Synchronicity Wins

Monday 17 October 2011


Updated Oct 24 with some incredible synchronicity from the Ana code wall and another well timed earthquake....along with the second timed satellite drop in....another SKYFALL.

This is a slightly shortened version of a little thread from the Ana code group wall that summarises the main point of the previous blog post.

 ·  ·  ·  · Friday at 15:52
    • After being attacked and called all sorts of very nasty untrue things by the Devils's advocate himself Brett Lothian this is what came to light. The greater detail can be read in the actual blog post.

    • Ross Kelly ‎..


      Awww ..we do love 7oo Pinky weally we doo!

      Saturday at 11:45 ·  ·  1 person

    • Ross Kelly ‎..


      Saturday at 12:09 ·  ·  1 person

    • Ross Kelly BL, The initials of that man are the No 23, they are also an abbreviation for BLIND.

      BLIND is a little code that says B.L ..N ID.

      N is a symbol for NEGATIVE.

      Saturday at 12:16 ·  ·  2 people

    • Ross Kelly ‎..


      Saturday at 12:24 · 

    • Ross Kelly ‎..


      As he doesn't understand what God is he thinks R.K is doing it all. Those who know the truth know differently.

      Saturday at 12:42 ·  ·  1 person

    • Ross Kelly 
      Recently I posted a comment about Yorkshire being shown to me as significant happening. In it I mentioned a WHALE that had been found mysteriously on dry land 800 metres from the sea.

      The Inanna article that I posted earlier on this thread is on a website called

      Yesterday there was a BBC news item about a big sperm whale being seen trapped in Kirkwall harbour in Orkney.

      Orkney is where the black Swan from my mussel farm at the Fleming estate ended up.


      The thing to understand about that is that it demonstrates the fact that Ana timed the first mention of the Black Swan knowing that her whale was on it's way. To back up the Bond Black Swan link.


      Dr No was the first Connery Bond film.


      Fleming wrote the OO7 book Dr No.

      What Does Black Swan Mean?
      An event or occurrence that deviates beyond what is normally expected of a situation and that would be extremely difficult to predict. This term was popularized by Nassim Nicholas Taleb, a finance professor and former Wall Street trader.

      Ana's code symbol for Asteroid is ET.

      about an hour ago · Like
      Ross Kelly ..



      I see the direct connection. A white Swan is an old symbol for an enlightened person. The Black Swan from my mussel farm on the Fleming estate that ended up in Orkney was Australian, so is Negative child Brett Lothian. He's the Black Swan herald.

      What a fitting herald of disaster ! lol.

      Saturday at 15:41 ·  ·  1 person

    • Ross Kelly ‎..


      The Black Swan.


      Saturday at 22:53 · 

    • Ross Kelly ‎141 people have now shared the link to the blog post on FB.
      Saturday at 23:08 ·  ·  1 person

    • Keri Castleberry-Knott your amazing....
      Yesterday at 07:41 · 

    • Ross Kelly She is! I'm not.
      Yesterday at 08:37 · 

    • Ross Kelly This is for the man who said "we both know you're lying about the shares Ross" he doesn't even realise what he gave away by that. He's admitting that he is the one who has to worry about it.

      Ross Kelly

      Wall Photos
      by: Ross Benjamin Kelly

      Yesterday at 09:55 ·  · 

    • Ross Kelly ‎"We both know you are lying about the view shares ross, I can see all your cronies fb walls and you are just lying ross, nothing unusual for you, everything out your crazy mouth is suspect.."
      Yesterday at 09:58 · 

    • Ross Kelly He knows he's the liar, if he wasn't he would have said "Great, the more the merrier, then everyone can see what I'm saying".

      She even had him post a perfect description of himself before this happened.

      23 hours ago · 

    • Ross Kelly LYFAO now mate.
      23 hours ago · 

    • Ross Kelly As not everyone has access to the photo I have put a copy of it on the blog post.
      21 hours ago · 

    • Ross Kelly After he accused me of photoshopping the snapshot I made this little video, by which time it reached 220, it's now at 223.

      14 hours ago ·  ·  1 person · 

    • Inci Samiye Hamit  
      To take the time and carefully consider the incredible events that have happened and still happening and relate to the code perfectly timed for now - what are the chances? Even what appears to be the smaller of details the numbers of the shared link on the current agenda at 220, 223 (last post above this one), what are the chances when you consider the bigger picture and all the 22 - 23 links? Small details it may seem at first but an awful lot of work had to go into it for that to happen now including all the people who have shared the link - their lives all had to be precisely designed to get them to this point.

      14 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

    • Ross Kelly It's now at 227 SAM, it's the first time I looked since reading YOUR post.
      13 hours ago · 

    • Ross Kelly The OO7 post says Inci Samiye Hamit and 22 people shared this link.
      13 hours ago · 

    • Ross Kelly Quote -

      . Hahahaa!! You are a fraud sir! Caught again ross.. Photoshop fraud! Oh my, pathetic. Your best bit of evidence is an obvious fake!!!
      5 hours ago · Like

      Anti Religeon How many photoshopped in numbers you upto now ross lol?? Atleast try to get the lines to match were they should next time, and dont add bits fb dont do lol... My goodness man.. You really are that delusional aren't you?
      5 hours ago · Like

      13 hours ago · 

    • Ross Kelly Here's a link to a snapshot that shows the timed 227 link to the blog post and the Inci Samiye Hamit and 22 people shared this link on the OO7 post, people who know all the past links to Sam will recall that she is the 22 lady and my number is 7, together they make 227 and 22/7 = Pi.

      Sam + the other 22 = 23.

      12 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

    • Ross Kelly 
      I went to bed but had to get up again because it dawned on me why this whole ugly encounter with this man has happened and the answer is to be seen in the last two photographic links.
      They are all about 22 and 23 but with a particularly strong connection to 22/7.

      As I write this I notice that it says view all 23 comments at the top of the stream.

      The significance of the 227 connection goes back to the 22 link and the great 2010 Pi day warning that can be seen on the blog.

      That warning was a warning all about the BIG ONE and the fact that it took 227000 deaths in 22 earthquakes of mag 7 and over in 2010 to provide it. That makes it a very big WARNING indeed.

      Now we are on the 23 link but it's the links to Sam, the lady who was so strongly linked to the 227 link that are visible on the snap shot and it was her comment that brought to light the 22 and 23 link in the little video and the timing of the total at the time that I posted it.

      That total was 223, that's 22 and 23 co joined. So it's saying that the 227 warning is directly connected to the 23 link.

      That link appears to be very connected to Australia and the black swan as well as the Atlantic Northern region.

      When I got up I went to the kitchen to get a cup of tea before writing this. Lying next to the kettle there is an open packet of plastic Jumbo straws. When I saw them I knew that I had to count them thinking, if there are 23 straws it confirms it, so I counted them, there were 22. Then I turned around and there was one more lying on the table. So from 22 the number went to 23. There are no other straws in the kitchen.

      Perhaps our crazy friend is just about the last straw. He certainly feels like it to me. He claims the video is a fake now. Sorry pal but I do not live with Steven Spielberg, my son took the film and put it on youtube for me because I'm not very good with computers.

      7 hours ago · 

    • Ross Kelly I just looked at the total again, right now, it's at 230.
      6 hours ago · 

    • Ross Kelly 
      I don't know for sure which 23 day this is about but it could be about the one this month, if not my next best hint is for December.

      Red October is about a submarine and in front of me now is a bit of cardboard that one of my children picked up the other day, there are three words on it, they say UNDER THE SEA.

      I do my best, if that's not good enough for some i'll say this..I'd like to see YOU try it and see how you feel getting spat on for your trouble.

      6 hours ago · 

    • Ross Kelly And don't be too hard on the other poor sod, he can't help it either.
      6 hours ago · 

    • Ross Kelly I just clicked on to my news feed and the name right at the top of it is Kelly Perdue Weary.

      perdue - definition of perdue by the Free Online Dictionary ...
      per·du or per·due (p r-d, -dy) n. Obsolete. A soldier sent on an especially dangerous mission. [From French sentinelle perdue, forward sentry: sentinelle, sentinel + perdu ..

      6 hours ago · 

    • Ross Kelly Sentinel
      From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
      Look up sentinel in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
      Sentinel may refer to:

      1 Guards

      6 hours ago · 

    • Ross Kelly Perdu Meaning and Definition
      quotes, , topic, topics, ... (a.) Alt. of Perdue (a.) A soldier sent on a forlorn hope. (a.) One placed on watch, or in ambush.

      6 hours ago · 

    • Elaine McGuckin 
      I watched the little video 'Brett bites the Dust' again this morning after reading Ross' comments about the 22/7 links and the 23, I noticed my own name on the post directly above the one Ross is talking about and saw the number of shares for that particular post is 341, in anagram the Pi numbers...3.14, Archimedes approximation for Pi being 22/7.....
      my own share makes the number 342...
      Ana had already linked me to these three numbers via the worst aviation disaster in history that happened on the Canary Islands 3/27/77 (see previous post) involving 2 Jumbo Jets a KLM and a PANAM.
      All 234 passengers died on the KLM flight.
      KLM in Ana code = 234.
      I wondered why she had brought the same set of numbers to my attention yet again....and googled the number 342 to see if there was any relevance to what Ross has just posted and discovered that a 342 is a U boat...A German submarine from WWII.

      Another thing I noticed was a book published in 1996 all about WWII submarines was published by a man called Clay Blair.
      The feet of Clay from Daniel's dream in the bible depicting the asteroid hitting the feet of clay and ending the ruling elite and Tony Blair the Godless Antichrist springs to mind.

      about an hour ago ·  ·  1 person

    • Ross Kelly I just looked at that total again and so far it has not 
      moved on from 230.

      Now it's at 235.
      Here's a beauty for those who know about the 23 link that this 

      chump is trying to deny. Please read the comment under the photo.


      Oct18 Look at the incredible synchronicity that happened today in this, the comment stream under the photo -

       ·  ·  · Edit · 23 hours ago

        • Ross Kelly Ross Kelly Exposing the truth courtesy of Ana via Brett Lothian.

          He posted this to try to show that no stats come up for Synchronicity wins....when HE searches it. It's because HE hasn't posted it.

          But look at the timing of his one and only visible comment that says I have no grasp of reality....

          23 HOURS AGO......poor sod.

          23 hours ago ·  ·  3 people

        • Ross Kelly It's at 235 now.
          23 hours ago ·  ·  3 people

        • Ross Kelly I just noticed that Sam liked this, it's the first time Sam has popped up since the picture link to 22 and 23, Sam the 22 girl. This is what it says now -

          It's at 235 now.
          22 hours ago · Like · 3 people

          33 minutes ago · 

        • Ross Kelly For the record the figure now is 261.
          32 minutes ago · 

        • Ross Kelly Now I see this, the timer of this post right now -

          Like · Unfollow post · 23 hours ago
          Ross Kelly Ross Kelly Exposing the truth courtesy of Ana via Brett Lothian.

          28 minutes ago · 

        • Ross Kelly And this from another post -

          Ross Kelly No, just the only great realist .. she is.
          13 October at 22:23 · Like

          11 minutes ago · 

        • Ross Kelly That was the last comment on Kenneth's Winehouse post -

          Kenneth Astar Triquetra Nadolny
          Amy Winehouse and her Dragon Tattoo

          4 minutes ago · 

        • Ross Kelly Note how the comment about the only great realist answers the statement in Brett's comment in the Ana's perfect TIMING ...again.
          2 minutes ago · 

       Today is Oct 18, 1+8 = 9. There were 9 red straws left in the packet today, there are 261 shares of the post now and 27 hits on this Black Swan post.

      • Ross Kelly This sequence started off with this -

        It's at 235 now.
        Yesterday at 14:25

        235 are the BEL numbers, the numbers that led to the discovery of the code in yr 2000.

        14:25 TIME = 2.25 = 9.

      162 = 9

       is the number of WARNING or DANGER.

      • Ross Kelly I just realised something... the first links to Connery's 23 and the whole Bond connection to it occurred with the death of a miner, but look where -

        Emergency number for Swansea Valley mine disaster Thursday 15 September 2011

        And look at the name of the website it is on.

        See.. A timely reminder for Bowen

  • Ross Kelly Yesterday. Oct 18, I said this -

    Today is Oct 18, 1+8 = 9. There were 9 red straws left in the packet today, there are 261 shares of the post now and 27 hits on this Black Swan post.

    The code says this -


    18 minutes ago · 

  • Ross Kelly ‎..


    PR LINK TO ID TIMED SCREENSHOT - 17.10.11 - No 23.

    • Ross Kelly As we have already seen, Brett's Ana code nickname is PINKY.


      • .

        • Ross Kelly Elaine McGuckin - Interesting link to Brendan and The Canary Islands.

          It is a popular legend of the Canary Islands which speaks of an island that appears and disappears

          Life | 11/10/2011 - 17:27 h | 12/10/2011 - 00:55 pm

          (Google translation from Spanish)

          The population of La Restinga, transferred to another possible eruption
          Decreed a red alert in El Hierro volcanic
          The government convened an emergency cabinet
          El Hierro: an evolving volcano
          The eruption of El Hierro will create a new volcano
          Residents of La Restinga in El Hierro are evacuated to a football field to the possible eruption of a volcano on the coast
          Map showing the location of the island of San Borondón
          Barcelona (Editorial) .- Many canaries should think about these days, following the seismic activity that is suffering in particular the island of El Hierro , San Borondón is making an appearance.

          San Borondón is one of the legends rooted in the people and particularly in the Canary Islands El Hierro. A legend that speaks of an island that appears and disappears.

          San Borondón is the Canary Island of Saint Brendan and Saint Brendan of Clonfert (480-576 AD), an Irish monk protagonist of one of the most famous legends of the Celtic culture: the voyage of St. Brendan, or Brendan to the Promised Land of Blessed are the islands of Happiness and Fortune.

          Legend has it that Saint Brendan went to sail the Atlantic along with 14 other monks in a fragile vessel. It seems that Brendan and company encountered, one day, with an island in which they decided to land. This, according to the story, was full of trees and other vegetation.

          The monks, on his arrival, decided to celebrate Mass after you land and it seems that it was at that precise moment when the ground began to shake. The island, which seemed to have its own life, began to move. According to legend, rather than an island, Brendan and Co. were above the back of a giant sea creature.

          Many are based on this legend had to say that Irish sailors reached possibly the coast of North America or Newfoundland, and Iceland and other islands of the North Atlantic in the early Middle Ages.

          From the fifteenth century, during which the Canary Islands were conquered, they begin to hear the accounts of a eighth island which sometimes could be seen west of La Palma, El Hierro and La Gomera. When sailors tried to approach it, and were near the coast, the island was shrouded in mist and disappeared completely.

          Obviously, the island was quickly identified with the mythical island of St. Brendan whale, whose name became, in the Canaries, "San Borondón".

          Historians mention since the sixteenth century. There are numerous witnesses throughout history who claim to have seen.

          The historian Abreu Galindo went a step further and ventured to give your coordinates: ten degrees and ten minutes in length and twenty-nine degrees and thirty minutes of latitude. That is, northwest of the island of El Hierro.

          Who knows if St. Borondón has decided these days, as a result of seismic activity lately living the Canary Islands, stick your head to stay permanently.

          Elaine McGuckin - Kenneth and Brendan are the names of the two bells in Oban's St Columba's cathedral in OBAN.......Ana is using then to ring out a warning to the world, part of the warning is the increase in catastrophic events, the 22/7 Pi link to the earthquakes in 2010 prove that intent. The precision of the 22 23 timing links also prove it.
          The El Hierro eruption at this time is not by chance. Just as that is happening in reality so too will the asteroids.
          Ana already gave the asteroid warning directly in Dublin in 1996 to the same people who hid the Writing on the Wall and have continued till this day to keep humanity in ignorance. Unless there is a complete turn around by the negative side, the two Omega proof Stones hitting Oban and Bowen will come and if it is still necessary so too will the other seven asteroids, which the code has adequately and consistently warned about since 2003. All nine will be used to bring an end to this time period because there is no other solution to the negative insanity problem.

          Elaine McGuckin It's worth noting All the connections Ana has shown us....the whale links like the one found on the land 800 meters from the sea of the Yorkshire coast, the other rare sperm whale sighted in Kirkwall in Orkney, the same place the Black Swan was seen after it had spent a few weeks near Ross' mussel farm in Loch Etive in 1996. Just prior and during the 2005- 2006 May the 6th warning linked to the passing of comet 73P a whale swam up the River Thames to Vauxhall Bridge right in front of MI6 headquarters, the poor thing died after desperate attempts to save her.
          Over the years Ana has persistently used both whales and swans to make a point linked to the bell warning....once again it can be seen in the Saint Brendan connection to the Canary Islands

          Obviously, the island was quickly identified with the mythical island of St. Brendan whale, whose name became, in the Canaries, "San Borondón".

          Ross Kelly The Gordon Hospital where the writing was is in Vauxhall bridge road, about a quarter of a mile from MI6 and where that whale died.

This is another linked thread from the Ana code wall, it contains some repeated material but I decided to leave it as it is because sometimes a reminder is a good thing.

OK Ross we are getting (if it's even possible) a bit jealous of this Loath in dude.You seem to be devoting too much energy on the''wicked dweeb".He 's trying to get your attention ,because he can't find it anywhere else.Ignorance is bliss from Loath in ,and we enigmanators are quite bored with the ""evil dweeb"" he has no life yet you turn him into the Frankenstein monster.The ''dweeb'' would have no sex life if Ana wasn't around to remind him to make a deposit. He's as horny as you were when you wrote the letters,and as conscious as the lady that wrote it on the wall.What would Glen say about this?

 ·  ·  · Yesterday at 02:38

  • Chris Hunter likes this.

    • Ross Kelly Glen would understand the wisdom that had the Dweeb take that snapshot.
      He would understand the meaning of the language of the numbers in the other photo's too and know that without the use of poor Dweeb that particular very meaningful writing could not be on this wall.
      It's not a petty lesson it's a message to all who oppose the truth on whatever level because that simple demonstration ALONE (the Dweeb's 23 by Ana's timing that shows who the real boss is) is a nail in the coffin of the liars that can never be denied.
      I know that having to deal directly with an agent of the negative is a truly distasteful thing but rise above appearances Kenneth because this is Ana's plan and the truth, as it says in the bible is a two edged sword. Her sword. (her words). The foe is nearly beat. The Dweeb is Ana's demonstration of that fact.

      The sick mind we have seen demonstrated this last little while is a token of far more than a simple idiot, he is a token of the entire power of evil, that same evil motivates the Cheney's and the Bush's of this world, they too, like him, are in it's grip. They need to understand that there is no reward that evil is going to present them with, how could there be, evil is evil and will take impure delight in turning on it's own.
      The great division of the Sheep from the Goats is underway. It is a time when people must decide where they stand because "the day of the lord" is upon us. I just had a lovely message from Dolly.

      Yesterday at 04:48 ·  ·  4 people

    • Ross Kelly God is trying to help all the "Dweebs" of this world to see the light, it is they who seek the fight and they who find only themselves to fight with. They who in their selfish madness bite the hand that feeds them and then turn the blame upon the sane. The nail is for them, a little Iron rod, a last glimpse of sanity or a first. They must now 'decide' their own fate and realise that even as we approach a final is not yet too late. Love of God or hate?
      Yesterday at 05:02 ·  ·  3 people

    • Ross Kelly The Dweeb has tried out a lot of names. The one he's using now is it'self a lie so it is very very fitting although he can not see it. He now calls himself Ross Kelly is a fraud.
      Yesterday at 05:19 ·  ·  2 people

    • Chris Hunter all this is very cool and enlightening ! thanks
      Yesterday at 06:26 ·  ·  2 people

    • Kenneth Astar Triquetra Nadolny Jesus Ross Now i pissed meslf
      Yesterday at 06:35 ·  ·  2 people

    • Kenneth Astar Triquetra Nadolny Wait a minute Dolly?
      Yesterday at 06:49 ·  ·  1 person

    • Chris Hunter let the pee pass through one of the trouser sleeves unnoticed and walk away from it :-) !
      Yesterday at 06:56 · 

    • Chris Hunter
      Yesterday at 07:05 · 

    • Chris Hunter and have your self a gander or any other poultry - once you got the shrubbereee ni ni ni ni ! ;-) ne ne ne
      Yesterday at 07:06 · 

    • Kenneth Astar Triquetra Nadolny Geez Chris I only had 2 pair of pajamas ....NEE
      Yesterday at 07:17 ·  ·  1 person

    • Chris Hunter once all awaken: it will be dry cleaned ;-)
      Yesterday at 08:09 · 

    • Ross Kelly The first two numbers on the hit count on the video Chris posted - 23.
      Yesterday at 11:38 ·  ·  1 person

    • Ross Kelly The letters AC are a recognised abbreviation for Absolute Code. Bearing that in mind I notice there is another anagram of BLACK SWAN but being a polite kind of chap I'll just have a chuckle to myself.
      Yesterday at 11:46 ·  ·  1 person

    • Ross Kelly As a further little not so funny bit of phonetic fun with regard to abbreviation - BLzebub.

      In later Christian and Biblical sources he appears as a demon and the name of one of the seven princes of Hell.

      Yesterday at 11:53 ·  ·  1 person

    • Ross Kelly This is a message I received from Richard on Sept 16 -

      Interesting bit of synchronicity...We watched The Hunt for Red October last night.1st.. Sean Connery,007 he"s a sea captain of the Red October sub .Jack Ryan the CIA character is briefing the top brass before going to find out if Capt Ramires *Sean Connery* is going to defect shouts out..* I"ve got it, It's the 23rd *,the anniversary of the capt's wife's death, the reason for his defection?.. In the film.Jack Ryan played by Stanley Baldwin,has a history of hard times,he survived a helicopter crash when he was 23 ...and so it goes on...Tonight our friend Lee is sitting at our kitchen table telling us about her hospital appointment which she has postponed twice,guess when her next appointment is ..the 23rd October........Richard.

      Yesterday at 13:22 ·  ·  1 person

    • Ross Kelly You lot have just GOT to read the comments under the Brett 23 photo added today's phenomenal.
      Yesterday at 14:29 · 

    • Ross Kelly It's all for the purpose of showing people like this something -

      Yesterday at 14:53 ·  ·  3 people

    • Inci Samiye Hamit It is phenomenal. Once again an amazing demonstration that infinite intelligence lives and does all by design for good purpose for how else could all the things that have occurred shown on these pages have happened like the number of straws for example and all the number synchronicity displayed on FB all made to be noticed at a precise time in order to fit with what is going on now. It has to be real.
      23 hours ago ·  ·  2 people

    • Inci Samiye Hamit Richard I remember you telling me about BUS being an anagram of SUB (The Hunt for Red October) recently as I told you about the trip to the Doctors with my daughter and she picked up a small toy police car from the waiting room toy box with a big number 23 on it and 'special unit' written on its side. Then she gave me a number 9 RED London bus, from all the toys she could have selected. It was an appointment for 3.20PM we got there early and seemed to be waiting for some time so I looked at the time on my mobile phone and it said 3.23PM then Sini handed me the toy car. A lot of planning just for that bit of activity, think of the bigger picture and everything that has been going on. It is mind boggling and people think it happens by chance or just our imagination! Bonkers! The code lines of course are clear as day proof of the fact that all of it is done by Ana for good reason.
      22 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

    • XEquals RDspared And you just know that if someone like James Randi was shown all this, it would still not be enough to prove the existance of Ana to him.I think that guy is going to need all 9 rocks through his kitchen window to get a reaction.The trouble with that senario is that" Better late than never "doesn't apply.........a number 9 London bus !!!!!..... OMG.
      22 hours ago · 

    • Inci Samiye Hamit I've just seen the 2 crispy chicken burgers in the fridge for £3 (big red sticker), Bernard Mathews brand, use by 23RD October, Bowen Turkeys spring to mind. Then I caught the end of channel 4 news about the Stone Roses going on tour after 15 years apart. It showed 2 hits 'Fools Gold' and 'She Bangs the drum'. 15 years after the shocking events of 1996.
      18 hours ago ·  ·  2 people

    • Chris Hunter i know what the bible says. but having read lots of books the bible is not the ultimate authority to me. just last sunnday i was reading in the lutherian translation again: pretty nice ! i do like literature........
      8 hours ago · 

    • Elaine McGuckin Interesting link to Brendan and The Canary Islands.

      It is a popular legend of the Canary Islands which speaks of an island that appears and disappears

      Life | 11/10/2011 - 17:27 h | 12/10/2011 - 00:55 pm

      The population of La Restinga, transferred to another possible eruption
      Decreed a red alert in El Hierro volcanic
      The government convened an emergency cabinet
      El Hierro: an evolving volcano
      The eruption of El Hierro will create a new volcano
      Residents of La Restinga in El Hierro are evacuated to a football field to the possible eruption of a volcano on the coast
      Map showing the location of the island of San Borondón
      Barcelona (Editorial) .- Many canaries should think about these days, following the seismic activity that is suffering in particular the island of El Hierro , San Borondón is making an appearance.

      San Borondón is one of the legends rooted in the people and particularly in the Canary Islands El Hierro. A legend that speaks of an island that appears and disappears.

      San Borondón is the Canary Island of Saint Brendan and Saint Brendan of Clonfert (480-576 AD), an Irish monk protagonist of one of the most famous legends of the Celtic culture: the voyage of St. Brendan, or Brendan to the Promised Land of Blessed are the islands of Happiness and Fortune.

      Legend has it that Saint Brendan went to sail the Atlantic along with 14 other monks in a fragile vessel. It seems that Brendan and company encountered, one day, with an island in which they decided to land. This, according to the story, was full of trees and other vegetation.

      The monks, on his arrival, decided to celebrate Mass after you land and it seems that it was at that precise moment when the ground began to shake. The island, which seemed to have its own life, began to move. According to legend, rather than an island, Brendan and Co. were above the back of a giant sea creature.

      Many are based on this legend had to say that Irish sailors reached possibly the coast of North America or Newfoundland, and Iceland and other islands of the North Atlantic in the early Middle Ages.

      From the fifteenth century, during which the Canary Islands were conquered, they begin to hear the accounts of a eighth island which sometimes could be seen west of La Palma, El Hierro and La Gomera. When sailors tried to approach it, and were near the coast, the island was shrouded in mist and disappeared completely.

      Obviously, the island was quickly identified with the mythical island of St. Brendan whale, whose name became, in the Canaries, "San Borondón".

      Historians mention since the sixteenth century. There are numerous witnesses throughout history who claim to have seen.

      The historian Abreu Galindo went a step further and ventured to give your coordinates: ten degrees and ten minutes in length and twenty-nine degrees and thirty minutes of latitude. That is, northwest of the island of El Hierro.

      Who knows if St. Borondón has decided these days, as a result of seismic activity lately living the Canary Islands, stick your head to stay permanently.

      6 hours ago · 

    • Kenneth Astar Triquetra Nadolny It has been said by a reliable ,and very well informed friend of mine who has been stalking Inana for 3 years that the 2 rocks are indeed NOT meteors.So in order to find the actual identity of the phenomenon we will ,(that is if the code is not correct).check the birth records for this date.She has confided that the 2 are the Messiah and the Anti Messiah.So my guess is the names Kenneth, and Brendon will inevitably be those 2 in Oban,and Bowen.Which?and Who? Ask Ana/ Ross?
      6 hours ago · 

    • Kenneth Astar Triquetra Nadolny Or possibly baptism's on that day
      6 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

    • Elaine McGuckin Kenneth and Brendan are the names of the two bells in Oban's St Columba's cathedral in OBAN.......Ana is using then to ring out a warning to the world, part of the warning is the increase in catastrophic events, the 22/7 Pi link to the earthquakes in 2010 prove that intent. The precision of the 22 23 timing links also prove it.
      The El Hierro eruption at this time is not by chance. Just as that is happening in reality so too will the asteroids.
      Ana already gave the asteroid warning directly in Dublin in 1996 to the same people who hid the Writing on the Wall and have continued till this day to keep humanity in ignorance. Unless there is a complete turn around by the negative side, the two Omega proof Stones hitting Oban and Bowen will come and if it is still necessary so too will the other seven asteroids, which the code has adequately and consistently warned about since 2003. All nine will be used to bring an end to this time period because there is no other solution to the negative insanity problem.

      5 hours ago ·  ·  3 people

    • Ross Kelly Your friend has a penchant for wishful thinking and is talking through her ass.
      5 hours ago ·  ·  3 people

    • Elaine McGuckin Beyond our ken


      Beyond our understanding.


      The word ken, meaning understanding or perception, is now rarely used outside Scotland. In 1864, William Whitney, in the proceedings of the Annual Reports Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institute, made the meaning more explicit:

      "The conditions of that ancient period, and the degree in which they could quicken the now sluggish processes of word-combination and formation are beyond our ken."

      5 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

    • Ben Smart ‎253 253
      5 hours ago ·  ·  2 people

    • Ross Kelly Beelzebub (BL zebub)

      The Devil; Satan.
      One of the fallen angels in Milton's Paradise Lost. Beelzebub was next to Satan in power.
      An evil spirit; a demon.

      Read more:
      Beelzebub ( ) n. The Devil; Satan. One of the fallen angels in Milton's Paradise Lost. Beelzebub was next to Satan in power

      5 hours ago ·  · 

    • Ross Kelly Yeah Ben, 10 10.
      5 hours ago · 

    • Ross Kelly ‎10 +10 =20

      ZEBUB = 20.

      5 hours ago · 

    • Ross Kelly ‎20 = 2 = 2 devil bells.
      5 hours ago · 

    • Ross Kelly Because that's who they are ringing for.
      5 hours ago · 

    • Elaine McGuckin For whom the bell tolls...
      5 hours ago · 

    • Ben Smart and who is watching?
      5 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

    • Ross Kelly Quite!
      5 hours ago · 

    • Ross Kelly Yesterday. Oct 18, I said this -

      Today is Oct 18, 1+8 = 9. There were 9 red straws left in the packet today, there are 261 shares of the post now and 27 hits on this Black Swan post.

      The O code says this -


      4 hours ago · 

    • Elaine McGuckin It's worth noting All the connections Ana has shown us....the whale links like the one found on the land 800 meters from the sea of the Yorkshire coast, the other rare sperm whale sighted in Kirkwall in Orkney, the same place the Black Swan was seen after it had spent a few weeks near Ross' mussel farm in Loch Etive in 1996. Just prior and during the 2005- 2006 May the 6th warning linked to the passing of comet 73P a whale swam up the River Thames to Vauxhall Bridge right in front of MI6 headquarters, the poor thing died after desperate attempts to save her.
      Over the years Ana has persistently used both whales and swans to make a point linked to the bell warning....once again it can be seen in the Saint Brendan connection to the Canary Islands

      Obviously, the island was quickly identified with the mythical island of St. Brendan whale, whose name became, in the Canaries, "San Borondón".

      4 hours ago · 

    • Ross Kelly The Gordon Hospital where the writing was is in Vauxhall bridge road, about a quarter of a mile from MI6 and where that whale died.
      4 hours ago · 

    • Ross Kelly ‎..


      PR LINK TO ID TIMED SCREENSHOT - 17.10.11 - No 23.

      Ross Kelly As we have already seen, Brett's Ana code nickname is PINKY.


      Tell your friend that it's a REAL screenshot Kenneth.

      3 hours ago · 

    • Ross Kelly Pinky Dweeb.
      2 hours ago · 

    • Elaine McGuckin
      Historical temporal clustering of great and giant earthquakes occurrences show that these cannot be attributed to chance, a report from modelling firm Eqecat concludes. "Giant" earthquakes are defined as those with magnitudes of M 9.0 and larger; "great" as those of M 8.0 or larger.

      about an hour ago ·  · 

    • Ross Kelly ‎..


      1. To sound (a large bell) slowly at regular intervals.
      2. To announce or summon by tolling.
      To sound in slowly repeated single tones.
      1. The act of tolling.
      2. The sound of a bell being struck.
      [Middle English tollen, to ring an alarm, perhaps from tollen, to entice, pull, variant of tillen, from Old English -tyllan.]

      The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2009. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
      1. to ring or cause to ring slowly and recurrently
      2. (tr) to summon, warn, or announce by tolling

      about an hour ago · 

    • Ross Kelly In the comments under the Brett 23 screen shot I stated that the 23 in that picture is a nail in the coffin of the opposition and that it is a little Iron Rod. The code is also Ana's Iron Rod.


      35 minutes ago · 

    • Kenneth Astar Triquetra Nadolny Bully
      25 minutes ago · 

    • Ross Kelly Brett, either knowingly or not, serves the cause of the real evil, people like the CIA and world leaders who know about the 1996 writing on the wall intervention. Another recent code link called him a Pansy.
      Now Kenneth's Dweeb links to that to make the point -


      20 minutes ago ·  ·  1 person

    • Ross Kelly BL identifies him as the man linked to 23.


  • Ross Kelly No doubt they hope that he will put people off the message but...


  • Ross Kelly There are 9 asteroids included in the Omega warning and Sodom has recently been found to have been destroyed by one such impact.


    • Ross Kelly ‎..


  • Ross Kelly Hypocritical quote of the year -

    "I am a free seeker following a shamanist path, I am not asking you to be or damning you if you don't. Each must choose their own path to walk." - Pinky Dweeb.

    • Ross Kelly Second hypocritical quote of the year -

      Ross Kelly is a Fraud wrote: "I'll see you on the next post ross, and every other one until you leave fb. And you are powerless to stop it. False prophet." - Pinky Dweeb.

      14 minutes ago · 

    • Ross Kelly Who's the fraud?

  • Ross Kelly ‎..


    16 minutes ago · 

  • Ross Kelly ‎..


    12 minutes ago · 

  • Ross Kelly ‎..


    That doesn't look like a man to me!
The Omega signal Rocks that the warning is about are linked to Daniel's dream in the book of Daniel.

  • Ross Kelly ‎..


  • Ross Kelly Kenneth, when you consider the fact that the 2 bells in Oban Kenneth and Brendan were brought up a few months ago along with the fact that a real Kenneth and a real Brendan (who lives in Oban) came into it at that time and that you Kenneth supplied the Inanna link to the Oban and Bowen Omega warning at a time when the undersea eruptions at El Hierro started happening, and that St Brendan is connected to El Hierro and volcanic activity, I have to conclude that the Kenneth and Brendan warning bells have been well and truly sounded.

  • Ross Kelly The eruptions at El Hierro are submarine eruptions. Canary's are Yellow.
    12 hours ago · 

  • Ross Kelly It was the first eruption in the Canaries for 40 years but I think I am right in saying the first at El Hierro for about 2,500 years. Nicely timed then!
    12 hours ago · 

  • Kenneth Astar Triquetra Nadolny Yesterday Ii called Kelly my x ,and told her to be aware .She lives in Florida with my son Kyle .Ross who is Dolly? I have a synch.
    12 hours ago · 

  • Ross Kelly Dolly is a new friend who sent me a very nice little message on my wall, I mentioned it because Dolly is also the name of a famous Sheep. I had just been speaking about the division of the sheep and the goats.
    12 hours ago · 

  • Kenneth Astar Triquetra Nadolny My Polish Grand Mother ,who I loved very much ,and could barely speak English called me Dolly.Her name was Helena Juric,my dads mom,
    12 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Ross Kelly With regard to that division and Dolly - Dolly Part - on.
    12 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Kenneth Astar Triquetra Nadolny My first job was on a Morgan horse ranch,my favorite horse Dolly.Touche' Maistro.
    11 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Ross Kelly Interesting also because if you Google Dolly and Bogie you'll see that they are well connected. Bogie was where the Bowen earthquake happened on my birthday.
    11 hours ago · 

  • Inci Samiye Hamit That's quite funny - I just Googled Dolly and Bogie - what are the chances eh?
    11 hours ago · 

  • Inci Samiye Hamit We're under bogie quarantine 'ere, not had colds like this since last winter. Thank God for interesting threads like this.
    11 hours ago · 

  • Inci Samiye Hamit That would be booger though.
    11 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Inci Samiye Hamit booger = 23 not including oo.
    11 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Inci Samiye Hamit Bogeys - British English, Booger - American English. Its a funny word.
    11 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Inci Samiye Hamit Now she's taking the mick - Bogeys = 22 not including the o.
    11 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Ross Kelly That snot right then!
    11 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Ross Kelly ‎"as time GOES BY" ...
    11 hours ago · 

  • Ross Kelly ‎(Casablanca)
    11 hours ago · 

  • Ross Kelly Bogey's in's that song.
    11 hours ago · 

  • Ross Kelly Funny that, the last time that Bogey came up was with Helen Cogan, she calls herself Elena now, a link to Kenneth's Dolly link Helena.
    11 hours ago · 

  • Kenneth Astar Triquetra Nadolny Play it again Sam
    11 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Ross Kelly Which brings us to the Piano player, the Pianist, that theme was also linked very strongly linked then at the time of the beginning of the BIG ONE links.

    2 nights ago we watched the film about Ray Charles (called RAY)In it there is a scene where he gives his family an early christmas in October. Ray Charles was born on September 23. The last 23 date to have occured.

    11 hours ago · 

  • Kenneth Astar Triquetra Nadolny ‎2 days after mine,and at work we are using 3 pianos for the Philharmonic concert this Sunday.
    10 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Ross Kelly In case it was missed GOES BY is an anagram of Bogeys.
    10 hours ago · 

  • Ross Kelly There's a little ray of light for someone here, on this wall.
    10 hours ago · 

  • Ross Kelly At the time of the Pianist links Carter Beale, our pianist friend was involved, he later changed his name to Prince Noah. He is a member of this group.
    10 hours ago · 

  • Ross Kelly ‎"This Sunday" the 23rd.
    10 hours ago · 

  • Ross Kelly I just saw that Carter Beale now gives his location as Hawaii, Hawaii is the last place that Helen Cogan contacted me from.

    At the time of those Pianist links there was a link to a piano album called Quartet for the end of time. Looks like Carter has the fourth piano.

    10 hours ago · 

  • Kenneth Astar Triquetra Nadolny PI ANO the feminine PI ANA
    10 hours ago · 

  • Elaine McGuckin 
    Just read the last part of the thread and noticed that Ross was spelling Helen Cogan with a C when in fact her surname name is spelt with a K.
    Special K .....KC =23
    Also Kenneth's son's name...Ana's reasons for every little detail.

    My mother's name is also Helena.....She always used Helen for anything official but everyone including my father and her friends and the rest of the family call her Lena. Helen means light.

  • Ross Kelly I just discovered that there has been an earthquake swarm in Hawaii in the last few days and when I checked this article there was a special K advert happening on the page -
    A series of earthquakes have struck the Big Island of Hawaii.

    10 minutes ago ·  · 

  • Ross Kelly This is part of the last email I recieved from Helen Kogan, the 'special K' lady. -

    Links to Ted, Boston and Obama (I am currently on the Big Island of Hawaii) have also been coming up the last few days. And when recently in Miami, I took a photo of an important place and it was next door to a cafe called Skylark.

    And then I hear from you a few weeks back about 22/7. Perfect.

    From Hawaii, I briefly go back to Peru.

    Carter Beale the Pianist was in Peru at the time of the Pianist links in the emails to Helen. The whole sequence is on my blog (November 2009)

    3 minutes ago · 

  • Ross Kelly As I said, Carter is currently in Hawaii. Helen and Carter do not know each other.

  • Ross Kelly The sequence was all connected to the possibility of the other big tsunami occurring, the Pacific one caused by simultaneous earthquakes on the coasts of both Americas, the tsunami that would devastate Australia's east coast cities.
    35 minutes ago · 

  • Ross Kelly Given the fact that this spontaneous sequence that is connected to the Atlantic Canary island tsunami warning has led directly back to that Pacific warning follows the 2 BORE WARNING in the links to the Dweeb one can only surmise that the warning is totally REAL.

    The Dweeb who lives in SYDNEY.

    6 minutes ago · 

  • Ross Kelly The start of the Special K synchronicity that always linked to Helen is recorded in those old blog posts. So is the fourth K link to Katla.

  • Ross Kelly The very least that can be said about the Red October link to Oct 23rd is that it is a red alert stage of the linked warnings (if not the day of a major event)


    6 minutes ago · 

  • Ross Kelly Interesting timing for that line because Ana called the cause of the Pacific tsunami the continental BOW. (Catastrophe IN BOWen)
    4 minutes ago · 

  • Ross Kelly ‎..



  • Ross Kelly Tomorrow is Helen's father SAM'S birthday.

  • Ross Kelly In 2009 just after the first Bogart links to Helen occured Hurricane Rick formed, it hit land two years ago today near the Islas MAGDALENAS.
    Rick is the name of the character Bogart played in Casablanca, Sam was the Piano player.

  • Ross Kelly The thing to realise about this is that the subject of Casablanca came up because Kenneth asked the question about Dolly and the Bowen earthquake was at Bogie and yet it is timed precisely to correspond to the timing of the Helen Kogan links in 2009. It was TODAY in 2009 that RICK made landfall and SAM'S birthday is TOMORROW.

  • Ross Kelly From what I can gather here Kenneth I think the best advice I can provide for your family in Florida and for Christine Waldron Coniglio is that IF it happens that that terrible tsunami ever actually starts heading for the USA, DON'T TRY TO OUTRUN IT, GET IN A BOAT AND HEAD OUT TO DEEP WATER IN THE SEA.
    38 minutes ago · 

  • Ross Kelly Just after having to consider why certain specific hints came my way that made me think about the potential predicament for people who live in Florida I received a friend of very few....from a lady who lives in I think it's worth preparing for the real eventuality whenever it may come, you will have approximately 8 hours warning but the highways will be chaotic and logjammed.

    31 minutes ago · 

  • Ross Kelly In Helen's email she said this - And when recently in Miami.....

    In THE BIG ONE you will see that MIA (mi) Farrow, the wife of a famous pianist at the time that I had my extraordinary run in with her in Tunisia is mentioned.

    TODAY someone brought a souvenir from TUNISIA to my house. Nobody EVER did that before.

    20 minutes ago · 

  • Inci Samiye Hamit 
    Today I guessed a holiday destination advert and said TUNISIA out loud, odd that was I have only ever seen that advert once. It was for Jordan. I've just been reading through 'THE BIG ONE?' and it is phenomenal how it all ties in with now. I had just come back to this thread to post a little piece from it that stuck out and saw your Tunisia comment: 'When Helen saw those old DITTO code lines she got goosebumps because she had recently seen a clip from the film Ghost in which Patrick Swayze played the part of a dead Sam, (like her father) and he used the word DITTO to prove to Demi Moore that he was present as a ghost.

    This happened a week after Patrick Swayze died. At that time the great RED DAWN dust storm hit Sydney Australia.

    Patrick Swayze starred in the film Red Dawn. Patrick Swayze's birthday is ST HELENS day.'

    8 minutes ago · 

  • Inci Samiye Hamit Time now: 00.32
    8 minutes ago · 

  • Ross Kelly Yeah, and Richard just informed me that Red October is mentioned in that post too. What a mind blower's a real Ditto.
    4 minutes ago · 

  • Inci Samiye Hamit Went for a short walk in town earlier and stood in front of The Works shop which was closed. There was a huge ART promotion in the window that said 'ALL ENDS OCTOBER 23RD' and underneath in huge letters the word ART. A little while ago I looked out the bedroom window and saw a large ginger and white cat limping across the street quite badly wearing a big red bell on a red collar.

  • Ross Kelly Helen's code name is TOOTS.


    45 minutes ago · 

  • Kenneth Astar Triquetra Nadolny My dad has taken a turn for the worse ,at the hospital.His will is strong ,and he is in a struggle.He is as grouchy as Ross ,and also a GREAT Dad like him as well.Big love with a rough exterior.I feel Your Love and best wishes.Kenneth Astar Triquetra Nadolny
    41 minutes ago ·  ·  2 people

  • Ross Kelly ‎..


    37 minutes ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Ross Kelly Hope your dad's ok Kenneth.
    33 minutes ago · 

  • Ross Kelly Yesterday the warnings were all connected to a future Pacific tsunami.
    Here's a little timed hint that God arranged to back it up -

    October 21

    NUKU’ALOFA, Tonga — A strong earthquake struck far off the South Pacific island nation of Tonga on Saturday, but there were no immediate reports of damage or injuries.

    The U.S. Geological Survey said the magnitude-7.6 quake struck at 5:57 a.m. (1757 GMT Friday), about 541 miles (870 kilometers) south of Nuku’Alofa on Tonga. The quake struck at a depth of 24 miles (39 kilometers).

    The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center did not issue a tsunami alert, but its report on the quake said sea level readings indicated that a tsunami was generated.

  • Ross Kelly The earthuake that sent that signal happened near the Kermadec islends. The first white settlers that lived there were the BELL family. The code and synchronicity warning that I am showing to people is the real God's real BELL, and it is being shown to people for one reason and one reason only...GOD IS LOVE.

  • Ross Kelly I just found this code line and it supports all the indications about Sydney and the east coast of Oz.


Then there's a BOND link to it (not just Alan with his boats)

Bondi Beach ( / ˈ b ɒ n d aɪ / bon-dy) is a popular beach and the name of the surrounding suburb in Sydney, Australia. Bondi Beach is located 7 kilometres east of ...,_New_South_Wales


Don't know about you but whenever I think about Bondi beach I thing of Christmas.

The Swan Lake highlights wipe the floor with Gergiev's pale showing in the complete ... Bonus: " Etoiles et petits pas" by Liliane de Kermadec. Backstage at La Scala with the ... - Cached

La Scala is an opera house.

  • Ross Kelly Check this one out, scroll down past the photos to see the Kermadec link next to the Black Swan words.

    Awaiting arrival of next 'black swan' -
    The world is now transfixed by the black swan disaster of Japan - an earthquake larger ... significant earthquake up to 7.0 in magnitude are : Easter Islands Region, Kermadec ... - Cached

  • Ross Kelly Disaster planners in the United States have to ask themselves how they would deal not only with the obvious types of calamities — Gulf Coast hurricanes, for example — but also the events that are of low probability but come with high consequences.

    “You don’t get to pick the next disaster. You don’t necessarily know where the threats are,’’ said Craig Fugate, director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency. “We plan for the things we know, but we also plan for the things we don’t know.’’

    The term “black swan’’ was coined and popularized by Nassim Nicholas Taleb, a New York University professor of risk engineering and author of “The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable.’’

    People debate what qualifies as a black swan. Most alleged black swans turn out to have obvious precursors and warning signs — the Sept. 11 attacks included. Nothing comes out of the blue, truly.

    The next big disaster could be something off the radar of most Americans. A solar flare, for example, could trigger a geomagnetic storm that could knock out much of the nation’s power grid. Or an earthquake could hit an East Coast city not generally considered vulnerable to a major temblor.

    That sounds like paranoia, but mainstream scientists and government officials research such things.

    11 minutes ago · 

  • Ross Kelly El Hierro Volcano (Canary Islands) : Red alert
    Last update: October 22, 2011 at 5:05 pm by By Armand Vervaeck and James Daniell. (NOTE THE LAST PERSON NAMED)

Synchronicity linking the names James and Daniel has been seen to be happening for a couple of months. Danielle, a former member of the Ana code group who played a synchronised part in the Daniel alert and recently left the group has a husband named James. They live on Australia's east coast.

    • Elaine McGuckin 
      Last month on the 23rd of September a redundant NASA satellite fell to earth timed by the code, see previous links on the blog.
      Today, 23rd of October 2011 the German satellite ROSAT is going to fall to earth.
      ROSAT is an anagram of SATOR, see the Pompeii Sator Square links also well documented on the blog last year.
      The latest Bond film just being made is the 23rd James Bond movie and it's going to be called SKYFALL.
      A second large satellite in two months has re-entered the Earth's atmosphere - this time the 2.4-tonne German Rosat X-ray telescope.

      about an hour ago ·  ·  1 person · 

    • Elaine McGuckin OBEN the code name for the two Omega Rocks, in German means from above.

        • Ross Kelly ‎..

          Today Brett Lothian has stooped to a new low, posting comments using my profile picture and my name as if I am posting them.



          • Definition of CHIDE

            intransitive verb
            : to speak out in angry or displeased rebuke

            25 minutes ago · 

          • Ross Kelly ‎..


            13 minutes ago · 

          • Ross Kelly Here the code verifies the intentional 23 link by the timed satellite (again) as it did last month.


        • Elaine McGuckin The 23 link to Turkey....

          Earthquake overview : A very strong  earthquake just occurred in eastern Turkey – Van area“I have Felt it” Reports –> see below + Let us know “how you have felt this earthquake”To read the full story as it happened, we advise our readers to start at the lower part of the page (earthquake data).

          7 minutes ago ·  · 

        • Elaine McGuckin Iris is saying 7.3....this looks really bad. It should be noted that the 22 23 links were all pointing to Sam who is Turkish.

          2 minutes ago · 

        • Ross Kelly Just got this email from Helen and she IS in Peru -

          Thank you Teach.

          Interesting - I have just had an offer on my flat in the UK by a couple - the Swanicks. I sold something earlier in the year to a couple - the Lakes.
          Last week I watched Billy Wilder's film about Sherlock Holmes, featuring scenes at the ballet of Swan Lake (with some genuine Russian Actors), and scenes in Scottish Castles.
          Only a few days previous had I downloaded Tchaikovsky's greatest hits (as you do), of course including a swan lake suite. Although I prefer Nutcracker. Ahem.
          Today sat in the Plaza des Armas in Cuzco, I noticed that the fountain in the centre has white swans as part of the design - and today I decided to head to LAKE Titicaca tomorrow night. 23rd.
          Today the 22nd is my Dad Sam's birthday. Who was Russian. Red October.
          I have recently been staying in a small town called Huanchaco where I 'happened' to meet a girl who had a room to rent (I was looking) her birthday is the same as mine, which is the same as her mother-in-laws.We soon became great friends. Her name is Kelly.

          Note - SWANICKS = SWAN IS 23.

        • Ross Kelly So, the next big earthquake happened on the 23rd in Turkey at the time of the SAM links and Sam is Turkish. The other sign is the Rosat satellite, anagram of SATOR, the link to Naples and Pompeii in Italy where Helen went at the time of the red lady links to her. The last major Italian earthquake in L'aquila happened on Sam's birthday in 2009.

        • Ross Kelly On the 23rd last month the NASA satellite fell to Earth timed by the code links. now this timed by the link to Sam...and Turkey and Helen's father Sam...and all because the Bowen earthquake happened in Bogie, 'snot bad for planning is it! -


          If nothing further of great consequence happens today I think the Dec 23 (an early Christmas) is going to be a big one.
        • Remember.. the 23rd Bond film is called SKYFALL.

        • Ross Kelly The BOND links were all connected to indicate that today would be the Red Alert. The Turkish earthquake epicentre was at ERCIS, anagram of ERIC'S. my old friend Eric lives in Oban and the Turkeys were connected in Bowen (see Bowen's Turkeys on my blog)


        •  This was posted by Shirley yesterday -

        • Shirley Kobiela 
          Lastnight I started getting synchronicity about fireworks, which started with large fireworks going off close to the house followed by fireworks on the tv at the same time as telling Elaine about the the fireworks and then further links on other chanels as I flicked through looking for something to watch - this morning there was a news report about a footballer who set fire to his house by setting off a firework, he is Man City's striker, Mario Balotelli, who has taken the number 45 shirt from Greg Cunningham who is now wearing No.22 - the Balotelli deal, was with Inter Milan and his number there was 45 - according to the article that I read, the deal was for 23 million - Elaine just put the tv on to see about the quake in turkey and it was the sports that was on with Balotelli and the news of his firework mishap -

          Yesterday at 14:56 ·  ·  1 person

        • Ross Kelly The original release date for the Paranormal magazine article about synchronicity that features the Turkish aircrash 23 RKISH initials link (Sam and my initials on the crashed plane) was Oct 23, so the Turkish connection to that date was already being indicated. At the time of the 23 Sept links the RKISH 23 links to Bowen and the Bush Turkeys were happening.
          The new release date for the magazine is the 27th.


          2 hours ago · 

        • Ross Kelly Will it be another link to Turkey, I wonder?
          2 hours ago · 

        • Ross Kelly Or another tsunami?


          about an hour ago · 

        • Ross Kelly The Turkish airliner broke separating the TU from RKISH. TU=23.
          and the initials belong to Sam and I.

          The word TSUNAMI = TU SAM N' I.

          about an hour ago · 

          about an hour ago · 

        • Ross Kelly ‎..


          54 minutes ago · 

        • Ross Kelly 
          Meanwhile I just found out what the Italian fireworks link is about.
          In THE BIG ONE blog post you can see that Helen Kogan was directly linked to The Red Lady and Mt Etna as well as the Pianist links. The piano piece Fibonacci, quartet for ...See more

          The ALIEN Project is a ufological and exopolitical disclosure quest featuring ar...See more

          23 minutes ago ·  · 

        • Ross Kelly ‎..

          I RELAY THIS CODE PR LINK ON 24.10.11 - MT ETNA.

          59 minutes ago · 

        • Ross Kelly The Etna eruption actually happened on the 23rd, the day Shirley posted the Italian firework synchronicity, the day the ROSAT satellite came down and ROSAT is an anagram of SATOR, another link to Italy by the Pompeii SATOR square. Pompeii was destroyed by a volcano.

          24.10.11 O PR ID'S - BLACK SWAN, TROY HELEN, ETNA.

          Troy is there to show that the link to Helen is intentional.

          •  The point being that my earlier statement about the 23 link being directly connected to the BIG ONE and the 22 7 Pi warning has just been borne out by totally timed REALITY.
            2 minutes ago · 

          •  The Etna Messina link is about the Messina tsunami.

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