Synchronicity Wins

Saturday 17 September 2011

Californian red.
As the reader of this modest publication will soon discover, every important thing has it's time just as every person who ever lives has their purpose, though many never know what it is.

 ·  ·  · Thursday at 23:04

    • Cari Jane Shagena Long, but interesting..I'll have to read more of it later, as I don't have enought time right now. What I've skimmed through is pretty interesting...
      Yesterday at 02:14 ·  ·  1 person

    • Ross Kelly As the author of the book I advise you not to skim through it...just a friendly hint.
      Yesterday at 16:48 ·  ·  1 person

    • What's the Truth? Cari... read 1 chapter at a time... Thats my motto and I ended up leaving it at the end of chapter three lol
      23 hours ago · 

    • Cari Jane Shagena I just didn't have time to read the entire thing..I probably will soon :) Once this headache goes away..
      23 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

    • What's the Truth? Yeah xxx save it in your favourites xxx
      23 hours ago · 

    • Ross Kelly You won't regret it it gets VERY interesting.
      It's 15 years since that part of it happened and it keeps Elaine and I and Shirley and Richard at it every day, you'll understand why when you grasp the main points of the 'story'.

      23 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

    • Alan Perrins hi ross, this might be a silly question but... i watched your video, is there more info in the books that need to be considered?
      22 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

    • Ross Kelly It's not about us and it's not about a little thing.
      22 hours ago · 

    • Ross Kelly Yes Alan, there is, particularly the first one. Something to do with time that (funnily enough) there was not time to mention in the unexpected film. I didn't know that film was going to happen until Alexis turned up with limited time and told me he knew he had to make it.
      22 hours ago · 

    • Alan Perrins cheers,
      22 hours ago · 

    • Ross Kelly It's to people like you that my cheers are aimed. Thanks.
      22 hours ago · 

    • Ross Kelly Seriously, it would be too hard if some people weren't getting it.
      22 hours ago · 

    • Ross Kelly The really great thing in that regard is that some people really are.
      22 hours ago · 

    • Alan Perrins yes, to be honest i have posted your video to quite a few people and everyone is "in shock" at the info. normally everyone has an opinion on everything i share but this has caused quite a stir! my only negative thought about your massage is that it comes from our creators, the annunaki? not the ultimate creator God with a capital G. i struggle with the thought that God would bother with our reality in the finer detail. we chose to come here and experience this life, in this time so why intervine? the god of the bible shows so many human characteristics that i find it hard to believe he is the ultimate creator. why is the god of the bible so jelous, sadistic etc.. sorry if i sound negative, just trying to find the truth / answers etc..
      21 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

    • Ross Kelly Please consider this possibility as gently as you can, maybe you have been misled by people with ego problems.
      With regard to the God of the bible please read my latest post on this wall, it's well timed!

      21 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

    • Ross Kelly God's gender.
      21 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

    • Alan Perrins this wall? dont get it?
      21 hours ago · 

    • Ross Kelly I posted this a few hours ago -

      Ross Kelly: The mind of God is bipolar, the knowledge God has is both the knowledge of the meaning of good and of it's opposite. Gender is one way the bipolarity is expressed. It is a way that we are given to understand by. In this negative time period in which we are currently learning God has been overwhelmingly represented as masculine by the corrupt institutions that use that idea and other misconceptions to mislead and govern the 'masses' and to promote war and greed as the acceptable...

      21 hours ago ·  · 

    • Ross Kelly We didn't decide to come here Alan, that's misguided bullshit, wishful thinking from people who like to think they have some kind of power or's not the truth.
      21 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

    • Alan Perrins yes, i read it which i found quite funny as it was me that sent you a message before you posted that about the origins of the name ANNA. still dont get how this answers my question. you may need to be more direct if you have the time.
      21 hours ago · 

    • Alan Perrins mmm, so i am a slave in body and a slave in spirit?
      21 hours ago · 

    • What's the Truth? I agree, i had two flash backs where I was in my early 20's... the first was where i was in spirit and I was resisting along the lines of "I do not want to be born through that women" lol x no bulshit. I therefore, believe we did not chose to be here. The second flashback was to being in my Mothers womb where i "woke up" and felt afraid because i could hear my parents arguing and wanted to "sleep, sleep, sleep". Bizarre I know x
      21 hours ago · 

    • Ross Kelly No Alan, you are not a slave, you are a gift, and without that gift you would not know anything....take your time to understand. What do you think the code is being supplied to prove?

      We all like to watch a good film from beginning to end don't we? While we watch them we don't consider the fact that the whole film was already in the can before we started watching it....but if it wasn't there would be no film to watch, there would be no enjoyment, no understanding that the film might convey.

      Would you rather have the film or no film at all? Because if it wasn't already in the can....

      21 hours ago · 

    • Alan Perrins we do chosse to come here, but when we actually get here we may get cold feet. has that not eVer happened to you WTT?
      21 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

    • Ross Kelly I am not going to argue with you Alan.
      21 hours ago · 

    • Alan Perrins DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVE HERE, did dolly the sheep think this way. yes a human created her but is that human God? i dont think so.
      21 hours ago · 

    • Alan Perrins i do not want to argue, i didnt think we were. i thought we were sharing opinions? trying to help each other get to the truth?
      21 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

    • Alan Perrins have you read the Sumarian texts? shows a whole new light on the bible and the god, or i should say gods, of the bible.. just sharing...
      21 hours ago · 

    • Ross Kelly I don't need any help to get to the truth. Shit mate, I was used by it to ram it in the face of the governments, fuck the Sumerian texts, this really happened recently in real time in the real world.
      21 hours ago · 

    • Ross Kelly Do you really think a human created Dolly the sheep? Really?

      You have more to understand Allan. I know nobody likes to be told such a thing but it's the truth, you do.

      Maybe reading that book will help you with that, I hope it does.

      21 hours ago · 

    • Alan Perrins i think a man created dolly the sheep in exactly the same way as the annunaki created homo sapiens. im just reading from the history books from sumaria, which is where the old testement comes from in its un edited version. the bible as far as i am concerned is edited by humans from there on in unless i find any evidence to disprove this theory. just sharing!
      20 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

    • Ross Kelly God writes everything...but there are two sides to God, an equal opportunities chess game with two winners...but you would not want to share in one of the prizes.
      20 hours ago · 

    • Ross Kelly 
      Ok Alan, 15 years is plenty of time to get tired of the same old questions. Really, it is. I have provided all the information required to answer them and told you where to find it. Read the book or don't read the book, it's not between you and me it's between you and Dolly the sheep's real creator. When you understand why she is that you will start to understand. If you dislike me for saying so, that's not my problem.

      20 hours ago · 

    • Alan Perrins sorry Ross, im not good at riddles. what prize? dont get me wrong, i belive in God just as vigourously as you, just not the god of the bible. he is far too human...
      20 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

    • Ross Kelly Sounds to me that you have been sucked in to the worst part of David Icke, Max Igan and Bill Ryan.

      The truth may not be what you want it to be and beware of the people who try to 'sell'you that, doing so makes them popular....just a friendly hint.

      20 hours ago · 

    • Alan Perrins i dont dislike you at all, i think your imformation is astounding, to say the least. im just sharing an opinion. i have no doubt at all about your sincerity, none whatsoever.. peace and love and ENLIGHTENMENT.
      20 hours ago · 

    • Ross Kelly Look, all I am saying is if you really want to understand the way it actually is please take your time to do so and use the short cut's I have been fortunate to be able to provide.I'm tired and I hope 'my' work is already done. There may be one more thing to come and if there is you will know that it wasn't me that did it...just remember Oban and the number 23.
      20 hours ago · 

    • Alan Perrins No icke, igan or ryan, just historical documets just like the bible only way before the bible and its human editors..
      20 hours ago · 

    • Ross Kelly And the Canary islands.
      20 hours ago · 

    • Alan Perrins i will read you books and am looking foirward to it, good night and God bless Ross.
      20 hours ago · 

    • Ross Kelly Take my book as the historical document that matters now, it's all in the bible.
      20 hours ago · 

    • Ross Kelly Stop talking and start
      20 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

    • Ross Kelly This is one thing that has been recorded as a statement made by the ancient Sumarians - The Sun is the fountain head of divine mind pouring light into it's own abode"

      And so it is but you can't actually know that until you are actually in reality directly shown it. One day you may be, that is my hope but I'm not the boss of that I am just her go between.

      20 hours ago · 

    • Ross Kelly I'm just the mug who sought the truth and found what was already here.
      20 hours ago · 

    • Alan Perrins ive taken you advice, shut up, and am now reading. (good advice)
      11 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

    • Ross Kelly 
      I just took a look at your name in the O code for the first time

      It says this -


      There is one inverted symbol in that line (T inverted = I)

      That should help you to see that God is much closer and much more involved in your life than you think.

      11 hours ago · 

    • Alan Perrins NO PRESSURE THEN!
      11 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

    • Ross Kelly TT is the code symbol for Pi. The code it'self is Ana's Pi code because it is based on Pi maths.


      (no inverted symbols)

      11 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

    • Ross Kelly You are the first person today that has spoken to me on FB.
      11 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

    • Alan Perrins i am not sure what this means but i have something funny to share with you. after watching your video yesterday i was driving along the A1 thinking about its implications. i asked out loud that if this was all true then give me a sign, the next sign i passed was a tourist sign that said follow the "rose." this was a rose sign for english heritage! life is strange...
      10 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

    • Ross Kelly It's all set up Alan, that didn't happen by chance.
      10 hours ago · 

    • Ross Kelly The A1!
      10 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

    • Alan Perrins what does the above MY 17.92011 TT CODE LINKED TO ALAN PERRINS mean. sorry, once i have read the books it will be clearer i guess,
      10 hours ago · 

    • Alan Perrins A1 yes?
      10 hours ago · 

    • Ross Kelly Ana's code is timing this link to you is what it means.

      The symbol for Ana in the code is A and it is number1.

      she has a great sense of humour.

      10 hours ago · 

    • Ross Kelly You asked for a sign and she literally gave you a SIGN.

      It was Ana that planned your journey and timed your asking for the sign.

      10 hours ago · 

    • Ross Kelly ‎..


      10 hours ago · 

    • Ross Kelly Today is my birthday and you are today's link in the code -


      10 hours ago · 

    • Ross Kelly ‎..


      10 hours ago · 

    • Alan Perrins happy birthday! im reading, im reading!
      9 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

    • Inci Samiye Hamit 
      Brilliant..very good to see something that really is. I was reading this thread last night what an interesting development, only she could have known it as it is your name that fits in with the code line and relevant to what is happening now Alan that is why you are on FB today on Ross's birthday. It means she planned it to have been so. It certainly helps break the monotony, isolation. A1 and follow the Rose - this is it :-)

      8 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

    • Inci Samiye Hamit Monotony for me that is as how can we all really share and enjoy the true wonder of life when most have forgotten it? So thank God for these threads in such a negative time. It is a sound reminder that it is all in hand and she already succeeded otherwise it would not be happening now. A real living beautiful intelligence.
      8 hours ago · 

    • Ross Kelly ‎..


      6 hours ago · 

    • Ross Kelly Today is also my son Ben's birthday, here the code uses Inci's name as the link to time both of us. She is the only other person that has made a connection today -


      4 hours ago · 

    • Ross Kelly ‎..


      I have a glass of it in front of me right now.

      4 hours ago · 

    • Ross Kelly As Inci can tell you, Ana is obviously having me drink it for Alan's benefit, so that he can see it in the code and....the code in it, it's my usual tipple..


      3 hours ago ·  ·  2 people

    • Inci Samiye Hamit Nice and a kiss fae me. Just got back from walking in the park and in this order we met: a dog called Anouk, a dog called Rocksy, a coach then drove by us with a big picture of a Roman Gladiator helmet and a picture of the Colaseum on it along with the word Colaseum too then by the lake we saw another coach with the words 'Loch and Glen's holidays' on it and ended with meeting another 2 dogs called ToTo and Max.
      3 hours ago · 

    • Inci Samiye Hamit Maybe when the Ana rocks hit the RC will crumble and ToTo and the likes of him then your work will be done and a well deserved holiday awaits or should I say rest? Who knows? Only she does. Interesting things to see anyway. Oh and we gave some bread to 2 swans among other ducks and sea gulls.
      3 hours ago · 

    • Inci Samiye Hamit Wow! I have just seen that code line with the last comment 27 minutes ago too.. Well it is true.. she is funny and its made me eye water.. must be the computer screen....
      3 hours ago · 

    • Ross Kelly RED FOR ALAN INCI is an anagram of CALIFORNIAN RED.
      3 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

    • Inci Samiye Hamit Where's the frying pan?! I think I need to have some of it. Amazing. How long has it been around? And it does say that.
      3 hours ago · 

    • Inci Samiye Hamit I'm just being warmed by some very amazing sun beams coming through the window.
      3 hours ago · 

    • Inci Samiye Hamit Maybe that anagram is why I always seem to have a thin red line on my PC screen. Alan in Turkish means taker or receiver. It is so clever.
      2 hours ago · 

    • Ross Kelly The article in that magazine that I told you about features the RKISH are going to be famous! ....relatively speaking.
      2 hours ago · 

    • Ross Kelly It's just other wine would have done...except the one she gave me.
      about an hour ago · 

    • Ross Kelly Us.

      (subtle hint)

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