Synchronicity Wins

Friday 1 April 2011

Red Crow.

This video on Susan Kentwell's wall appeared in my news feed on March 30th at the time of the Lion Crow links on Michael's wall (see previous post)

PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEE watch this everyone, this has to be one of the best messages ever. This man is a descendant of mine from the time before this but an Elder now. This wisdom runs through my being. He said Columbus started the TRUE First world war, God th...See more
Length: ‎6:36
Wednesday at 05:14 ·  ·  · Share
    • Primo Paradero Much wisdom in the words of Hopi Elder Floyd Red Crow. Thank you Susan for sharing this. I totally enjoyed listening to him.
      Wednesday at 05:43 ·  ·  1 person
    • Susan Kentwell you are welcome Primo,no bs out of Floyd:) ♥
      Wednesday at 05:45 · 
    • Elaine Ross Kelly 
      The current message in the Ana code is all about the Crow and the Lion date. Susan Kentwell posted this video link today - The message at the cross road of this aeon from Floyd Red Crow. - In the video he talks about Hopi end time prophecy. The Ana code uses connected key words to verify the timing of the Lion date links by the timing of the video -

      Wednesday at 05:54 ·  ·  1 person
    • Pierce Light history cannot erase time but time can erase history
      Wednesday at 06:01 ·  ·  1 person
    • Susan Kentwell Amazed each time by that Ana Code,thanks Elaine xx♥
      Wednesday at 06:07 · 
    • Julia DeLap I've seen this before, but him and what he says, I really like.
      Wednesday at 06:14 ·  ·  1 person
    • Susan Kentwell yes he is to the point and all rings true xx
      Wednesday at 06:16 · 
    • Elaine Ross Kelly 
      The date that the LION and CROW links keep linking to as the Lion date is 22.7.11.
      I just looked at the code to see if it actually links Hopi and Red Crow to that date and I found that a connection to a BEAN came up as you will see, so I did a search for Red Crow bean and, guess what..

      This was the code line that I found BEFORE doing that unlikely looking word search -

      Wednesday at 06:35 ·  ·  1 person
    • Steve Turnbull very true and enlightening
      Wednesday at 06:49 ·  ·  1 person
    • Elaine Ross Kelly ‎"The black red bean is called a crow kind bean."
      Wednesday at 06:50 ·  ·  1 person
    • Julia DeLap Oo Elaine, sorry to be nosey, what's all this, crow/lion etc I love hearing about the prophecies?
      Wednesday at 07:12 · 
    • Elaine Ross Kelly 
      The best thing I can do to show you Julia is put you onto these two links and advise you to watch the Five days in Varkala video via the links on either of them first -
      Wednesday at 07:19 · 
    • Julia DeLap Hi Elaine I see the complexity. I don't think I altogether get it, but will watch the vid. Does the 'Songbird' mean anything in all the stuff you've been looking at? If not np. :)
      Wednesday at 07:53 · 
    • Julia DeLap Ah, just clicked on second link, sure it'll become clear now lols
      Wednesday at 07:53 · 
    • Elaine Ross Kelly Recent code links have been connected to the bird code name code within the Ana code and yesterday as I was looking at it the LARK appeared in a line but I didn't know why, a lark is a songbird.
      Wednesday at 07:58 · 
    • Elaine Ross Kelly 
      Now I do, it's to help you to see how the code is pre-synchronised. This is an anagram of the code key, I'm Ross by the way, Elaine and I share the FB link -

      I made a minor error it actually says -

      Wednesday at 08:12 · 
    • Julia DeLap 
      Hi Ross,the code said the name DeLap, or that's what you've interpreted? I'm a psychic and given lots of dreams/visions, but every now and then I'm given something that's bigger. Two years ago, I dreamt I was with a man and I was running away, through a village, trying to be hidden by the people. The govt was trying to get me because of the 'songbird project'. The other night I dreamt two women came to me/powerful women, they said, 'We've found her'. They tried to pull me to them, but I pulled away, it took all my energy.
      Wednesday at 08:15 · 
    • Julia DeLap I wonder if the dream was of you and Elaine, as your write up on the group sounds similar to the dream?
      Wednesday at 08:15 · 
    • Julia DeLap This is a big thing to ask, sorry, but in Ross code what would, 'The Tribes Must Regroup' mean.
      Wednesday at 08:16 · 
    • Elaine Ross Kelly 
      I think you are missing the point of that code line. You need to stop a minute or two and think about it. You brought up the songbird and it made me recall the unexplained Lark connection that I saw yesterday and mention it to you. The code line I just showed you is a perfect anagram of the letter set (Ana code key) that I was led to in 2002. It has nothing to do with interpretation. The code is not randomly formulated, it exists to prove a point and that point is that the coder that designed the key is the same mind that made the whole of the time story in which we live.
      Wednesday at 08:29 ·  ·  1 person
    • Julia DeLap Click, penny dropped re code. Now that's amazing. I also have experienced synchronicity a lot.
      Wednesday at 08:34 · 
    • Julia DeLap A photo of what you wrote 'BY...DELAP' has just flashed up in scrabble tiles- did you put a link in the msg above? I can't get the photo to come up again now tho'.
      Wednesday at 08:37 · 
    • Elaine Ross Kelly No, i didn't post a photo.
      Wednesday at 08:40 · 
    • Julia DeLap Don't worry then, it's one of those things. Is there more letters to the code than those listed above? I think I'm getting it, but I also think I'm missing a point somewhere lols. ie, how you get the words/code each day?
      Wednesday at 08:43 · 
    • Julia DeLap Am working my way through the links on the site to understand it all.
      Wednesday at 08:50 · 
    • Elaine Ross Kelly 
      Synchronicity provides the clues then you just look in the key at the given key words like Lark and see how it connects, the film will help you with that -


      I in the code is it's author..God, Ana, here she's showing you that this link is her intention, it was planned (as everything is)
      Wednesday at 08:51 · 
    • Elaine Ross Kelly The code has 34 base letters and there are a few simple rules that you will see in the film, it's a tumbling symbol cipher so W inverted = M for example.
      Wednesday at 08:55 · 
    • Elaine Ross Kelly O is the symbol in the code that symbolises the code it'self -

      Wednesday at 08:58 · 
    • Julia DeLap That's even more startling, DeLap is my grandmother's name and my alias for fbk - O'Shaughnessy is my real surname.
      Wednesday at 09:00 · 
    • Julia DeLap Are you the 'red crow link' ?
      Wednesday at 09:01 · 
    • Julia DeLap If I see O'S anywhere it always draws my eye - I thought because of my name O'Shaughnessy.
      Wednesday at 09:03 · 
    • Elaine Ross Kelly The line is referring to the fact that the link to you is happening in the Red Crow post stream.. look up
      Wednesday at 09:11 · 
    • Elaine Ross Kelly ‎.....up the page I mean!
      Wednesday at 09:11 · 
    • Julia DeLap I see about the link here, but I can't find one off of here all I get standing out is 'A Crow left of the Murder'.
      Wednesday at 09:16 · 
    • Julia DeLap Durr, you mean in the vid above, god I'm thick sometimes lol
      Wednesday at 09:19 · 
    • Julia DeLap Realised I was watching his song the other day about Ghandi,Christ,King and Sitting Bull. Funnily enough..who were all murdered.
      Wednesday at 09:20 · 
    • Elaine Ross Kelly My own Bird code name is STORK -

      Wednesday at 09:21 · 
    • Elaine Ross Kelly ‎..
      The code is Anna's timer -

      Wednesday at 09:26 · 
    • Julia DeLap ID as in identify. The timer being Red Crow's vid posted today. Lark now being my code name? How do you get the numbers? Or will I find that out in the vid. Have just got a cuppa to get right into cracking this. :)
      Wednesday at 09:30 · 
    • Elaine Ross Kelly Numbers are the 1-9 single digit alphabet numerology starting with A as I and going back to 1 again at J.
      Wednesday at 09:32 · 
    • Elaine Ross Kelly ‎..
      THE RED CROW'S DATE, I ANNA PIN IT BY 30.3.2011.
      Wednesday at 09:35 · 
    • Elaine Ross Kelly ‎..
      IT'S BY 30.3.2011 I ANNA PIN THE 'RED CROW' DATE.
      Wednesday at 09:36 · 
    • Julia DeLap Sorry to go in and out of understanding. I'm reading Something's going to happen today or the prediction of something to happen today? Most likely in the vid above?
      Wednesday at 09:38 · 
    • Elaine Ross Kelly So from this you can be certain about who it was that had Susan post that video today and who it was that had you out of the 500 million FB users respond and ask about the code. Ana the planner!
      Wednesday at 09:43 · 
    • Julia DeLap Remarkable workings. My fav saying, 'Make God Laugh, Make Plans' - a date for the diary 5.5.11. So you and Elaine are working on the code daily? To pass it round/spread the word? Or for something else?
      Wednesday at 09:47 · 
    • Elaine Ross Kelly For Ana, for a number of extremely important reasons as you may grasp when you watch the video.
      Wednesday at 09:49 · 
    • Julia DeLap And.. the two powerful 'women' in the dream Susan & Elaine. The dream being a warning not to pull away. Thank you for taking the time to explain this - it is truly remarkable.
      Wednesday at 09:49 · 
    • Elaine Ross Kelly The plan in the code is absolutely incredible, how it was planned in the first place, as it was before everything was shown in the light is just not comprehendable, the more you get to see the complexity of the connections in the plan the more awesome you realise divine intelligence really is.
      Wednesday at 09:53 · 
    • Julia DeLap I agree amazing, can feel it, whole time been going through this thread. Will watch the vids. thank you again.
      Wednesday at 09:58 · 
    • Elaine Ross Kelly Not forgetting who sent you the Operation Songbird dream.
      Wednesday at 10:04 ·  ·  1 person
    • Julia DeLap The liklihood of my mentioning the dream today is uncanny. I knew i'd been given the dream for some reason, never in doubt of the originator 'the source' as I called her. The dream, a key to something. :)
      Wednesday at 10:11 · 
    • Elaine Ross Kelly Without it you would not have asked me about the songbird and the pre -set Lark code links to you would not have come to light.
      Wednesday at 10:22 · 
    • Julia DeLap Totally. When you saw the Lark code, was the rest of the words/sentence BY LARK NAME IN ROSS' CODE IT HINTS TO DELAP? Or was it something else? Sometime in the week of 11/2/11 I dreamt about the name Ross. Don't worry, nothing weird lol. When I took my car for an MOT the mechanic was called Ross, so I thought it was a timing thing. Just dawned on me - you must've been the Ross it meant.
      Wednesday at 10:28 ·  ·  1 person
    • Julia DeLap just watching the vid and lately my son and I have been seeing 7's everywhere = to the point everytime we threw the dice on a game it came up with 7 - which is his age. I'l find out in a bit what 7 means I guess.
      Wednesday at 10:29 · 
    • Julia DeLap Ross - Sorry to ask, what would you make of letters left RICK WAR? or FOR ICK WAR?
      Wednesday at 11:46 · 
    • Elaine Ross Kelly You are the 77th member of the Ana code group.
      Wednesday at 11:51 ·  ·  1 person
    • Elaine Ross Kelly To see if I can make sense of it I would have to see the whole line... it might not be a valid link but it might lead to one.
      Wednesday at 12:07 · 
    • Julia DeLap 
      I have seen images the symbol of the Bell for about three years. when considering the image 'The Food is on the Table' was the message back. I took out all the letters 'Blood is Thicker than Water sn'. Which left FO RICK WAR. I was asking w...See more
      Wednesday at 12:12 · 
    • Julia DeLap If you discard the additional letters FO then it leaves Warrick, obviously a place, but don't know what that would mean otherwise as yet.
      Wednesday at 12:35 · 
    • Elaine Ross Kelly 
      ‎'Something' is trying to tell you that the government's hid God's writing on the wall and as the old indian said, there's a bad time coming, so bad in fact that unless they stop it will be the real end.
      But at that point, by incredible means (a real time shift of some selected people back to the beginning of the story) the everlasting circle in which we all eternally live will be completed.
      Wednesday at 12:37 ·  ·  2 people
    • Julia DeLap Perhaps you can gain funding for psychic research for your code from the Perrott-Warrick fund ...
      Wednesday at 12:37 · 
    • Elaine Ross Kelly 
      This is part of a recent comment thread, a dialogue with a man who couldn't understand -

      Me -
      Suppose I was to tell you that in October 1996 during an incredible sequence of unexpected events that were totally outside my control, a sequence of events that happened in order that a proven message from God got delivered directly into the hands of British MI6, my wife Elaine and I stepped off a train onto what should have been Amersham station to the North West of London and landed on an entirely different station platform ( the one in the town I grew up in) in the year 1963....and that we were witnessed there in 1963 by children that I knew at that time and that there was a very precise reason for the time shift? ( I brought something back from there that provided part of the proof for MI6).
      about an hour ago · Like
      Michael Rockefeller I'd say, Please feel free to keep going and i'd ask, how did you 'shift' and what did you bring back? By shift, i gather you mean time shift? Something along those lines? I do believe in this and just figure the technology has Long been suppressed.
      about an hour ago · Like
      Elaine Ross Kelly It was not done by use of technology, it was done by the same power that is showing you the computer screen right now.
      We literally stepped out of the train door and landed in 1963 on a particular day in which as an 11 year old boy I also visited that station.
      The thing I brought back was a sample of my childhood handwriting.
      It was a copy of a poem that was on a poster on the waiting room wall but MI6 already had a copy of exactly the same thing written in my childhood handwriting that they had obtained from the Vatican who had first aquired it in Fatima in Portugal in 1917.

      Getting back to the timeshift to the station what it means is that in 1963 1996 was already happening.
      about an hour ago · Like
      Michael Rockefeller Hey, feel free to keep going. I'm with you.
      57 minutes ago · Like
      Elaine Ross Kelly I'll tell you a little bit more here and then I'll give you a link on which you can read the whole story if you want to.

      In 1917 in Fatima a series of events occurred that started with an amazing solar display that 70,000 people witnessed. It attracted the attention of the scumbags in the Vatican who investigated the whole thing and discovered that an illiterate Portuguese child had produced two pages of writing in an English child's handwriting.
      They hid that and made up a bullshit story about the writings being secrets given to the children involved, by a vision of the Virgin Mary and claimed that the secrets were for the eyes of the Pope only.

      Within two years of the production of the two writings two of the three children involved were dead, they were murdered to prevent them telling people the real truth when they got old enough to know that the Vatican story was a coverup of the truth.

      One of the pages was the copy of the poem that I told you about and the other was a copy of a love letter that I was caused to write in 1963 after being given a very shocking but extremely beautiful experience in a school corridor one afternoon.

      In April 1996 a female patient in a London psychiatric hospital just down the road from MI6 HQ who had no connection to me whatsoever reproduced an enlarged copy of that love letter, in my childhood handwriting on the wall of her room. It was the real WRITING ON THE WALL for MI6.

      Here's the link if you want to know more - Please take your time to read it properly if you want to grasp the whole thing.
      39 minutes ago · Like · 1 person
      Michael Rockefeller So that lady of fatima story was bullshit huh? Quick question - Does that really spell doom for the catholic church? That is what i gather from hearing of this.
      29 minutes ago · Like
      Elaine Ross Kelly Yes it does, that's a certainty but not just for them. There's deep shit coming Michael unless the people who are hiding all of this change the world by telling the people the truth. It seems very unlikely to me that that is going to happen but there is a physics involved in the whole thing that will inevitably result in global catastrophe if the attempt to get them to see reason does not succeed.
      At that point something else is going to happen that is connected to the 'Jesus quote' that I posted on this thread a couple of days ago. That has to do with time shift too and the fact that the whole time story of life on Planet Earth is a circle.
      22 minutes ago · Like
      Elaine Ross Kelly Blessed is he that will stand in the beginning and know the end.
      21 minutes ago · Like
      Wednesday at 12:41 ·  ·  1 person
    • Julia DeLap 
      Yes, I have been told of the 'bad time' he talks of for many years, but it has been referred to as 'The Chaos' to me. I asked many times how would the chaos manifest, but 'they' would not tell me. Also, another great flood would come and th...See more
      Wednesday at 12:43 · 
    • Julia DeLap 
      I've watched the video. I will go on and read the books too. The time shift thing is v.interesting. Two years ago I was at a place called Temple Church in Cornwall. A monk appeared to me and showed me he was hiding 'something'. He appeared ...See more
      Wednesday at 12:52 · 
    • Julia DeLap I've actually just clicked exactly what is being said. :\
      Wednesday at 12:58 · 
    • Elaine Ross Kelly 
      Reading the book text will help you to fully grasp the enormity of what it's all about, meanwhile -


      That means that it's timing a critical point in the tectonic plate movements that have b...See more
      Wednesday at 13:16 · 
    • Julia DeLap Ok, which is what the possible date predictions are about. I've just noticed your friend has put something about FOOD and WATER in the fbk group with reference to China and the probability of a N/Sth Korean War. My message sounds like a confirmation one for me to totally realise this is genuine.
      Wednesday at 13:30 ·  ·  1 person
    • Kellie CosmicLove It's all very REAL Julia. :)
      Wednesday at 13:38 ·  ·  1 person
    • Elaine Ross Kelly Yep, that's what today's links to you are show YOU.
      Wednesday at 13:40 ·  ·  1 person
    • Elaine Ross Kelly ‎..
      Wednesday at 14:11 · 
    • Elaine Ross Kelly The first plate line should have said -
      Wednesday at 14:13 · 
    • Elaine Ross Kelly ‎..
      Wednesday at 14:14 · 
    • Jackie Ω Watts I love this guy. I sent his brother Chris a lifesize cardboard John Wayne & he shot it through with arrows lol :)
      Wednesday at 14:16 · 
    • Kellie CosmicLove TIP for Ross --> If you press Shift, will give u a new line without posting the comment.
      Wednesday at 14:17 ·  ·  1 person
    • Kellie CosmicLove Jackie, read the thread...something extremely amazing just happened here.
      Wednesday at 14:18 · 
    • Elaine Ross Kelly I know but that's not the problem, it's everytime I paste something, it appears, stays there, then vanishes when I 'enter' it or five minutes later.
      Wednesday at 14:20 · 
    • Susan Kentwell check this all,
      Wednesday at 14:23 · 
    • Kellie CosmicLove ‎@ Ross...Ah, I see.... I 'was' gonna say.... hehe
      FB dislikes cut & paste. :(
      Hi Susan ♥
      Wednesday at 14:28 · 
    • Susan Kentwell its a party ,lol hi Kellie ♥ xx
      Wednesday at 14:30 · 
    • Kellie CosmicLove Ana's party show ppl how REAL she is... she's the planner, the creator of everything....that includes wht happens on FB walls. The conversation and code lines above are certain proof of that! ♥
      Wednesday at 14:40 ·  ·  2 people
    • Elaine Ross Kelly 
      Julia's post and the thread from the Ana code wall -

      Julia DeLap Hi, am new to this, but am exploring. Synchronicity's led to leave these letters RICK WAR or FOR ICK WAR. Does anyone have any new anagrams or meanings for this? Many thanks, Julia
      3 hours ago · Like ·

      Elaine Ross Kelly It's another clue to show you the same Ana lesson Julia -

      28 minutes ago · Like
      Elaine Ross Kelly As a further test of Ana's timed links -

      I PIN THE RICK WAR TEST AND ONE DAY - 30.3.2011.

      It is 11 pm on 30.3.2011 now.
      18 minutes ago · Like

      Elaine Ross Kelly ..
      I PINNED A RICK WAR TEST ON THE DAY - 30.3.2011.
      14 minutes ago · Like

      Elaine Ross Kelly YOD is a Hebrew name of God that is totally connected to the thread that I was on prior to the Red Crow post, it is the post on which the LION CROW date links happened. In the greater Ana code Y can represent G as they are both No7. So YOD = GOD anyway -


      Wednesday at 15:22 · 

      • Elaine Ross Kelly It's definitely for the timing demonstration but Warrick is interesting, it's in INDIANA and there was a boat called the Warrick that returned to San Francisco from a trip to the Marianas in wartime on the 30th of March. The Mariana trench marks a plate boundary close to Japan on the side that the quakes are happening and SF is also prone to big ones.
        Yesterday at 01:12 · 
      • Elaine Ross Kelly The Marianas have been shaking a lot recently -
        Yesterday at 01:18 · 
      • Elaine Ross Kelly It won't let me post a link to the Mariana seismic activity.
        Yesterday at 01:35 · 
      • Julia DeLap Wow, I can see the Warrick thing. Especially with the same date 30th March. Perhaps trying to say that another is due, big enough to affect SF. Have got to go out until 1pm, but will look up the Mariana seismic activity on google. Have just had two references to the name Mariam before seeing your posts.
        Yesterday at 02:15 · 
      • Elaine Ross Kelly There was a mag 5 quake yesterday in the Bonin island region -
        Yesterday at 02:55 · 
      • Elaine Ross Kelly It deleted the link again -
        Yesterday at 02:57 · 
      • Elaine Ross Kelly See Bonin Mariana arc in Wikipedia.
        Yesterday at 02:57 · 
      • Elaine Ross Kelly ‎..
        Yesterday at 03:00 ·  ·  1 person
      • Elaine Ross Kelly 
        Here the code speaks ' on my behalf'

        I, R.K, TYPED THE 31.3.2011 MARIANA BONIN CODE.

        what it's doing is verifying the intentional planning of your Warrick link that led to the Mariana link by the Warrick boat after yesterday's links had indicated a plate s.o.s.
        Yesterday at 03:16 ·  ·  1 person
      • Elaine Ross Kelly But in a manner of speaking, I stand corrected because really Ross Kelly didn't. I watched and felt it happen but Ana is the real typist, she does it all in mind.


        Oh all right then!
        23 hours ago ·  ·  2 people
      • Elaine Ross Kelly ‎..

        That's where Kelly is.
        23 hours ago ·  ·  1 person


  • Elaine Ross Kelly 
    Last night I found this code line but I only just figured out what it means -


    My ten year old son Andrew had his kidney removed last week and has been having trouble with exceptionally high blood pressure, his other kidney needs all the help it can get.

    This is from the Red crow bean link posted earlier -
    2 hours ago · 

  • Elaine Ross Kelly The black red bean is called a crow kind bean. It is an innocuous, nourishes kidney. Contain large amount of protein, fat and carbohydrate and good for persona and providing the energy that the human body needs. After being tested by the scientists through clinic for 9 years, it is demonstrated the crow bean has the function to conquer blood pressure.

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