Synchronicity Wins

Sunday 24 July 2011

Crombie's folly.

This is a post from the Ana code group wall today. The code in the comments that follow it prove the truth.

Elaine McGuckin edited a doc.​7667/Ross-Kelly-Exposed

the above link is to a document Rob Crombie posted on Scribd.

He hasn't got one fact right in his introduction he claims exposes Ross. He hasn't got anything right concerning how the code was discovered and it's purpose, nor how it actually works

As for his attempt at using the code to support his insanity well that is just laughable on several fronts.
He has not grasped the language of the code and gives a bogus description of how it actually works and then he goes on to write screeds of bullshit with the very thing he claims to be insane..... Which is both hilarious and very sad at the same time….if one can get one’s head around how messed up that really is.

Anyone reading Rob's account of what he himself has misunderstood about everything Ross has written would of course have to agree......that would make them complete idiots also.

Rob seems to have his own agenda and sadly lacks the acumen to be a investigate journalist, unless of course he wanted to work for the bullshit Tabloids. They like their reporters to tell lies and distort information.

 For some reason Rob has misunderstood everything from the word go. The Catholic Church claimed it was the Virgin Mary that appeared to the children in Fatima
not Ross.
As a real solar event did happen in Fatima and was witnessed by thousands of people at the time in 1917 it would have to be obvious that something very real happened there.

Ross doesn't believe in Virgin Mary apparitions created by Vatican propaganda in an attempt to hide the truth about what really happened in Fatima. Perhaps the truth is Rob has deep rooted Catholic psychosis from his upbringing within that dogma and it's corrupted his ability to follow and comprehend simple logic.
Anyone wanting to know what Ross actually said about Fatima
need only read Ross' book to find out and it bears no resemblance to Rob's description.

when a mind cannot follow the actual facts contained within any given information they are hardly in a position to expose anything.
They only expose their own stupidity.
10 hours ago ·  ·  · 
    • Elaine McGuckin I should point out that in February 1996 when Ross was initially woken up by the solar experience given to him directly by God, he wasn't thinking about Fatima.
      If Rob Crombie had actually read Ross' book he would have known that. Fatima doesn't get mentioned until after the writing on the wall episode. That's a long way into the book and extremely relevant in the context of the whole account.
      Without reading the full account from beginning to end you could make a mockery of anything. Not very wise then to be the one who does the mocking.
      The truth is Rob hasn't got the patience to read the whole book to get his facts straight.
      12 hours ago ·  ·  2 people
    • Ross Kelly This has come up now because Shirley told me that Mike Goldman had posted the link to Crombie's nonsense on his wall.
      I just had a look and added this to the stream -

      Hi Mike. I am only going to make this one comment here and I am doing so because you gave me the right by posting Rob Crombie's totally erroneous gibberish as if it has some kind of actual merit.
      If you look at my profile picture (the same one that I've had for more than a year) you will see precisely the same 34 letters as those in the anagram below. They provide another proof for poor old befuddled Rob.
      The day that Anders committed the Oslo atrocities was Pi DAY (See wikipedia July 22nd).


      ...and if you look at my synchronicity wins blog you will see an incredible further proof that the code Crombie tried to mock while actually making a total tit of himself..IS REAL.

      Then I found this one -

      12 hours ago ·  ·  1 person
    • Ross Kelly Today is July 24th -

      12 hours ago ·  ·  3 people
    • Ross Kelly I should point out that prior to today I had never seen Rob's 'exposure article' yet today is the day the code uses to disprove it.
      12 hours ago · 
    • Ross Kelly ‎..

      11 hours ago ·  ·  2 people
    • Shirley Kobiela All day yesterday it was 24 everything, but I had to wait til the 24th to see why. Everything that Rob has done against the code only exposes him. How anyone can use the code to disprove it, is beyond me - he's a sneeky wee zombie alright.
      10 hours ago · 
    • Shirley Kobiela Rob was posting on the Ana wall on the 27th June the day after he made the scribd post -
      Rob Crombie - you never understood my initial motive neil, so your tainted mind sees me as a liar and you'll not let that go. I have told you all that I gave false info to Ross, a lie, to expose the truth as i saw it, that's all. I can put you in front of hundreds of people that will vouch for my integrity.

      And he talks of integrity...huh
      10 hours ago · 
    • Ross Kelly Here are some more numbers for Mike -

      ROSS TREATS MIKE BY PI CODE -3.14159265358.

      ROSS' PI No CODE 3.1415926 - LEARN BY THAT MIKE.
      10 hours ago · 
    • Shirley Kobiela he should, but will he ?
      10 hours ago · 
    • Shirley Kobiela​ley_kobiela
      Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site.
      10 hours ago ·  · 
    • Shirley Kobiela Just been shown this -
      9 hours ago ·  ·  2 people
    • Ross Kelly ‎..

      I AM A PI Nos HINT BY CODE LETTERS - 3.1415926.
      8 hours ago ·  ·  2 people
    • Shirley Kobiela And so she is, with a line like that you've just gotta see what the PI letters are and ANA-grammatically they say
      - SOL AND RK -
      LO. AND RK'S O - (blank O)
      8 hours ago · 
    • Ross Kelly ‎..

      3.14159 ..I AM A PI No BY A CODE, 6 LETTERS..THINK!
      8 hours ago ·  ·  2 people
    • Shirley Kobiela wow...are you posting this on Mikes wall ?
      8 hours ago · 
    • Ross Kelly No, not yet, I'll see how he responds first.
      8 hours ago · 
    • Shirley Kobiela ‎:) - maybe he's already reading it here ?
      8 hours ago · 
    • Ross Kelly The letters in the first of the two lines above also say -

      R.K'S No - 3.14.
      8 hours ago · 
    • Shirley Kobiela wow, so they do...that's just incredible - how does she do it..
      I AM A PI Nos HINT BY CODE LETTERS - 3.1415926
      I AM A PI Nos HINT BY CODE LETTERS - RK'S No - 3.14
      8 hours ago · 
    • Ross Kelly I don't know if you noticed but the post under it on Mike's wall is a TOI post. Goldman's just commented , I'll have a look....
      8 hours ago · 
    • Ross Kelly This is his comment -

      "Hello and goodbye, Ross."
      8 hours ago · 
    • Ross Kelly He blocked me! What a surprise....not!
      8 hours ago · 
    • Shirley Kobiela another bright spark in the land of darkness...
      8 hours ago · 
    • Shirley Kobiela I hadn't noticed the TOI post, but then I have just been complaining to Elaine about my eyesight these days...
      8 hours ago · 
    • Shirley Kobiela RK'S No - 3.14 - that is something to smile about
      8 hours ago · 
    • Shirley Kobiela I see that with a blank O those letters also say - DARK LOONS
      8 hours ago ·  ·  2 people
    • Elaine McGuckin Just copied this from his wall before he blocks Elaine too -


      Ross Kelly Hi Mike. I am only going to make this one comment here and I am doing so because you gave me the right by posting Rob Crombie's totally erroneous gibberish as if it has some kind of actual merit.
      If you look at my profile picture (the same one that I've had for more than a year) you will see precisely the same 34 letters as those in the anagram below. They provide another proof for poor old befuddled Rob.
      The day that Anders committed the Oslo atrocities was Pi DAY (See wikipedia July 22nd).


      ...and if you look at my synchronicity wins blog you will see an incredible further proof that the O code Crombie tried to mock while actually making a total tit of himself..IS REAL.
      After looking at the blog (for anyone who does) look at what's just below this post.

      Today is July 24th. It's the first day that I saw Crombie's nonsense.

      4 hours ago · Like · 1 person

      Ross Kelly OK, with my apology, one more -


      Check it out yourself, you know where my profile picture is.
      3 hours ago · Like

      Mike Goldman Hello and goodbye, Ross.
      17 minutes ago · Like
      Elaine McGuckin Ross got blocked for trying to help a man to see a profound thing.

      I AM A PI Nos HINT BY CODE LETTERS - 3.1415926.

      3.14159 ..I AM A PI No BY A CODE, 6 LETTERS..THINK!

      The letters in the Nos in the first of the two Pi No lines above also say -

      R.K'S No - 3.14.

      It doesn't say a lot for the university of Pittsburgh now does it but it does say a great deal about the nature of the truly ignorant.
      8 hours ago · 
    • Shirley Kobiela Oooh, you'll be blocked too Elaine, for pointing out the Pitt of ignorance.
      8 hours ago · 
    • Elaine McGuckin ‎......Hello and Goodbye..... so polite. Such a nice man.
      7 hours ago · 
    • Ross Kelly ‎..

      7 hours ago · 
    • Elaine McGuckin Too many years of indoctrination at the University.....I didn't get where I am today by listening to anyone else...I read all the books I was told too by my predecessors' and believed every word they told me....I am now a man with a degree and now think for myself.
      .....hello and goodbye.
      7 hours ago ·  ·  1 person
    • Elaine McGuckin There are degrees and diplomas all around but not many real masters of the GREAT ART.

      7 hours ago ·  ·  1 person
    • Ross Kelly Mike lives in LA -

      LA MIKE, ROSS TESTED O BY PI - 3.141592653589.
      5 hours ago · 
    • Ross Kelly As expected Mike blocked Elaine too. Somebody he hasn't blocked should let him see the line above, that's Pi to 12 decimal places from God to him.
      5 hours ago · 
    • Kellie CosmicLove Mike Goldman
      Love you, Kellie, but if your Pi friends keep posting to my wall I'll have to keep blocking them.
      4 hours ago

      All these people who pretend to love me but dont take the time to listen to anything I have to say. No doubt I'll be next in line for the Big FB Block.
      about an hour ago · 
    • Ross Kelly Well that's a bit cheeky isn't it, it's ok for him to post Rob's "Ross Kelly exposed" nonsense but not ok for Ross Kelly to post the proof that it's not true.
      about an hour ago · 
    • Kellie CosmicLove He didnt even give anyone a chance. Not surprised, I had a feeling Mike would react in this way. Another person who thinks they know everything. *sighs
      about an hour ago · 
    • Ross Kelly Still, he served Ana's purpose anyway.
      about an hour ago ·  ·  1 person
    • Kellie CosmicLove Kellie CosmicLove Mike, that really was not very fair at all. You used Rob Crombie's note to try and discredit the information but you dont give Ross the same respect to defend himself. What is that my friend? All my Pi friends have tried to do is show you something that you dont understand, so in your fear of not knowing what you are being shown you block them..? I'm sorry but I dont understand that. You say you're a smart person but you dont take the time to listen to what anyone has to say, that to me sounds like someone who thinks they already know eveything? Pls take the time to explore the information. These people have experienced something very real Mike. All the code lines you are being shown are all the same 34 letter/number sequence. You really should take the time to research the information.

      There are degrees and diplomas all around but not many real masters of the GREAT ART.


      Mike lives in LA -

      LA MIKE, ROSS TESTED O BY PI - 3.141592653589.

      "ARS MAGNA

      Before I continue demonstrating the great art I will show you something that may help the blind to get the point.

      In Latin ARS MAGNA means GREAT ART. The English word ANAGRAMS is an anagram of ARS MAGNA.

      In Greek ANAGRAM means different word.

      Obviously somebody once knew that the Great art is the use of the secret that is hidden in anagrams. The thing that nearly all people miss about this is that mankind did not determine what the anagrams of words titles and phrases are, they are predetermined by the mind that gave language to mankind.

      That mind is GOD the source of all language and all logic.

      The big secret that has been kept by the few (Including Da Vinci, Sauniere, Hitler, Hess and the British MoD) through the ages is that God synchronised some special word keys to time itself, in fact God synchronised the time story to the anagram keys and not the other way round.

      The code keys that Sauniere was led to discover were not coded by mankind, they do not contain secrets put there by other men who devised a secret code, they contain secrets put there by God to enable her to reveal the truth to the world in the end, or at least to some people in the world.

      They are one of the proofs of God's existence. Everything else is the other!

      There are men in corrupt places who do not want mankind to be set free of the slave mentality by the knowledge of that truth because by allowing it they would lose the ability to deceive men and control them by the use of falsehoods.

      When God arranged for the Latin ARS MAGNA to be the source of the English word ANAGRAMS it was part of her plan.

      It was not necessary for the Roman's who knew about the art to know this.

      The mind of God is not restricted to the use of one language, all languages belong to her, they all exist only by her knowledge of them, we could not know any words without them first being known by God the real author and typesetter of ALL the books.

      ET IN ARCADIA EGO is the Latin inscription used by initiates who knew the secret to mark the sites of disguised anagram keys hidden in the open on tombstones and monuments by those who rightly saw it as their task to pass on the keys.

      They knew that they were acting on God's behalf and that God already knew who would rediscover them.

      In English it says GREAT II ANA CODE.

      The II symbol also symbolised by the letter H is a tiny code that symbolises the link between I-God - and - I-Mankind. = 11



1 comment:

  1. I left these replies on the zombies post on Scribd - This was posted to me last night whilst on FB. WTF are you doing should be ashamed of yourself...your contact with the code started with a lie and ended with a lie, so Neil was absolutely correct about you. When you made your 'I am a man of integrity' quote, you had already done this. People can see what the code REALLY is here - -

    This was posted by Elaine, Ross' partner, on FB - Rob Crombie isn't just a Zombie He's a Complete Fool - -
