Synchronicity Wins

Wednesday 24 August 2011

Obama's Oban Herald. Anna lake trembles!

Updated Aug 24

Big 5.9 mag hit Washington on the 23 date.....shake rattle and roll.
Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly reported at 2:30 pm that their bureau received information from a producer saying that a Captiol Hill Police officer was saying the Washington Monument may actually be tilting as a result of the earthquake.

about an hour ago ·  ·  · 

    • Elaine McGuckin ‎'

      They had to evacuate the White House.....Oh Dear...

      2 hours ago · 

    • Elaine McGuckin Update 3:28 p.m. ET: The White House and adjacent buildings evacuated as a precaution following the earthquake have been given the all-clear, the U.S. Secret Service said. The FBI and Justice Department have also reopened evacuated buildings.
      An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 5.9 struck Tuesday afternoon near ...See more

      2 hours ago ·  ·  1 person · 

    • Elaine McGuckin Kor Blimey.
      2 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

    • Ross Kelly They will have been wondering if something was going to happen today, that's a certainty. They know who is in charge of the timing of the code links.
      2 hours ago ·  ·  3 people

    • Elaine McGuckin Yesterday was our old friend Glen's birthday, 22nd of August and it just so happened that there were 8 tremors felt in the Great Glen Fault in Scotland. The tremors were felt in an area called Lochailort just north west of Fort William.
      Glen always said his birth number was 8.....

      2 hours ago · 

    • Ross Kelly Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly reported at 2:30.

      News for the Lothian FOX.

      about an hour ago · 

    • Ross Kelly F O X = 6 6 6.
      about an hour ago · 

    • Elaine McGuckin I hope their big phalic symbol crashes to the ground before they can fix
      about an hour ago ·  ·  1 person

    • Ross Kelly Megyn Kelly = Kely, my Glen.
      about an hour ago ·  ·  1 person

    • Ross Kelly MY KELLY GEN.

      Gen -Informal the basic or general information about someone or something

      Ana's way of showing them why it was timed for today, a reminder...beware 23.

      about an hour ago ·  ·  1 person

    • Ross Kelly ‎...and the No2 3 +1.
      about an hour ago · 

    • Elaine McGuckin Update 3:22 p.m. ET: The North Anna nuclear power plant, located 20 miles from the epicenter, is shut down and in a safe condition, a company official and the Louisa County public information office report. There has been no release of nuclear material, Louisa County spokeswoman Amanda Reidelbach said.
      about an hour ago ·  ·  1 person

    • Ross Kelly ‎..


      The Washington Monument is an obelisk near the west end of the National Mall in Washington, D.C.


      The rot in Langly the Pentagon and the White house.

      North Anna Virginia, Anna lake epicentre.

      26 minutes ago · 

    • Kenneth Astar Triquetra Nadolny It is the Obelisk that represents the Masonic footprint in the Capitol WOW!
      23 minutes ago · 

    • Ross Kelly The biggest earthquake in Virginia since 1897, THE ANNA QUAKE.

      It's another nuclear reactor warning too.

      23 minutes ago · 

    • Ross Kelly ‎..


      21 minutes ago · 

    • Ross Kelly It's their ANNA 23 WARNING...and there's more to this space!
      17 minutes ago · 

    • Ross Kelly ‎..


      13 minutes ago · 

    • Ross Kelly ‎14 hours ago Elaine posted the CATHEDRAL link. Three pinnacles in the central tower of The Washington national Cathedral broke off in the quake -

      Elaine McGuckin CATHEDRAL = CAT HERALD
      14 hours ago · Like

      Elaine McGuckin Heralds were originally messengers sent by monarchs or noblemen to convey messages or proclamations.
      14 hours ago · Like · 1 person
      Ross Kelly ...

      And CAT is short for Catastrophe.
      14 hours ago · Like
      Ross Kelly ....CAT is also A 23.

      4 minutes ago · 

    • Ross Kelly The cathedral link was posted because of the BELL link to Oban Cathedral, this warning is another very big herald of OBAN.
      2 minutes ago · 

    • Ross Kelly FOR BARACK OBAMA.
      about a minute ago · 

  • Shirley Kobiela You know the quake happened at 1.51pm EST - The Ana bell, the lady of the lake, the timed nuclear/earthquake/catastrophe warning - I'm with you there Elaine, it's definitely time to bring down all the big phalic symbols, time to do away with all the dicks - we were waiting to see what the golf link was and now we know, it's Ana bringing down a really big dick by use of The Iron Rod. I just googled 'beware the 23' to see what comes up and this is the first link I opened because it links to Daniel - 8:23-25 to be precise - strange that it should be those numbers .....not...confirming further the Bell warning for Oban as those watching this will know but something that I cannot expand on further, as explained by Ross in Daniel Leinad's post " it is connected to a private matter that Brendan is currently caught up in" -
    The Prophecies of Daniel 8:23-25 by MaryHolloway Love on Saturday, July 30, 2011 at 6:47am KING JAMES VERSION   (23) And in the latter time of their kingdom…
Added Aug 24.

  • Ross Kelly Yesterday was a warning to Washington from Ana, DC has always been her code symbol for it..look -

    I PIN 23.8.2011 TREMOR BY O - ANNA LAKE - DC DIES.

    Their days are numbered.

    53 minutes ago ·  ·  3 people

  • Danielle Anstee Hope so Ross.
    51 minutes ago · 

  • Ross Kelly ‎..


    50 minutes ago ·  ·  2 people

  • Ross Kelly ‎..


    45 minutes ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Ross Kelly For Brett the halfwit -


    38 minutes ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Ross Kelly ‎..


    33 minutes ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Ross Kelly 


    Lake Anna - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    ...See more

    17 minutes ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Ross Kelly ‎..


    10 minutes ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Kellie CosmicLove I spy with my little eye something beginning with 'S' ........haha ya stooge!!...The 3 Stooges.

  • Ross Kelly For Brett the halfwit -


    4 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Ross Kelly ‎..


    4 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Ross Kelly ‎..


    Lake Anna - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    ... North Anna and Pamunkey Rivers to provide clean, fresh water to cool the nuclear power generating plants at the North Anna Nuclear Generating Station adjacent to the lake. By ...

    Now he's a spoilt Bratt. He didn't just get the lake to help him he got North Anna too. A very big hint for the mentally impoverished No2 3.

    Probably not big enough though DUH!

    4 hours ago ·  ·  3 people

  • Ross Kelly ‎..


    4 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Kellie CosmicLove I spy with my little eye something beginning with 'S' ........haha ya stooge!!...The 3 Stooges.
    3 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Ross Kelly The No2 3 stoolges.
    3 hours ago ·  ·  2 people

  • Elaine McGuckin The 3 pinnacles of of society.....
    3 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Danielle Anstee What are you guys on about?
    3 hours ago · 

  • Elaine McGuckin We're having a laugh about Brett, Simon and
    3 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Elaine McGuckin They are representative of how most people think about life...and the number 23 synchronicity proves that.......the three pinnacles crumbled on the Cathedral in Washington during the timed earhquake.
    3 hours ago · 

  • Ross Kelly The great RBS collapse!
    3 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Danielle Anstee Oh... rightio then. I'm more worried about the so-called power posse of the world.
    3 hours ago · 

  • Ross Kelly Do you not know about the number two three Danielle?
    3 hours ago · 

  • Danielle Anstee No and I've stated that before. All you said was "sigh" lol
    3 hours ago · 

  • Ross Kelly Read the Julia Delap post.
    3 hours ago · 

  • Elaine McGuckin It's all part of the same understanding.....negative is negative by using the 3 representatives on the small scale it gives the same meaning to how they think further up the chain of commmand. It will not be lost on the intelligence people who follow the code very closely too. It's all timed by Ana.
    3 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Elaine McGuckin The Royal Bank of Scotland RBS has had a very bad few years. This year so far being the worst.

    3 hours ago ·  · 

  • Elaine McGuckin The multi - faceted nature of the code information requires a lot of thought, it is never just about one subject and almost always about the bigger picture. The real global problem.
    3 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Danielle Anstee Okay, I just read the link Ross posted and Elaines thing on 23. I noticed that you predicted something on the 23rd of September coz it was someones birthday they announced. That in particular stood out for me because I saw the 5 days in Varkala for the first time on 22/7, which was a big day as it was my new sons first cardiologist appointment. His second and next appointment is the 23rd of September, which is also a date I'm hanging out for.
    3 hours ago · 

  • Elaine McGuckin In fact the last 3 years for RBS and all the other major banks in this country have been very bad....since the collapse of Lehman Brothers in 2008 which the code also timed back then the global economy has continued to crash. Where it's orchestrated or not it is surely happening.
    Read the Benazir Bhutto links on
    The proof of the reality of God and the great secret that is being kept from you by the Western Governments

    3 hours ago ·  · 

  • Elaine McGuckin ‎23rd of September?....23rd of August yesterday was our daughter Cate's birthday....don't know anyone's on the 23rd of September.
    3 hours ago · 

  • Ross Kelly Look Danielle, even our little Wop and Wog comments happened for a reason, to send this message to the No2 3 -



    verb British
    to tell tales, inform on someone. The origin of this 1990s playground usage is obscure.

    3 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Danielle Anstee This is from the thread on the link Elaine: I pointed it out to the New Zealander and told him that it indicated that another connection to 23 was going to occur. At that point another man who called himself PC arrived and a few minutes later he announced that his birthday is 23rd September.

    3 hours ago · 

  • Elaine McGuckin That happened in Dehli in was just another 23 link to the synchronicity that happened then.
    3 hours ago · 

  • Elaine McGuckin If you look at news items from that time you will see that it was all linked to the bank crash at that time. That was what happened on that 23 date...
    2 hours ago · 

  • Danielle Anstee I see.
    2 hours ago · 

  • Ross Kelly We had been warning about the 15th of September for 9 months, a week or 3 or maybe 3 before the day came the code said there would be a Wall st bank crash.
    2 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Rob Luobikis At the moment of his assassination, Caesar was stabbed 23 times.

    The circulation of the blood through all the human body takes 23 seconds.

    The number of articulation in the human arm is 23.

    The 23 axioms of the geometry of Euclid.

    The 23 days of the "physical" cycle in the biorhythm.

    The ovule and the spermatozoon are composed both of 23 chromosomes.

    2 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Rob Luobikis Washington starts with the letter "W" which is the 23rd letter in the

    2 hours ago · 

  • Elaine McGuckin Ana's Math is indeed mind boggling.....we are but children in infant school by comparison to the knowledge that is God's.
    2 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Rob Luobikis Nissan is a brand of Japanese cars. In Japanese, "ni" is 2, and "san" is 3. So Nissan would be 23.
    2 hours ago · 

  • Ross Kelly And on Aug 4 this year at the start of the links to 23 this happened, another timed bank crash, prior to this I had shown Gough Pi code links that identify the fact that the first 6 numbers of pi add up to the prime N0 23. -

    Ross Kelly
    This is the next post that was put on his wall by Andrew Gough, it's right above mine -

    Andrew Gough
    I just saw a man in London’s financial district in a pinstripe suite and carrying a brief case only his trousers were actually shorts and cutwell above the knee. I had to look twice to make sure that it was not John Cleese. He was dead serious looking lol

    This is why Ana had Andrew see that man today -


    The Pi sequence adds up to 23...a prime number.

    Here's the proof that the prime number link to the Pi sequence was intentionally designed. The O code lines Ross posted identify Ana the coder as God. O is the code's symbol for it'self (the dictionary definition of O is A cipher)

    ANA'S O LINKS 3.14159 TO ID THE PRIME No 23 BY.
    51 minutes ago · Unlike · 2 people

    Kellie CosmicLove London shorts test Pi to link a prime number. Freak me out she is so amazingly incredible!!
    41 minutes ago · Like

    Ross Kelly ..

    ANA LINKED TO PRIME No 23 (3.14159) BY SHORTS.

    TEST 'A' BY SHORTS IN LONDON, 3.14159, PRIME 23.

    Andrew Gough saw the man in the pin stripe SHORTS in the financial area of London on the day of the biggest stock crash since the Lehman Bros scam in 2008.


    Market misery as shares crash further
    EXPERTS call for calm as another £40billion is wiped from stock market today
    EXPERTS call for calm as another £40billion is wiped from stock market today

    2 hours ago ·  ·  1 person · 

  • Ross Kelly The recent links to Brad Pitt indicate that there is going to be another one.
    2 hours ago · 

  • Elaine McGuckin Nissan meaning and name origin

    Nissan \n(is)-san\ as a boy's name is pronounced nee-SAN. It is of Hebrew origin, and the meaning of Nissan is "miracle".

    2 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Ross Kelly The links to Gough and other clues indicated that the number 23 was going to be connected to something important, it was also the day that the argument with Brett started and a few days later the code identified him as one of the No2 3.

    The thing that happened yesterday and the code links to it show why Ana connected the three idiots to that because if they still don't get it now they are idiots indeed

    2 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Ross Kelly ‎!
    2 hours ago · 

  • Rob Luobikis Psalm 23 1: The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.
    2: He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.
    3: He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
    4: Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
    5: Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.
    6: Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.

    2 hours ago · 

  • Rob Luobikis It is a very interesting number indeed.
    2 hours ago · 

  • Ross Kelly It's prime!
    2 hours ago ·  ·  2 people

  • Ross Kelly ‎..


    2 hours ago · 

  • Ross Kelly ‎..


    2 hours ago · 

  • Danielle Anstee Do you reckon the circulation of blood through the human body takes 23 seconds for every person though? Or even when you are running compared with sitting still? I don't know but, I don't reckon it would.
    2 hours ago · 

  • Ross Kelly Shouldn't think so, Brett's probably takes half an hour.
    2 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Rob Luobikis pmsl. hahahaha!
    2 hours ago · 

  • Ross Kelly ‎..

    I ID 23 BY PRIME THEOS - 3.14159 - ANNA LAKE TOO.

    2 hours ago ·  ·  2 people

  • Ross Kelly ‎..

    ANNA LAKE = 1+5+5+1+ 3+1+2+5 = 23.

    2 hours ago ·  ·  3 people

  • Ross Kelly wOW!
    2 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Rob Luobikis ‎"American seismologists have been able to categorically confirm that the 5.9 Richter-Scale earthquake that recently rocked the Whitehouse was a genuine earthquate; and, NOT $14.6 trillion check bouncing!"
    2 hours ago · 

  • Danielle Anstee Once you acknowledge there is superior intelligence do you really need to worry about the code anymore? I mean if it is to prove to people she is real, does it matter once you've been proven to?
    2 hours ago · 

  • Ross Kelly My mind's still on this -

    I ID 23 BY PRIME THEOS - 3.14159 - ANNA LAKE TOO.

    ANNA LAKE = 1+5+5+1+ 3+1+2+5 = 23.

    Theos means God's word.

    2 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Ross Kelly It's Anna's plan Danielle, I'm sure she knows when enough's enough!
    2 hours ago · 

  • Danielle Anstee I meant for me personally that's all :)
    2 hours ago · 

  • Ross Kelly If that thing just above here doesn't blow you away you have not really got it yet.
    2 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Danielle Anstee It does in a way...the only thing is because it doesn't predict things before they happen it seems not that applicable to me, coz I already realise everything is planned. So it's function just seems to be to prove what I already know, if you get me. I can see why it is important for you to keep proving it to others though :)
    2 hours ago · 

  • Ross Kelly ‎..

    23 - ID THIS PRIME No BY 3.14159, ANNA LAKE TOO.

    2 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Ross Kelly Can you still not see that this is proving that it was predicted before it happened?
    about an hour ago · 

  • Danielle Anstee Yes but I mean the code wasn't deciphered to tell me that until after it!!
    about an hour ago · 

  • Ross Kelly It means that the prime No links to Andrew Gough on Aug 4 were set up then because on the 23rd Anna was going to cause an earthquake at ANNA LAKE so that this proof can be shown to you now.
    about an hour ago · 

  • Ross Kelly Does that matter? Why does that matter?
    about an hour ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Ross Kelly Can you not see that this is more clever than just prediction? This is designed to prove the intelligence behind it all is real, smarter than smart.
    about an hour ago · 

  • Danielle Anstee I get that. I'm not stupid lol To me it doesn't because every single thing is planned, I understand that there is intelligence. I don't need proof. So if I don't go on this page anymore that much please don't think I'm rude or against you, it's because I already know and it's part of the plan ♥
    about an hour ago · 

  • Ross Kelly This is from Aug 13 -

    The amazing links that that Elaine is pointing out led to Panda the cat and Jim Carrey. Recently the number 23 has kept showing it'self and I don't know why yet. Carrey starred in the film The number 23, it was all about synchronicity.

    about an hour ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Ross Kelly Do you know WHY Jim Carrey starred in the film The number 23
    about an hour ago · 

  • Rob Luobikis Because they offered him millions of $$$?
    about an hour ago · 

  • Danielle Anstee Yes I fucking know!! lol No, I don't know that.
    about an hour ago · 

  • Danielle Anstee I guess I'm supposed to find out though, so fire away me hearty.
    about an hour ago · 

  • Ross Kelly Because -

    23 - ID THIS PRIME No BY 3.14159, ANNA LAKE TOO.

    ANNA LAKE = 23. That's why.

    about an hour ago · 

  • Ross Kelly He just didn't know it at the time.
    about an hour ago · 

  • Rob Luobikis I like Jim. He seems like a pretty down to earth guy for a celebrity.
    about an hour ago · 

  • Danielle Anstee lmfao..okay I get it, everything happens in hollywood and elsewhere to prove the codes legitimacy. Understood.
    lol Rob... I agree.

    about an hour ago · 

  • Ross Kelly Yep, Brad Pitt just proved it again.
    about an hour ago · 

  • Ross Kelly ‎..

    PRIME No TO ID ANNA LAKE 23.8.2011 BY - 3.14159.

    about an hour ago · 

  • Danielle Anstee Technically speaking..I should have said everything that Ana leads you to link the code to happens to prove it's legitimacy.
    about an hour ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Ross Kelly Yes - EVERYTHING.
    about an hour ago · 

  • Ross Kelly Even Brett Simon and Rob....and you Danielle and your dreams.
    about an hour ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Ross Kelly Even the DOCS.
    about an hour ago · 

  • Danielle Anstee Yes... thank you Ana. I do understand.
    I've done my part :)

    about an hour ago · 

  • Ross Kelly You are still doing it.
    about an hour ago · 

  • Danielle Anstee Alright, alright. Fark....I can see it. I'm helping people to understand by quizzing and understanding. LMFAO!! Trippy shite.
    about an hour ago ·  ·  2 people

  • Ross Kelly Got it!
    about an hour ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Ross Kelly I'm still trying to figure out what the F in Fark stands for!
    about an hour ago · 

  • Ross Kelly ‎151 = ANA. It is or was the number of the international operator.
    about an hour ago · 

  • Danielle Anstee Fark is fuck I thought, only more polite. I'm slightly annoyed with Ana for making me get this, I'm lucky that by nature I don't hold a grudge. lol
    about an hour ago · 

  • Danielle Anstee or by Ana lol
    about an hour ago · 

  • Kellie CosmicLove F,f,f, fine ark. Sssssorry about the st, st, stutter.
    about an hour ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Ross Kelly No luck about it Danielle!
    about an hour ago · 

  • Danielle Anstee Wrong word. I'm still annoyed. You must get annoyed often that you look like a psycho though, so I don't feel all bad lmao
    about an hour ago · 

  • Ross Kelly Maybe Fark is Ana's way of saying "now youve been Farked by Ana and R.K Danielle!
    about an hour ago · 

  • Danielle Anstee LOL probably farkin arseholes lol
    about an hour ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Danielle Anstee Guess everyone else looks psycho from the flipside
    about an hour ago · 

  • Ross Kelly Yep. only this aint the flipside.
    about an hour ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Ross Kelly But I know what you meant, they do.
    about an hour ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Ross Kelly Because they are.
    about an hour ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Ross Kelly Brett and co are the severe cases, you never were.
    about an hour ago · 

  • Danielle Anstee phew..thank Ana for that!
    about an hour ago · 

  • Ross Kelly But now you've got a problem...everybody else!
    about an hour ago · 

  • Danielle Anstee Oh now I see why you aren't annoyed too...see still learning.
    Hmmm...oh well fark 'em ? i dunno.

    59 minutes ago · 

  • Ross Kelly That's what I 'm trying to do...Fark em!
    58 minutes ago · 

  • Ross Kelly Look at that..a far Kelly M!
    57 minutes ago · 

  • Ross Kelly ‎(THE SPACE IN THE i'M)
    57 minutes ago · 

  • Danielle Anstee You're a far? :/
    55 minutes ago · 

  • Ross Kelly I am,...welcome to the Farking club!
    54 minutes ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Danielle Anstee Hahaha!
    53 minutes ago · 

  • Kellie CosmicLove Faaaarking Faaark, not another one. :P
    52 minutes ago ·  ·  2 people

  • Ross Kelly The code - It's all just Farking words, Ana's Farking words!
    46 minutes ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Ross Kelly Brett's a crazy Farker.
    44 minutes ago · 

  • Danielle Anstee Indeed!
    41 minutes ago · 

  • Ross Kelly A yopfarker.
    41 minutes ago · 

  • Danielle Anstee lol
    41 minutes ago · 

  • Ross Kelly A kilted yopfarker.
    39 minutes ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Ross Kelly Maybe that's it! that yopfarker word must have been bugging Ana for all eternity, she had to create the story of time to get to the point where she could logically get it off her chest and now she's done it!
    31 minutes ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Ross Kelly Did you know that one meaning of Ana is 'a litterary gossip'?
    29 minutes ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Kellie CosmicLove LMAO! ... that's funny as! Gossip Girl.
    26 minutes ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Ross Kelly Well, she's all the word there is!
    25 minutes ago ·  ·  2 people

  • Kellie CosmicLove Ana the information specialist, for all your gossip needs.
    22 minutes ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Danielle Anstee 
    You know I was a bit put off by the kilted yopfarker with all this...just a bout the suicide cult thing. I didn't think you were one...ever. I was more thinking what if he is part of these elite dudes and he is setting you and everyone

    21 minutes ago · 

  • Danielle Anstee lol..the international operator
    21 minutes ago · 

  • Danielle Anstee That last comment was to Kellies comment btw
    17 minutes ago · 

  • Ross Kelly Quite right Danielle, although I know that Brett has no idea what he's doing that thought will have occurred to the 'higher' opposition, Brett is being governed by the negative polarity and while it is the case that he's not at all clever "Satan" is. That's why he could be used that way.
    You are also correct in your final point about it. All of this had already occurred to me.

    16 minutes ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Ross Kelly Which is why it was important that he was proven to be an obvious idiot.
    15 minutes ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Danielle Anstee Oh good so I wasn't the only one to think it. Yer I realise he had no clue now.
    14 minutes ago · 

  • Danielle Anstee I must get some sleep now. Night all x
    13 minutes ago · 

  • Kellie CosmicLove Night Danielle.
    11 minutes ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Ross Kelly Good night.


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