Synchronicity Wins

Wednesday 14 September 2011

Questions and answers.

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    These questions and answers may help a few people to get a better grasp of the true nature of reality and the solution that allows it to be happening at all.

  • Julia DeLap I have never believed the Churches 'take' on it all. One who seeks power, is the one who should not really be in charge. I know that Ross has been described the end as basically the sun sucking everyone, but a few from the planet and sending them almost back in time. From your time of working with the code are there indications of where people should go/what people should do? Our destiny is effectively held ransom by those in charge. They are quite obviously building havens for themselves, whether they work or not is another matter, is there any signs of what ordinary people should do? This question isn't there to put anyone on the spot btw, just out of interest with a modicum of self-preservation thrown in lols. ;)
    Yesterday at 14:12 · 

  • Ross Kelly What I said about the end is that before the Sun becomes completely negative some people are going to be time shifted back to the original beginning of the story, they will be the first humans on Earth.

    You don't have to do anything other than what you are going to do anyway. It's God's selection not ours.

    Yesterday at 14:35 ·

  • Danielle Anstee Do you think the people who end up being time shifted would stay in the same place that they are when it happens and do you think they'd be "in" the same body?
    15 hours ago · 

  • Elaine McGuckin When we were shifted in 1996, it was time and place....we were still just us........a new body would be good though ..lols....

    I do know from the glimpses of perfection that Ana has given me that when the positive time begins everything will be very different and every mind will see the beauty of it all without any discomfort in their minds......there will be no grasping for meanings as everything you see will be perfectly understood......and I do mean everything.
    It does say in biblical prophecy that everything is renewed.....I take that to mean people in their bodies as they stand .....a new heavens and a new earth...and no reason to cry about this world descends further into madness and apparent chaos it will be a welcomed change...I wouldn't dwell too much on what it might be as none of us will really know until we're there..... (being 23 with wisdom and real knowledge attached sounds good to me....only joking..... but I know that too is possible)....♥

    8 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Elaine McGuckin In order for the time circle to be complete we need to be alive with our eyes open.....the light has to keep's in the seeing of it that makes it so....if there are no eyes to see it then there is no light and no life.
    8 hours ago ·  ·  2 people

  • Danielle Anstee I just wondered because of all the theories in mainstream and even many alternative science ones about human evolution. Pairing that with the reality of perception made me think about that. Thanks for shedding some light on it.
    7 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Elaine McGuckin Evolution will only ever be a theory, nothing can evolve as it is all as God would have it acts as the negative counter balance in this time of ignorance when people don't know the truth.
    6 hours ago ·  ·  2 people

  • Danielle Anstee How does the time thing work? I mean, how long do you think roughly that it's been since the beginning?...and it's happened before hey?
    4 hours ago · 

  • Ross Kelly It's a continuous circle. How big it is I do not know.
    There could be a lot of 'theatrical' backdrop involved in the apparent time story that the 'scientific' world think is the reality.

    For example fossils need never have ever been real living things at all, all we ever see of them is their 'reality' NOW, just like the computer in front of you, it's all just projected information in the present.

    Suppose for example the actual circle is only a 20,000 year span of lifetimes. All that appears to have happened prior to that could be built in to make it appear not to be the case.
    A fossil is only seen to exist when it is being seen. Until it is dug up or whatever there is no actual evidence of it ever having existed, it may look old but what is that it's really brand new at the time it is seen just like everything else is. It's all just information in the living light Danielle, she can show us anything but the only time she can do it is in the present.

    3 hours ago ·  ·  2 people

  • Ross Kelly Nothing is really older than anything else because it is all just the ever present knowledge of God, the one and only great story teller.
    3 hours ago ·  ·  2 people

  • Ross Kelly Suppose, for example there was in reality only God the source of the information, and you the receiver...and nothing else at all.
    3 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Ross Kelly What would a Dinosaur be then?
    3 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Julia DeLap The Truman show!
    3 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Danielle Anstee So what would other people around me be? What would you be? Is this like the part in Little Book Big Secret where you didn't see Elaine projected there for a moment, so you worked out that there is only each person and god in their reality?
    3 hours ago · 

  • Ross Kelly Suppose for another example you had been created a millisecond ago along with all the information you think of as your memory, what would be the difference to the way you think it is?
    3 hours ago · 

  • Ross Kelly For each of us that is the only reality we can be certain of.
    The other people would be exactly what YOU experience them to be now...your INFORMATION of them.

    3 hours ago · 

  • Danielle Anstee It makes me think that everything that I'm a computer or some other device that receive transmissions from a source and that source is god.
    3 hours ago · 

  • Ross Kelly We are all the same thing Danielle, we are the negative pole, the receiver of God's information. God synchronises the information in each lifetime with the information of every other lifetime.
    3 hours ago · 

  • Danielle Anstee I need to have a think about this to grasp it fully...again :)
    3 hours ago · 

  • Ross Kelly If she wills it that's what you'll do.
    3 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

  • XEquals RDspared 
    I just love the clarity of this thread I was trying to explain this to someone the other day ,I'll go and redirect them here.Also Scott and I were talking about dinosaur foot prints and so called ancient man's footprints found in the same strata of limestone in the Palixar valley in Texas,the scientists are having a field day over this,the truth is ,it"s all being created right now.....what's happening now is what matters....I love Ana .....

    3 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Ross Kelly 
    Suppose I was to say to someone 'a room and it's contents only exists when it is being experienced and when you appear to leave the room and shut the door there is no room, only the memory of it' It would mean that there only ever was the memory of it.
    Now suppose that person said "that's bollocks, I'll put an automatic film camera in the room, come out of it shut the door and go back in ten minutes and get the film, and he does and when he 'replays' the camera tape there is the film of the room and he says "see, there it is".

    What is he actually showing you? ...A FILM OF A ROOM BEING SEEN WHEN IT IS SHOWN.

    God knows exactly how to show you a film, just like she can show you a room.

    3 hours ago ·  ·  2 people

  • Ross Kelly I think scientists are one of God's most cherished jokes!
    3 hours ago ·  ·  2 people

  • Danielle Anstee So we are all just here in the moment right now, along with everything else happening at this exact time. How does the whole polarity thing work? Are we actually inside gods mind, like she is kind of a living person or is it just a way of describing it? Also, if we are the negative why is there some positive in us?...and what happens when we die, we don't?
    3 hours ago · 

  • Danielle Anstee So the main mistake some people make is that we can influence our reality, when in fact only Ana can choose what we see/know/happens to us?
    3 hours ago · 

  • Ross Kelly We are an idea that God is having about what it appears like from our point of view.
    3 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Ross Kelly Yes, we, as ideas cannot create or co create anything.
    3 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Ross Kelly In order for God to know light when there is no light she has to see it from our point of view.
    2 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Ross Kelly 
    When they (scientists) or we, look at pictures 'from the Hubble telescope' what are we really seeing..stars, Galaxies ? No , we are seeing a picture on a screen or a photo plate, they didn't really come from the Hubble telescope, that's just the story that explains to us how we appear to have obtained the pictures, the pictures, like the film of the room really come from God and they don't even really exist as physical pictures, only as experience in mind.

    2 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Ross Kelly No, we don't die, there is only life.
    2 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Ross Kelly Really "we" don't live. Only God does. The living thing has the idea that she named Danielle.
    2 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Ross Kelly The code is the thing that she is using to prove where all the ideas are 'coming' from.
    2 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Ross Kelly Look for example (there are many more) at the way she timed the Oban Katia picture and the Pigeon information 'from me' and then had Kellie supply the necessary Pigeon Columba link.

    Synchronised life stories that we are not in control of.

    2 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Danielle Anstee So we are all ideas in her mind playing synchronising parts of her idea and she is using the code as the story to explain how we appear to obtain knowledge of her and how it works.
    2 hours ago · 

  • Ross Kelly Think of the endless fun she can have when school is over. Once the teaching about the meaning of negative is done she can have us experience ANYTHING with us fully understanding haw it can be.
    She could have flying horses, real unicorns, all the fantasy ideas that have been shown to us in her fairy stories or in Harry Potter.

    (for example)

    2 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Danielle Anstee That would be fun. What is happening to her right now, that is causing all the negativity? And I guess what seems a long time to us is very short for her?
    2 hours ago · 

  • Ross Kelly In a way, we are all in the holo-deck of the starship Enterprise. That was her Idea too.
    2 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Ross Kelly Nothing is CAUSING all the negativity, It's being used as our teacher so that when the point in the story comes when it changes we will all understand the lesson and appreciate it's opposite fully.
    2 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Ross Kelly It's the way she is showing the logic of it all.
    2 hours ago ·  ·  2 people

  • Ross Kelly God's knowledge includes all the negative ideas as well as all the positive ones. God's ideas are REAL ideas.
    She can not ignore half of her knowledge so she uses it to serve the purpose of expressing the meaning of her true nature -LOVE.

    2 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Danielle Anstee Okay I understand and we are like holograms with even the most intricate details like 'biological functions' ie eating sleeping etc and emotions projected as experiences. Is there a reason why the story must change though?
    2 hours ago · 

  • Ross Kelly Perhaps ..real IDEAS is a better way of writing it.
    2 hours ago · 

  • Ross Kelly 
    Yes, the reason is that logically negative would destroy the positive so she, being love, has to allow that but also be seen to have provided ample warning to demonstrate the compassion that she is.

    Without the making of the circle the whole story would break down at the point that the negative takes it all away (by logically appearing to be the thing that leads us to destruction).

    If it was not made into a complete circle at that point the ultimate logical meaning would be that the negative would negate the idea that there ever was a story and once that became the truth there never could have been. Yet here we are so it means the solution has already been applied, we just haven't quite got to the point in the story when it was yet.

    2 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Ross Kelly It could even be that the people she is going to use to complete the circle are really the only people that she ever had knowing life. It could be that all the rest of them were never really here as knowing ideas at all. There may never have been an Adolph Hitler that actually knew himself as that. I am not saying that there wasn't, I am saying that only God knows the answer to that.
    2 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Danielle Anstee So this is one story that to exist has to be in a circuit form. Does this mean there are other stories that get created and this is just one of them that we are in or is it the only one in her mind being played over and over again?
    2 hours ago · 

  • Danielle Anstee That makes sense actually. I see what you mean that only she knows the answer.
    about an hour ago · 

  • Ross Kelly It's not being played over and over again it is being lived eternally, every second of it now.

    There is no second time it happened.

    about an hour ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Danielle Anstee I see.
    about an hour ago · 

  • Ross Kelly This is the first time. That's what Simon doesn't understand (one of the things he doesn't understand) what she has us do matters because if it isn't expressed flawlessly the circle could not happen. There is a perfect balanced physics to the logic of the story. So the things we see as still to come matter.
    about an hour ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Ross Kelly There may be one circle story, there may be a thousand billion billion of them only god knows that too unless in one of them she lets someone know.
    about an hour ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Ross Kelly And even that would ultimately only be god knowing it.
    about an hour ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Danielle Anstee Will the people being used to complete the circle just have to understand that there is a circle and how it works and that she exists or is there other things they'll need to know?
    about an hour ago · 

  • Danielle Anstee I guess they'll know when they find out.
    about an hour ago · 

  • Ross Kelly They will know precisely what she requires them to know in order for it to be done and understood in the way she requires it. I can tell you this though, the actual happening of a time and place shift is an awesome lesson in it'self. When it happens you understand fully the TOTAL nature of God.
    about an hour ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Danielle Anstee Do you see anything while you shift or is it instantaneous?
    about an hour ago · 

  • Ross Kelly It's the smoothest thing, yes instantaneous, you don't realise it's happened until you do.
    about an hour ago · 

  • Ross Kelly She breaks it to you as kindly as possible but it's still totally AWESOME.
    about an hour ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Danielle Anstee It sounds excellent!!
    about an hour ago · 

  • Danielle Anstee If people will place shift too, do you think they'll all be together?
    about an hour ago · 

  • Ross Kelly She will put them where she needs them, it seems logical to me that they will all be delivered to the same place and time.
    She may have been doing it for centuries, who knows where people go when they disappear without trace?
    Someone could be taken from 100 years ago and arrive simultaneously with someone from today.

    about an hour ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Danielle Anstee I have to go to sleep. Goodnight :)
    about an hour ago · 

  • Ross Kelly Goodnight.
    about an hour ago ·  ·  1 person


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