can also do this far more proficiently through the code. Someone here said they predicted a branch falling somewhere or somethng. Let Ana/the code prove itself to Rob. From what I see he is a man who is asking for proof, but as yet not been given any which he can relate to. I could be wrong, so please excuse me Rob for paraphrasing an opinion you may not have, I'm human. Just my opinion but to me an opportunity is being missed. (Btw, in case anyone starts abusing me about being psychic and their non-belief in such things - I have had concrete evidence of that skill, so please don't bother going there). I ask that replies please stick to the point of my comment. New and relevant proof is needed here. The code surely proves that faith alone is not needed for this :)

    5 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Rob Crombie Its a reference point to your OBAN fishing venture, remember, one foot on Scottish soil, one in the water farming muscles, that's close enough, you make heaps of approximations and interpretations
    5 hours ago · 

  • Elaine Ross Kelly π = 3.1415926535897932
    5 hours ago · 

  • Elaine Ross Kelly Doing something in Scotland does not make me Scottish but interestingly your family is, or so you say.
    5 hours ago · 

  • Rob Crombie SCILL = SKILL using your phonetics to squeeze extra words into your pathetic your Iron Rod Key is....the Y was used in KEY,
    4 hours ago · 

  • Rob Crombie ‎3 generations back, maybe more
    4 hours ago · 

  • Elaine Ross Kelly New proof is not needed Julia there's plenty proof already, I can't help it if you can't see it.
    Nobody here is fighting Rob Julia, it's the other way round.

    4 hours ago · 

  • XEquals RDspared Rob certainly has a fight on his hands ,taking on Ana..........
    4 hours ago · 

  • Julia DeLap I've asked for a prediction from Ana for this argument - at the moment it probably means nothing and I'm not proficient in using this code, but .... - "I 4cast now both hiker later"
    4 hours ago · 

  • Elaine Ross Kelly 
    ‎22/7 - 3.14285714286 Note the first three numbers, what was your point?

    The code line -

    BIAS TO No PI 3.1415926535 ARCHIMEDES 22/7

    numbers PI both ways and names Archimedes as the 22/7 man and Julia wants more proof. What do you peop[le have for brains?

    4 hours ago · 

  • Julia DeLap To me, with non-understanding of this code - this says I'm ready to make a prediction now and you'll both get on board with this later...but I leave it to greater minds than mine to interpret correctly :)
    4 hours ago · 

  • XEquals RDspared For Rob it seems to be always back to square one ....he definitely needs to go back to the basics of all this , system restore.
    4 hours ago · 

  • Elaine Ross Kelly No silly, I meant shoudn't it have said (phonetically) Scilly? like your attempt at disproving the code.
    If you had listened before you would know that there is an anti code in the code designed just for people like you, there has to be because Ana is equally fair to all. Ana is bipolar, reality is bipolar so is the code.

    4 hours ago · 

  • Elaine Ross Kelly But you can't use the code to disprove the code because if you are saying that there is no code how could anything you show us have any meaning?
    4 hours ago · 

  • Elaine Ross Kelly Rob doesn't have to go back to square one, he never even got to square one and probably never will.
    4 hours ago · 

  • Kellie CosmicLove Duh!!
    4 hours ago · 

  • Elaine Ross Kelly Duh! Duh! more like, at the moment anyway, the other two Duh's have disappeared.
    4 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Julia DeLap 
    I'm not fighting anyone. I'm just joining in the experience, because as yet the bit I am really missing and not understanding is that regardless of this code the worlds still going to hell and I don't see any improvements or changes. As I'm on this horse-driven-carriage to hell I'm entitled to ask questions, whether I've any brains or not. So far, please excuse the metaphor, but the way it's being explained is Ana is playing a virtual reality game and we're all nearing the 'GAME OVER' sign. Apart from that and a proof of her existence [for some], what else is the code about? I'm just asking the question without the honey - as you asked. Because whether Ana gives us code or not - if those in charge do fuck all about it, we're all fucked anyway. For info: I and other psychic's have been given that information already! It's called THE CHAOS and it's coming regardless of what them in charge do or not. So again, I come back to my main question - what is it that Ana wants us to do? And yes, I'd like some proof of that, if that's not too difficult a question.

    4 hours ago · 

  • Darren Sparey 
    I never tried to own kelly elain we loved each other mutualy without word or bullshit! you know the stuff i'm takling about you obviously love your man!thats all, done the best i could to make her happy with all i know!so thats my crime? so...See more

    4 hours ago · 

  • Rob Crombie no need to worry .... ross, you can keep your silly code and your believers can still follow your stupid coded notations and interpretations, good luck with all that... kellie is locked in, so no need to hang around, she's going to be in there for some time it seems. If she feels like getting some fresh air, I'll be here for her.... peace to all
    4 hours ago · 

  • Elaine Ross Kelly 
    Those in charge as you call them (even though they are not really) knew the code secret before I did, it trained MI6 BEFORE 1996 so that they were prepared for what happened then and understood it, those guys were shit hot on the use of synchronicity. There were two factions in their people, some probably gave their lives by exposing themselves to the others in order to help.
    They know the code is real and they know that God selected me to show them the warning, they were the first to know about the writing on the wall, they took me to see it.
    As you rightly say Julia if they don't change this part of the story is certainly fucked.
    But if it is fucked I am telling you (perhaps as a preparation to help deal with the shock) that not everyone will perish when the shit hits the fan. Time shift is the means by which the so called elect, those selected for practical reasons by God will be taken out of it in order to complete the eternal time circle. As the bible says "they will escape by means of smoothness, I can tell you from direct real experience that MI6 also know about, it is certainly smooth.

    4 hours ago · 

  • Julia DeLap 
    Thank you Ross, for some information I can get into. I can't get into bickering. I've been literally told 'Man will walk in the land he was born to'...which I've said before and been shown people being sucked off the earth by a mass of ugly blackness. If the tribes don't regroup, less people will survive than should. The chaos is coming regardless, human's will go on, yes. All agreed. BUT, what most people, who do care, who do understand the enormity of the situation we are all in,, want to know is what does 'Ana' want us to do about it? I'm not proficient enough with the code to gadge this question via the code. All I'm saying Ross, is you are, so can you ask Ana that question?

    4 hours ago · 

  • Elaine Ross Kelly 
    When they took me to the Gordon hospital where the writing was I had no Idea which part of London I was in. They did not try to hide who they were from me. Only recently did I look on Google earth to see how close that hospital is to MIG HQ in Vauxhall, it's a few minutes walk away. God put it in the nearest possible place to them that could be kept covered up because God is love, she gave them the option and they chose to hide it and make Kelly appear to be the nutter.
    You should try living with that one Rob.

    4 hours ago · 

  • Elaine Ross Kelly I am doing what Ana wants me to do about it and so are you, even Rob is although he doesn't know it. Ana has used you more than once in her 'doing about it' Julie.
    4 hours ago · 

  • Elaine Ross Kelly I have come up with a new 'nickname' for having a pain in the ass. A dose of the Crombies. You will know if this has succeeded when everyone who has a pain in the ass is saying it.
    4 hours ago · 

  • Elaine Ross Kelly NEISH = SHINE Rob.


    You were almost there.

    3 hours ago · 

  • Elaine Ross Kelly Remedy -


    3 hours ago · 

  • Elaine Ross Kelly MIG HQ in Vauxhall, should say MI6.
    2 hours ago · 

  • Elaine Ross Kelly ‎..

    2 hours ago · 

  • Elaine Ross Kelly ‎..


    about an hour ago · 

  • Elaine Ross Kelly 
    Here's a bigger one from the Renne's Le Chateau parchment -



    You try and make a coherent line out of that one, it has 45 letters and is still one of the small keys.

    about an hour ago · 

  • Elaine Ross Kelly ‎..


    This is one of the code's Hess took to Britain.

    about an hour ago · 

  • Elaine Ross Kelly This is what the Iron Rod key says about it -



    37 minutes ago · 

  • Elaine Ross Kelly Rennes key -


    22 minutes ago · 

  • Elaine Ross Kelly That's in the Rennes key on the day that I was prompted by my post about the Rennes mystery to look at it again after many months.

    Here's my 4th line of the Rennes Le Chateau key. Today before I looked at this ancient key and after many months of not doing so I told Rob about the ET IN ARCADIA EGO code being used as a marker for secret Ana code inscriptions on tombstones.


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