Synchronicity Wins

Tuesday 11 October 2011

Forgive me ...for he knows not what he does.


Updated Oct 16

There is a man who stalks me all over Facebook posting sick comments on my posts mainly in ways that prevent me from seeing them. He makes up multiple identities. One of them is Theanti Ross. His real name is Brett Lothian, this is of course not a real picture of him or even of a real afflicted person but it does partially express the way his warped mind comes across to me. I found the picture in the Yahoo collection of IDIOT pictures, I think it very apt although not a pleasing thing for anyone to see on my's not meant to be.

He insinuates that I am the leader of a cult and a suicide cult at that, that I am a psychopath who beats his wife and mistreats his children, that my first wife (that I never had) left me for that reason ,that my father who he knows very little about except that he skippered a fishing boat and died when I was 14  neglected me, that I am a liar etc etc etc.

He even went to the wall of a female friend and insulted her by saying that he could not tell whether the pictures of her were of herself or of her husband.

He is so obsessed with it that he spends a great deal of time and effort on it. This little insightful account of an  excerpt from a thread illustrates the mentality of the man. I can not show the actual thread because he deleted all his comments or blocked me again before I had copied it.

He does not understand what a terrible 'mistake' he is making and that it will probably have consequences for him further down the line when the full importance of the message I pass on is finally appreciated. Deeply remorseful and mentally difficult consequences.

It is not really me he is attacking, it is the people he manages to prevent from studying the information that I post...them ...and God.

Some might think it cruel of me to put it here but sometimes maybe you just have to be a little cruel to be kind. The man needs help. Perhaps this will help him to realise that.

The wisdom of Theanti Ross. (Brett Lothian)

See comment below
 ·  ·  · 2 hours ago

    • Ross Kelly Yesterday on a thread under a profile picture on Shirley's wall Brett Lothian told me to stop lying to the time I said that Jesus and Plato INSTIGATED Heresy laws that carried a capital punishment sentence. He then went on to say that neither of them had the power to make laws (Duh stupid lying Ross!)... I never said they did.

      I replied by saying that I had never stated anything of the kind so he then posted a quote from me that is somewhere on his blog in which I stated ' people like Jesus and Plato had to be careful about what they said because in those days there were heresy laws that carried a capital punishment sentence (or words to that effect.)

      So I replied ' are you really that thick Brett that you can't see what you just posted ?

      His response amounted to - Stop trying to twist things to suit your lie Ross. Plato lived in a democratic republic in which people were free to believe anything they liked.

      I just sent him this -

      Plato was fascinated by Socrates and joined other young men in spending time in his company. At the same time Plato observed how demagogues led Athens to prolong its Peloponnesian War (431–404 B.C.E.) against Sparta, a war that ended in utter defeat for Athens. The Spartans installed an antidemocratic government that included members of Plato's family. This government ruled murderously, but briefly, until a citizens' armed rebellion restored the democracy, although Athens's empire and military preeminence were gone forever. Under this same democracy, just a couple of years later (399 B.C.E.), a religiously conservative prosecutor brought Socrates to trial on charges of atheism, heresy, and corrupting the young. The jury found Socrates guilty and sentenced him to death. It is no wonder that Plato became disillusioned with a life aimed at political rule, and decided instead to devote his life to developing Socrates's ideas.

      Socrates was Plato's friend and teacher. After his death Plato had to talk in private to a closed circle of trusted friends.

      You'll get it right one day Brett ....maybe.

      2 hours ago ·  ·  3 people

    • Ross Kelly He should change his name to Theanti Brett!
      2 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

    • Ross Kelly Awwww, we love ya Pinky!

      A further little message.

      If you give me your DOG SHITS 'I' will 'give' you your God's hits. (on her behalf for REAL.)

The following two threads occurred on this post on two separate group walls. Despite appearances there are only two people involved in the posts including the ' people who liked Brett Lothian's comments. Me and him.

 ·  ·  · Wednesday at 13:52 ·

    • Fixing the problems, not the blame. Solutions over fear. I'm sorry mr Kelly but I do not understand your point here. For a start, your word that someone else said certain things is merely heresay, and not admissible as evidence of anything. Also, how does this help anything? So this guy defamed you, who are you that we should even care?
      Yesterday at 03:25 ·  ·  2 people

    • Ross Kelly Well by the same token who are you that I should care what you think about it? There is a reason why some people need to know which of us is telling the truth but perhaps you are not one of them.
      Yesterday at 03:29 · 

    • Fixing the problems, not the blame. Solutions over fear.And why is your truth so important?
      Yesterday at 05:11 ·  ·  2 people

    • Ross Kelly 
      Because it's not "my" truth. I suggest that if you want to know about it check out these links, saves me having to go over it all again !!
      - Five Days in Varkala

      Gods' Proof

      Devil's requiem
      To put it simply, this film exposes some very well kept secrets including the on...See more

      21 hours ago ·  · 

    • Fixing the problems, not the blame. Solutions over fear.With all due respect to you mr kelly, I find it very hard to believe that human morals could in anyway cause asteroids to hit the earth as you claim, can you provide any studies that show a corrolation between morals and asteroids?
      19 hours ago ·  ·  2 people

    • Ross Kelly Sodom and you know.
      19 hours ago · 

    • Ross Kelly Nice NEW groups popping up everywhere... then straight away finding my posts. Go away.
      19 hours ago · 

    • Fixing the problems, not the blame. Solutions over fear.
      This group has been on fb for over a year actually, as you can see from the dated posts on the wall. But this is not about me mr kelly, it is about you and your claims. You claim morals can cause asteroids to hit earth, I'm just asking you to provide actual evidence for such a conjecture, you know, scientific studies, reports of this being proven. Can you do that mr kelly? Or are the general public who you are trying to convince with your postings not allowed to question you?

      19 hours ago ·  ·  2 people

    • Ross Kelly Watch the films, read the book or stop demanding that I repeat it all here PLEASE.
      19 hours ago · 

    • Fixing the problems, not the blame. Solutions over fear. I did watch the films, read all the stuff on the net and I could find no scientific studies that supported the conjecture that morals can cause asteroids to hit the earth as you claim. Can you prove this conjecture, which it is all based upon?
      19 hours ago ·  ·  2 people

    • Ross Kelly I never ever claimed that "morals" cause asteroids to hit earth I claimed that God does as a means of rectifying a balance problem that is caused by human negativity.
      19 hours ago · 

    • Ross Kelly All the evidence for those and other claims is in the links I gave you.
      19 hours ago · 

    • Ross Kelly I am not going to get into a discussion about it here.
      19 hours ago · 

    • Bryan McCaffrey If you dont want to discuss it why post in a public forum? Seems like you just want to dictate...

The man who said it was heresay is the man who knows he posted the Jesus Plato nonsense.

 ·  ·  · Wednesday at 13:54 · 

    • NOT BEING A FAN OF PEOPLE WHO SEND ME THEIR OWN FAN (EGO) PAGE. Blah blah blah whatever.. How's that workin out for you dude? lol
      16 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

    • Ross Kelly Very well thanks...Dude... Hundreds of admirers, well thousands actually but I cling to modesty, it comes naturally.
      13 hours ago · 

    • Ross Kelly And anyway dude SMILE ...because your fame is assured.
      12 hours ago · 

    • Ross Kelly You rattled the big rattle.
      12 hours ago · 

    • Ross Kelly But you held it in the hand that people in other countries wipe their arse with and you didn't wash your hand.
      12 hours ago · 

    • Ross Kelly Bryan.
      12 hours ago · 

    • Ross Kelly Lonely Bryan.
      12 hours ago · 

    • Anti Religeon I thought your shitty group was down to only 70 now, thousands of admirers ? Please motherfucker... You got less by the day lmfao! Loser..
      6 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

    • Ross Kelly I'm taking the piss you idiot.
      6 hours ago · 

    • Ross Kelly 
      When it gets down to about 5 or 6 I'll know who those who understand it are. Nobody that really understood it would leave that group. I'ts not my group, I didn't set it up, I just comment on it and try to keep it on subject. Most of the names in the membership list have never participated in it and probably never even look at it. But in the end if a few get it it will have been worth the effort. One even. Even if it turned out to be you, the man who is the most afraid of it.

      5 hours ago · 

    • Ross Kelly The one and only Brett, my most dedicated and only FOLLOWER.
      5 hours ago · 

    • Ross Kelly ‎..


      (despite your affinity with all things vile)

      ....and maybe not, I don't know, it's not my plan, but it most certainly is one.

      5 hours ago · 

    • Anti Religeon 
      For you~*
      Ross is like Platos troglodites,
      still stuck in Amentis cave,
      all hopped up on fear,
      and totally depraved,
      he wouldn't even know the light,
      if it burnt him on his ass,
      as he digs in deeper,
      his too afraid to pass,
      too meek and passive aggressive,
      never being whole,
      un open to the world,
      all he has he stole,
      never being original,
      mistaking the map for reality,
      abondoning the light,
      he sinks futher in insecurity.

      5 hours ago · 

    • Ross Kelly 
      It is interesting that the first link to the Bond theme started with the death of a coal miner and that coal mines use Canary's to warn the miners about the presence of danger (gas) in the mine.

      It's also interesting that the OO symbol in the code symbolises both Omega 2 (2 asteroids) and death by use of the OO licensed to kill connection to the Bond books and that there are 7 Canary islands.

      To a thinking mind it is.

      5 hours ago · 

    • Anti Religeon It's interesting that a woman who had been part of your group for over a year until recently comments on the following blog that you and your gilr are compulsive liers and manipulators ~

      5 hours ago · 

    • Anti Religeon To a rational mind that is~*
      4 hours ago · 

    • Ross Kelly 
      What, this woman?

      Kellie here :)

      Actually Ross I am NOT the confused one, you are a compulsive liar to manipualate others for your own misson of 'getting Ana's message out' is Elaine.

      My quote that you are using on the Ana wall
      ("This is how confused Kellie has become. She said 'why would Ana need you to show her her code?'") was a PM to Danielle and may not be the best of grammer, however .....this is what I sent to Elaine PRIOR to my message to Danielle which is very clear and concise. It was NEVER answered by Elaine or yourself. Answer the queston Ross!!

      The question was infact

      "What would be the point of showing Ana her code if she is all knowing and therefore would already know about it?"


      The woman who can't see how utterly stupid her question is any more than you could actually read what I really said about Jesus and Plato?

      4 hours ago · 

    • Ross Kelly I know that the relevance of this will be totally lost on you guys but here it is anyway -


      4 hours ago · 

    • Anti Religeon 
      This one was interesting also ~
      "I was following this guy for awhile and you're right with pretty much everything you say. Ross just makes stuff up to suit himself, it's total nonsense. Anyone that disagrees he attacks no end with some really disgusting stuff, but that's what his mind is full of. You aren't allowed to question anything, it's all controlled. I just stayed on the fringes, but got sick of all the constant negativity and left. I advise everyone else to do the same, no good comes from this. xo SM"

      There's plenty more like it lol..

      4 hours ago · 

    • Ross Kelly 
      In the Ana code a tilted letter C represents the Omega symbol.
      A message from God once stated "I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end"

      And so she is and we are rapidly approaching the Omega point.

      The line of the code shown above was designed by her to be shown on THIS thread, it could not be here otherwise.

      It is a cryptic mini key clue line.


      4 hours ago · 

    • Ross Kelly The reason why it is on THIS thread is because the insanity problem the world has now is amply illustrated by the many faces of Brett Lothian and the sad display of total lack of reason demonstrated by my old friend Kellie.
      4 hours ago · 

    • Ross Kelly ‎..


      4 hours ago · 

    • Anti Religeon How about this old friend? ~
      3 hours ago · 

    • Anti Religeon 
      August 22, 2011 8:01 AM
      Anonymous said...
      HI again, I'm going to call myself Mr X.

      I am the same guy who posted anonymously on the Ana Code Scam post about the sexual assault, wife beating, children neglecting etc.

      Your last post here about the sexual abuse is interesting. No way we can prove it without him admitting to it, but it does bring up memories of Elaine once speaking about Ross' relationship with his mother and father. I can't really remember what was said now, but the gist of it was that it was not a good thing to bring up. Pretty sure there was some bad blood with the mother, not sure if the father was around for very long, but my memories evades me too much to elaborate any further. I could very well have it the wrong way around.

      It's a sad thing really. Unless he's really causing harm to people or caught in the act one day, there's not much anyone can really do about it. Everyone is responsible for themselves, and those that choose to follow in his footsteps do so of their own will. It's just a shame from an outsiders point of view, and from previously being one of the insiders, that I see this continuing of near contagious insanity spreading to more people now that they've utilised the internet.

      The saddest part is watching people like Richard Dixon or XequalsRdespared or whatever his facebook name is. He was the only one in the group at that time, that continually questioned, trying to make sense of it, only to be continually beaten down by his partner and the kelly's. I remember the sad looks in his eyes the poor bugger. One of the first things I did was defend that man, as Ross launched across a room with a fist for Richards face. And I've seen that behaviour a few time since from Ross as well. Once you drive him to a point, which can be as simple as saying "Sorry, I just don't believe you're telling the truth" he has literally launched out of his seat to throw a fist at someone. I lost a very good friend to an act like that from Ross as I defended Ross. And now years later I still cannot find them (even on facebook) to try and mend what happened.

      Such is life.
      Mr X

      3 hours ago · 

    • Ross Kelly Another anagram of Ana's master key says -


      He is in fact the man God selected to show the world what Satanic means and I think he does it rather well.

      3 hours ago · 

    • Ross Kelly Another anagram of Ana's master key says -


      3 hours ago · 

    • Anti Religeon Actually I'm anti religeon, hence the name lol and do not believe in the boogey man. Grow up. Cults been trying to use that one for millenia..
      3 hours ago · 

    • Anti Religeon Another anagram of Ana's master key says -
      TRUE CODER BL PROVED HOW KELLY IS INSANE AN SAD..C! - (* 'C' Is used phonetically at the end as in, see*. Which is allowed under ross's rules*)

      3 hours ago · 

    • Ross Kelly 


      A bore is a tidal wave. It is saying there will be two of them. The scientific world knows that there is a very real potential for a truly massive one to be generated by a Canary island volcano. The code already identified the other one, a Pacific bore of great magnitude generated by the subduction zone plates on the West coast of both Americas, Oregon and Chile.

      It was already demonstrated that a Quake in Chile can generate a tsunami that can reach the East coast of Australia. A little one did that last year for that very purpose.

      3 hours ago · 

    • Ross Kelly Pretty soon you may not have an arse to laugh with.
      3 hours ago · 

    • Ross Kelly You need to be on the other side of the dividing range.
      3 hours ago · 

    • Ross Kelly There have already been two demonstration bores of some magnitude. The 2004 Tsunami and Japan. They were both relatively small compared to what is being indicated here. Very small.
      But a hell of a lot of arses stopped functioning none the less.

      3 hours ago · 

    • Anti Religeon Another anagram of Ana's master key says - STEAMY VAIN BORED Ω PLAN ROSSO LIED .. THINK - That silly association anagram game is just not going to get you anywhere ross..
      3 hours ago · 

    • Anti Religeon Your pathetic typical cult attempts at fear based mind control sure as shit wont get you anywhere, as I constantly demostrate to you lol! My goodness the fear and paranoia you must suffer, poor man..
      3 hours ago · 

    • Ross Kelly Time is my friend and your worst nightmare, as you will time.
      3 hours ago · 

    • Anti Religeon I doubt that, you're old as shit. I got decades in front of me, lived without fear based mind control from doomsday cults lol! :))
      2 hours ago · 

    • Ross Kelly Omega means Great O. It is also the number zero.


      2 hours ago · 

    • Anti Religeon Helped take out over what it is it now, 20 odd people from your group? I'm losing count! lmao!!
      2 hours ago · 

    • Ross Kelly You didn't take anybody out of that group. God did. She doesn't want them there now. She's put them where you are.
      2 hours ago · 

    • Ross Kelly Here's why she just brought in the O link to Ω in the previous line -


      you are very likely to be wrong about your decades.

      2 hours ago · 

    • Ross Kelly She puts everyone where they are ..on which side of her dividing range.
      2 hours ago · 

    • Ross Kelly Hey, that was hilarious about Plato wasn't it.
      2 hours ago · 

    • Ross Kelly The Inanna thing was a bloody good laugh too.
      2 hours ago · 

    • Ross Kelly Just two of the many!
      2 hours ago · 

    • Ross Kelly The code as you know is also is the great time circle, the Omega circle. I'm with the Alpha bet.


      That's also you and Kellie, she has the wit to blend her timed themes. She's got Plato wit.

      2 hours ago · 

    • Ross Kelly Should have read your bible mate.
      2 hours ago · 

    • Ross Kelly Not all sheep are stupid.
      2 hours ago · 

    • Ross Kelly

      Geologic events take worrisome turn on Canary's El Hierro Island


      The OO7 link is still happening on the other posts. Inanna and the Rocks in the sea post.

  • Ross Kelly The current code links are all connected to the James Bond OO7 theme. As you can see it is a timer of the 2 Bore links in the code. Very precise she is, Mrs Meticulous. But we'd all be up the creek if she wasn't because she's GOD....The thing that evil minded little idiots FEAR above all else.



    BL, The initials of one such man are the No 23, they are also an abbreviation for BLIND.

    BLIND is a little code that says B.L ..N ID.

    N is a symbol for NEGATIVE. ...You are the chosen N
    one...but of course YOU CAN'T SEE IT.

  • Ross Kelly ‎..


  • Anti Religeon 
    Who are trying to convince ross? No one is reading this crap.., well down the news feed. No one cares about your bullshit lol! I know you aren't trying to convince me, we are well past that surely.. I'm just fucking with you on this inparticular post because it amuses me really, fucking with psycho wannabe cult leaders, easy game.. Here's something else your silly anagram game can say lol ~ GOT BET THE CANARY ISLAND ID LINK WOE ROSS ~ Or ~ THE CANARY ROSS LIED AND ILK IS BENT , TWO GO . ~ Maybe a reference to recent people leaving perhaps? lol, or your silly associattion anagram game code could say this ~ THE GOD TO YE CANNIBAL LIAR ROSS WENT KIDS ~ Could make that say anything... Lmfao!! .

    16 minutes ago · 

  • Ross Kelly Brett's Freudian cock up.

    Earlier today the silly man posted a comment that I believe I am right in saying he deleted, it came up in my email notifications and I read it there but didn't see it on the thread.
    It was about the title of the blog post and went pretty much like this -

    Forgive me for he knows not what he does? That's a bit of a Freudian slip isn't it Ross? Shouldn't it say Forgive him for he knows not what he does?
    Is there something you feel you need to be forgiven for Ross?

    Then he must have realised what he'd said.

    You are completely wrong about the number of people who are reading this Brett, there's loads of them mate, like I said, your fame is assured and is growing'as we speak'.

  • Anti Religeon BAHAHAHA!! Like your word means something?!! I think you're dreaming, and lying again ross... Can you prove anything? More heresay, come on man, try harder lol..
    9 hours ago · 

  • Anti Religeon So just how long where you in the mental home ross?
    9 hours ago · 

  • Inci Samiye Hamit If you spent as much time on what you were being shown and what you think instead of worrying about what others think then you may have an opportunity to get somewhere. There are many reading these posts for the writing is on the wall for real Brett.
    2 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Ross Kelly ‎59 years and 27 days.
    18 minutes ago · 

  • Ross Kelly But that's just this particular innings.

    • Anti Religeon 
      Sami, now why would I care what one of ross's longtime moronic cronies would say? Especially when he has to bring in the followers to fight his battles for him, typical cult.. Now ross, stop being deceptive, answer the question. We have established you have been locked up in a mental institution, I just want to know how long for, be honest and stop running from the question, this is supposed to be about who is honest right? About who is telling the truth, well tell the truth ross, how long where you in the mental home?

      8 hours ago ·  ·  2 people

    • Ross Kelly Inci Samiye Hamit is one of the finest human beings this world has ever had the privilege to be trodden on by. You are not worthy to clean up her shit you low life git. How dare you speak about people you have no knowledge of in this manner? YOU ARE SCUM OF THE LOWEST KIND.
      7 hours ago ·  ·  1 person

    • Anti Religeon Stop being deceptive, answer the question. We have established you have been locked up in a mental institution, I just want to know how long for, be honest and stop running from the question, this is supposed to be about who is honest right? About who is telling the truth, well tell the truth ross, how long where you in the mental home?
      7 hours ago ·  ·  2 people

    • Ross Kelly Read my book, it's all in there. It's plain to see why it's you. You really are the man. You poor sick sod
      7 hours ago · 

    • Anti Religeon 
      You don't want to answer that do you ross, pretty much proves all by itself that you're delusional, full of shit and not trustworthy in anyway what so ever doesn't it ross. So stop being deceptive, answer the question. We have established you have been locked up in a mental institution which proves your word means nothing, I just want to know how long for, be honest and stop running from the question, this is supposed to be about who is honest right? About who is telling the truth, well tell the truth ross, how long where you in the mental home?

      7 hours ago ·  ·  2 people

    • Ross Kelly Read the book. That's your answer. It's not a hidden thing, it's there for all to see. I was there for as long as God and needed me to be.
      7 hours ago · 

    • Shirley Kobiela 
      You Brett have to be one of the most disgusting people I have ever had the misfortune of running into - it's as well 'we' know it's Ana because the idea of a future with more of you just doesn't bear thinking about - you insidious little knaff - I wish you'd just go away but am well aware of Ana's planning and know that you are serving a greater purpose, one that you will probably never be aware of - you are a complete sicko

      7 hours ago · 

    • Anti Religeon Now ross, who gets locked up in mental institutions? Insane people. How do you expect anyone to believe an insane person? You're delusional ross, you prove that constantly. Insane people cannot be trusted, or reasoned with, they will lie, distort and out right deny the truth or anything else that disagrees with their delusion. ross, you're insane.
      7 hours ago ·  ·  2 people

    • Anti Religeon Good come back lol..
      7 hours ago ·  ·  2 people
      That's two other Brett Lothian persona's liking his own comments and he tries his hardest to convince himself that I'm the one who's insane!

      You may read little Book Big Secret via the link on the right of the blog page to find out why I did indeed pay a short visit to a psychiatric unit in London courtesy of MI6 who took me there to verify the authenticity of a remarkable piece of writing  put on a wall in that place 6 months prior to my arrival by one of the patients ...... IN MY CHILDHOOD HANDWRITING.

  • Ross Kelly ‎..



    As he doesn't understand what God is he thinks R.K is doing it all. Those who know the truth know differently.

    BLIND is a little code that says B.L ..N ID.

    N is a symbol for NEGATIVE.

  • Anti Religeon Hey ross, that girl in your own group telling you all to stop being so negative all the time, you should take her advice lol ;))
    42 minutes ago ·  ·  2 people

  • Ross Kelly ‎93 people have SHARED this link lol.
    33 minutes ago · 

  • Ross Kelly lol.
    27 minutes ago · 

  • Anti Religeon 
    I find that very hard to believe ross. You are a crazy person, you have been institutionalized for being a crazy person.. So you know, your word aint shit ross lol.. And even if it where true, so? I don't want to be a psycho cult leader, famous or anything your pathetic lies could ever harm lmfao! Go nutz, oops too late, keep goin nutz with it ross, fire away. Spread it far and wide dude. Do your worst, nothing will happen ross, just like every other time... You're living in a delusion crazy person, come back to reality any time.

    25 minutes ago ·  ·  2 people

  • Anti Religeon You stopped taking the meds, didn't you..
    23 minutes ago ·  ·  2 people

  • Ross Kelly 
    Ross Kelly
    Recently I posted a comment about Yorkshire being shown to me as significant, happening. In it I mentioned a WHALE that had been found mysteriously on dry land 800 metres from the sea.

    The Inanna article that I posted earlier on this thread is on a website called

    Yesterday there was a BBC news item about a big sperm whale being seen trapped in Kirkwall harbour in Orkney.

    Orkney is where the black Swan from my mussel farm at the Fleming estate ended up.
    about an hour ago · Like

    Ross Kelly ..


    The thing to understand about that is that it demonstrates the fact that Ana timed the first mention of the Black Swan knowing that her whale was on it's way.

    Ross Kelly ..


    Dr No was the first Connery Bond film.
    53 minutes ago · Like

    Ross Kelly ..


    Fleming wrote the OO7 book Dr No.
    42 minutes ago · Like

    Ross Kelly What Does Black Swan Mean?
    An event or occurrence that deviates beyond what is normally expected of a situation and that would be extremely difficult to predict. This term was popularized by Nassim Nicholas Taleb, a finance professor and former Wall Street trader.

    Ana's code symbol for Asteroid is ET.


    Ross Kelly ..


    Ross Kelly ..


    I see the direct connection. A white Swan is an old symbol for an enlightened person. The Black Swan from my mussel farm on the Fleming estate that ended up in Orkney was Australian, so is Negative child Brett Lothian. He's the Black Swan herald.

  • Anti Religeon 
    Yes of course ross, it makes perfect sense, to an INSANE person... Which you have demonstrated wonderfully, way to go! Here's some more things your silly little association anagram game can say lol ~ NA NAH, BOY SODOMITE RAKET ROSS PLAIN LIED .. ~ Or ~ ANA BOY RANK ROSS THE PLAIN SODOMITE, LIED ~ Or even yet lol ~ SOAP RID INSANE T-BOY R.K. SODOMITE ANA HELL ~ You can make that say anything ross and proves nothing lmao.., you're plainly mad. Insane, lost it, bonkers, not quite with it, off with the demons ... You need serious mental health care ross, again.. How come your code says the above ross? Dont be all deceptive and run from the answer as usual, how come the code say you're an insane sodomitte ross? How come the code says this ross ~ SOAP RID INSANE T-BOY R.K. SODOMITE ANA HELL ?? lmfao..!!

    2 hours ago · 

  • Ross Kelly It says that in your hands to prove a valid point.

    We can all see the interconnected timed plan there Brett, yes of course we can you plonker. Great mathematical precision that defies all the odds clearly demonstrated. ...NOT.
    Washing it away won't work.

    about an hour ago · 

  • Anti Religeon I dont think the line was refering to you washing it away ross, i'm sure you tried that, I think it means more come clean. Admit the truth. You're a fraud, a ridiculous one.
    about an hour ago · 

  • Ross Kelly 
    The taking of black swans to Europe in the 18th and early 19th centuries brought the birds into contact with another aspect of European mythology: the attribution of sinister relationships between the devil and black-coloured animals such as a black cat. Black swans were considered to be a witch's familiar. Fit for a Shaman eh..lmao.

    " Aboriginal names such as Catagunya, meaning Black Swan." See the Cat link?... CAT = A 23....BL = 23.

    about an hour ago · 

  • Anti Religeon Are you a great mathmatician ross? Do you have ANY qualifications or training what so ever? Or where you just the chosen one lol?
    about an hour ago · 

  • Ross Kelly My boss is!
    about an hour ago · 

  • Ross Kelly In Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake, the sinister and seductive black swan, Odile, is contrasted with the innocent white swan, Odette.
    about an hour ago · 

  • Anti Religeon Are you the chosen one to bring us ana's message to deliver us at the end of time ross?
    about an hour ago · 

  • Ross Kelly First two letters of Black swan ... BL.
    about an hour ago · 

  • Anti Religeon Dont be all deceptive ross, answer the question. Be honest and open if you are telling the truth and all... Are you the chosen one to bring us ana's message to deliver us at the end of time ross?
    about an hour ago · 

  • Ross Kelly BLACK SWAN as Ana code with a blank space O = BL MOCKS ANA..

    Not wise....not wise AT ALL.

    about an hour ago · 

  • Anti Religeon Oooh scary lol.. Dont be all deceptive ross, answer the question. Be honest and open if you are telling the truth and all... Are you the chosen one to bring us ana's message to deliver us at the end of time ross?
    about an hour ago · 

  • Ross Kelly One of them yes, so are you.
    about an hour ago · 

  • Ross Kelly Most understanding is conveyed by the use of polarity contrast. That's what your job is.
    about an hour ago · 

  • Anti Religeon Nah, just you with the messiah complex... Does the bible know you are ripping it off? lol.. So ross, how's being a crazy bastard workin out for you?
    about an hour ago · 

  • Ross Kelly ‎"Oooh scary lol"... you see? BL MOCKS ANA.
    about an hour ago · 

  • Anti Religeon No, just you. I dont believe in your imaginary friend. My ideas about divinity are personal and none of your business. The way yours probably should be lol..
    about an hour ago · 

  • Anti Religeon Who are you trying prove this too ross? Are your followers watching?
    about an hour ago · 

  • Ross Kelly ‎..


    about an hour ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Ross Kelly ‎..


    about an hour ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Ross Kelly ‎..


    about an hour ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Anti Religeon Name calling ? That the best you got? LMFAO! How does that prove you are not a delusional?
    59 minutes ago · 

  • Ross Kelly If you had a million years and a LOT of help you might just get an inkling about the answer to that .... but you haven't.
    57 minutes ago · 

  • Ross Kelly ‎..


    54 minutes ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Anti Religeon Do you have ANY qualifications or training what so ever? ...
    54 minutes ago · 

  • Ross Kelly That's so funny!
    52 minutes ago · 

  • Anti Religeon 
    You are a very deceptive man ross.. You talk about so many topics as if an expert.. What training or qualifications have you got ross? Stop being deceptive, answer the question, be honest and open. You're telling the truth right ross lol.. You sir are a fruad! You have no right to talk about anything, let alone god..Or any of the subjects you talk about as if an expert, you are not.. You're plainly insane man, been locked up for it. Mad. You're mad ross. Do you have ANY qualifications or training what so ever? ..

    46 minutes ago · 

  • Ross Kelly She certainly got the BORE link right!
    39 minutes ago ·  ·  1 person

  • Anti Religeon 
    You are a very deceptive man ross.. You talk about so many topics as if an expert.. What training or qualifications have you got ross? Stop being deceptive, answer the question, be honest and open. You're telling the truth right ross lol.. ...See more

    37 minutes ago · 

  • Anti Religeon I can't trust a man that does n't give a straight answer, especially one that has spent time in a mental home..
    35 minutes ago · 

  • Ross Kelly ‎..


    28 minutes ago · 

  • Ross Kelly ‎..


    22 minutes ago · 

  • Ross Kelly This line -


    should say -




    Like a Catfish on Ana's Rod's hook.

    18 minutes ago · 

  • Ross Kelly ‎131 shares and climbing.

  • Ross Kelly ‎..


    17 minutes ago · 

  • Ross Kelly ‎..


    PLANET EARTH - I ID 23 IN MY 15.10.11 CODE TO R.K.

  • Ross Kelly ‎..


    The Black Swan.


  • Inci Samiye Hamit 
    They all laughed at Christoper Columbus when he said the world was round... It must scare you quite a lot Brett because the information you are being shown is very smart indeed as you say : 'You talk about so many topics as if an expert.. What training or qualifications have you got ross?' That is because it is pure genius, infinite intelligence. This isn't a popularity contest what ever happens to us or you nothing can change the truth and the reason why your endless searching to gain the upper hand so you can feel better about yourself is in vain because she is the source of everything including you. There's another C C.

  • Anti Religeon 
    Actually sami when an untrained armchair expert like ross goes and tries to intrepret for example ancient symbology as in that Lillith stele he makes all kinds of mistakes because he doesn't know what he is on about, like claiming the rod and ring symbol to be omega.. Plain wrong ross, couldn't even get the diety right lol! It was Lillith not Innana lol.. We both know you are lying about the view shares ross, I can see all your cronies fb walls and you are just lying ross, nothing unusual for you, everything out your crazy mouth is suspect..

    6 hours ago · 

  • Anti Religeon But keep sending your little gilrs to fight for you big man lmfao..
    6 hours ago · 

  • Anti Religeon 
    Pathological Liar – Definition

    Pathological liar refers to a liar that is compulsive or impulsive, lies on a regular basis and is unable to control their lying despite of foreseeing inevitable negative consequences or ultimate disclosure of the lie. Generally lies told by a pathological liar have self-defeating quality to them and don’t serve the long term material needs of the person. Therefore pathological lying is lying that is caused by a pathology, occurs on a regular basis, is compulsive or impulsive & uncontrolled, and has self-defeating, self-trapping quality to it.

    Lying or self-deception is a part of everyday human interactions. In many cases lying can be beneficial for those who lie and those who are being lied to. Most of this type of lying with positive consequences occurs in a controlled way, thoughtfully, with careful weighting of beneficial consequences. Unlike these, the lies told by a pathological liar are uncontrolled and are likely to have damaging consequences.

    Pathological lying covers a wide range of lying behavior, from pseudologia fantastica to habitual lying. Lying is a commonly found clinical component with people who suffer from impulse control disorders such as gambling, compulsive shopping, substance abuse, kleptomania etc. Pathological lying is generally caused by a combination of factors, which may include genetic components, dysfunctional or insecure childhood, dyslexia or other type of cerebral dysfunction. Such conditions may host environment that is likely to emerge chronic or pathological lying as an adaptive defense mechanism. Dysfunctional family, parental overprotection, sibling rivalry, mental retardation are among many causes of pathological lying.


    Low Self-Esteem And Pathological Lying

    Low self-esteem is a commonly found feature in pathological liars. The lie maybe an attempt to feel good about themselves, generally for a short period of time, similar to the effect of drugs & alcohol. The same lie or deceit repeated over and over may create a myth of personal well-being or success or displacement of faults of own failures on others, thus creating an imaginary fantasy protection bubble, which may reinforce self-esteem. Pathological liars repeatedly use deceit as an ego defense mechanism, which is primarily caused by the lack of ability to cope with everyday problems in more mature ways (Selling 1942).


    Pathological Liar – Causes

    Causes of development of pathological lying can be, but are not limited to, one or more of the factors mentioned below:
    ■A dysfunctional family;
    ■Sexual or physical abuse in childhood;
    ■Neuropsychological abnormalities; such as borderline mental retardation, learning disabilities etc.
    ■Impulse control disorders; such as kleptomania, pathological gambling, compulsive shopping.
    ■Accommodating or suggestible personality traits;
    ■Personality disorders such as Sociopathic, Narcissistic, Borderline, Histrionic and more;
    ■Substance abuse or substance abuse in family;


    Pathological Liar – Types


    Daydreaming Pathological Liar – Pseudologia Fantastica

    Some of the more extreme forms of pathological lying is Pseudologia Fantastica. This is a matrix of facts & fiction, mixed together in a way that makes the reality and fantasy almost indistinguishable. The pseudologue type pathological liar makes up stories that seem possible on the surface, but over time things start falling apart. Pseudologues have dynamic approach to their lies, they are likely to change the story if confronted or faced with disbelief, they have excessive anxiety of being caught and they desperately try to modify their story to something that would seem plausible to create or preserve a sense of self that is something they wish they were or at least something better than they fear others would find out they are. The excessive anxiety is driven by unusually low self-esteem, the person tries to hide reality by creating a fake reality, and once the story has enduring quality to it, he/she is likely to repeat it and if repeated enough times he/she might start believing in it as well. This reality escape can be triggered of a past incident or of an unbearable present for the pseudologue.

    About 30% of daydreaming pathological liars have brain dysfunction. For some it may take the form of learning disabilities, ex. dyslexia. Often those with cerebral dysfunction have greater verbal production & lower developed logical, analytical parts of the brain, thus they often fail to control verbal output.


    Habitual Liar

    Habitual pathological lying is, as the name suggest, habitual. Habitual liar lies so frequently, that it becomes a habit, as a result, he/she puts very little effort in giving a thought about what the output is going to be, nor does he/she care much to process whether it’s a lie or not, it’s simply a reflex & very often can be completely unnecessary or even opposite to his/her own needs. If he/she stops & thinks about it, he/she knows clearly it’s a lie.

    Habitual liars lie for a variety of reasons, which include, but are not limited to:
    ■Take advantage of the situation or misguide a rival
    ■Avoid confrontation or punishment
    ■Cover up lack of knowledge
    ■Cover up embarrassment
    ■To entertain oneself or others
    ■Reinforce self-esteem, because of failing own expectation
    ■Receive unearned praise or avoid disappointment or disproval
    ■For no reason whatsoever

    Habitual liars gives very few if any psychical or vocal signs of lying, due to the effortless nature of lying. That said, since he/she gives a very little thought to his/her lies, they are usually inconsistent & obvious.

    Fear is a major contributor in developing habitual lying in a child & further advancement into adulthood, more so in conditions when the child finds truth telling results in more frequent or more severe punishment. Lack of appreciating and likelihood of unwanted consequences of telling the truth may result in frequent opting out for lying, which often involves less punishment & therefore becomes more desirable.


    Impulsive Pathological Liar – Impulse Control Disorders & Lying

    Impulsive pathological liar lies due to impulse control problem, he/she lies to fulfill his/her present (in the moment) needs, without thinking of future negative effects that can be caused because of the lie. Impulsive pathological liar generally suffers from impulse control disorders, such as kleptomania, pathological gambling, compulsive shopping etc. Those suffering from impulse control disorders fail to learn from past negative experiences, frequently suffer from depression, likely to have history of substance abuse in family or have substance abuse problems themselves, likely to have deficiency in brain serotonin. Increase in brain serotonin may have positive effect in decreasing impulsiveness, such medication may have positive effects, however there hasn’t been clinical research performed to confirm or deny this theory.


    Substance Abuse Associated Pathological Liar

    Self-Deception is an undeniable part of addictive process. People abuse alcohol or other drugs constantly lie to themselves & others to avoid embarrassment, conflict, as well as to obtain the substance. Getting off substance requires learning to distance oneself from the deceit, therefore learning to be truthful is generally a part of any Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous program.

    Ring a bell ross?

    5 hours ago · 

  • Anti Religeon 
    Got this sent to me ross lol. From someone you know, although I shall protect their identity. ~

    He searches for his next victim,her birthday 7's and 1's,oooh shes just had her first lsd expirence she'll be open to pun's of sexual connatations he'll drive her apart from all the love and truth in her heart!First to cut her off from the one who her the most,her boyfriend will be nothing but a ghost!divide and concor he's done it all before,he knows exactly how to rattle the score!he needs a concobine to do his dirty work,and lure in pretty young girls to where the real demon lurk!A girl out front for him to hide behine while he tells them his the new jesus and rapes them in his mind!His wife is oblivious she denies it is so!to confess this now she would want to know,from a young child she had served him scared of sin!why and where did it all begin?his new victim will have thicker skin,his wife can rest now so shes brought in!a new girl to play with how exciting ruthless and reckless he's getting off on his thing !

    hello Brett, i would like to call you brother?,i have a lot to share,i am off to dance in the bush for a few days and do some spinning and loving of life, will be back sunday,much much respect peace and love

    Respect, peace and love. What sane people value, you should try it, it's nice ;))

    3 hours ago · 

  • Ross Kelly Yes, we see you demonstrate it every day. Go and get some help.
    41 minutes ago · 

  • Ross Kelly Type in synchronicity wins to the search bar and you should see for yourself. It's at 150 now.
    30 minutes ago · 

  • Ross Kelly Later I'll post a snapshot.
    29 minutes ago · 

  • Ross Kelly Sorry, 151.
    28 minutes ago · 

  • Ross Kelly Sam is 6 years older than you.
    22 minutes ago · 

  • Ross Kelly ‎154 now, you're going viral.
    5 minutes ago · 
This is for the man who said "We both know you are lying about the view shares ross, I can see all your cronies fb walls and you are just lying ross, nothing unusual for you, everything out your crazy mouth is suspect.." he doesn't even realise what he gave away by that. He's admitting that he is the one who has to worry about it. 

He knows he's the liar, if he wasn't he would have said "Great, the more the merrier, then everyone can see what I'm saying".

She even had him post a perfect description of himself before this happened and had HIM point out that it's not my personal friends that are doing it.....You can't attack God and win. It's impossible.

  • ·

  • Anti Religeon 
    LOL! ross I know you're lying, 1stly the link to the pic dont work, and it's real easy to make a pic saying anything with an editing tool, proves less than nothing... And I actually check your "facts" ross, unlike your sheepish followers, I used the search function and found nothing.. Pathological liar refers to a liar that is compulsive or impulsive, lies on a regular basis and is unable to control their lying despite of foreseeing inevitable negative consequences or ultimate disclosure of the lie. Generally lies told by a pathological liar have self-defeating quality to them and don’t serve the long term material needs of the person. Therefore pathological lying is lying that is caused by a pathology, occurs on a regular basis, is compulsive or impulsive & uncontrolled, and has self-defeating, self-trapping quality to it... Proved it again ross, dumbass.. You still dont get it do you ross, you're doing exactly what I want you too! Keep it up ;))

    about an hour ago · 

  • Ross Kelly ‎160 now.
    about an hour ago · 

  • Ross Kelly Must be because you're not my friend and it's in my photos. Tough shit mate. Words won't make it go away.
    about an hour ago · 

  • Anti Religeon LMFAO! Prove it..
    about an hour ago · 

  • Anti Religeon Actually I can see your profile, and pics, it aint there ross! Caught lying again..
    about an hour ago · 

  • Ross Kelly Ask someone in the group that is on my friend list or give me an email address and I'll send you the picture.
    about an hour ago · 

  • Anti Religeon You aren't getting my email moron, nice try..
    about an hour ago · 

  • Anti Religeon Man you suck at this..
    about an hour ago · 

  • Ross Kelly The previous most shared post is the Inanna post at 129. You are becoming infamous. That has put it in front of 20 - 50,000 people.
    about an hour ago · 

  • Anti Religeon In your dreams.. You're lying ross, other wise you'd provide actual independantly coroberated evidence, can you?
    about an hour ago · 

  • Anti Religeon Didn't think so. So ross, what was the official diagnosis for when you where put in the mental home?
    about an hour ago · 

  • Ross Kelly It's on my blog. Check out the number you saw me quote just before I took the snapshot, it says I second ago. I would have to be the fastest photoshopper ever . Idiot. But thanks for bringing it to my attention, now everyone can see it.
    about an hour ago · 

  • Anti Religeon Paranoid schizophrenic? Messiah complex? Bi polar disorder? Sociopath? Psychopath? All of the above???
    about an hour ago · 

  • Anti Religeon Answer the question ross, stop being deceptive So ross, what was the official diagnosis for when you where put in the mental home?
    about an hour ago · 

  • Ross Kelly Moved on from that one have you? So has the figure, it's now at 170.
    about an hour ago · 

  • Anti Religeon Even if it were true ross, so? Is that supposed to worry me in some way lol?
    about an hour ago · 

  • Ross Kelly You'd have to ask the people I was involved with there, they never brought that subject up. I was never spoken to by a shrink. I was not in their eyes a patient.
    about an hour ago · 

  • Ross Kelly When I asked how the writing got there the reply was "one of the patients did it"
    about an hour ago · 

  • Anti Religeon Sure ross, they lock people u in nut houses for the sake of it... Wakey wakey, crazy people go to the nut house ross, ie; you.
    about an hour ago · 

  • Anti Religeon You really have no grasp upon reality at all do you?
    about an hour ago · 

  • Ross Kelly ‎177.
    about an hour ago · 

  • Anti Religeon Do you even realise ross, that each time you quote the bible, you disprove ana?. You see ross in the bible god is male, your god is female, they cannot be the same god, so you cannot quote from that book like it means something, do even realise that ross?
    about an hour ago · 

  • Anti Religeon ‎69
    about an hour ago · 

  • Anti Religeon How do you feel about these people ross, what type of low life scum are these?

    about an hour ago · 

  • Anti Religeon 
    ‎"At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved. . . . For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect – if that were possible. See, I have told you ahead of time" (Matthew ;24 NIV)...

    57 minutes ago · 

  • Ross Kelly Why don't you do something sane for a change and pass this on -
    Hundreds of families who had babies taken from Spanish hospitals, such as Randy ...See more

    54 minutes ago ·  · 

  • Anti Religeon Why do you claim the bibles authority if you hate the catholic church?, very hypocritical..
    52 minutes ago · 

  • Anti Religeon You pretend to be against them when really you want to be them..
    52 minutes ago · 

  • Ross Kelly Beliefs don't interest me.
    39 minutes ago · 

  • Anti Religeon So you dont believe anything?
    38 minutes ago · 

  • Ross Kelly ‎188.
    38 minutes ago · 

  • Anti Religeon I believe that your beliefs have been proven the ramblings of a madman. ;))
    35 minutes ago · 

  • Ross Kelly Beliefs don't interest me....especially yours.
    31 minutes ago · 

  • Anti Religeon So you dont believe in ana?
    26 minutes ago · 

  • Anti Religeon I noted on your fb profile that you have no religeous beliefs? How come this code is supposedly about proving the true existence of god and her killer asteroids bent on destruction lol, if it is not a religeous belief????
    21 minutes ago · 

  • Ross Kelly No, I KNOW Ana is real and after seeing this so should you -


    19 minutes ago · 

  • Anti Religeon You know, a cult?
    18 minutes ago · 

  • Ross Kelly Give me strength! Truth is not religion, I'm anti religion. Truth will end it one way or the other. That's an absolute certainty not a belief.
    16 minutes ago · 

  • Ross Kelly You are helping me to help her to do that and that's why SHE has shared it 194 times.
    14 minutes ago · 

  • Anti Religeon So it is a belief, right. If it is not a religeon, why talk about god all time, quote the bible, attempt to use fear based mind control techniques like threatening the world with killer asteroids if we dont all conform to your idea of good and right, which is rather twisted ross... ???
    13 minutes ago · 

  • Anti Religeon Dont bother, it's rhetorical. I already know the answer. It's a dime a dosen doomsday cult..
    11 minutes ago · 

  • Ross Kelly If you are going to argue with me first get your facts right. Don't put words in my mouth and then criticise them it's just stupid because everyone can see for themselves that that is not what I am saying.
    10 minutes ago · 

  • Anti Religeon How can you claim to be anti religeon when you are pushing a religeon you freak??
    10 minutes ago · 

  • Ross Kelly All that you have ever done is argued against YOUR IDEA of what this is about, not mine.
    9 minutes ago · 

  • Anti Religeon Been trying to sell it like a cheap whore for 15 years, even trying the james randi million dollar challange lol..
    8 minutes ago · 

  • Ross Kelly I am not pushing a religion you thick plonker. That's YOUR idea of what I'm doing, so was the apocalypse suicide cult. You make it up and then believe it...just like we read further up the thread.
    7 minutes ago · 

  • Anti Religeon I'm off to be better things, love life and look forward to a bright future. Enjoy your insanity, see you soon ross! ;))
    6 minutes ago · 

  • Ross Kelly Randi was not my idea, it happened for a good reason. Had those idiots actually studied the material they were sent and if they were not corrupt I would have beaten their challenge and if that happened the world would hear about it. A million dollars might have helped too. It still might. That's not up to me.
    4 minutes ago · 

  • Ross Kelly I sincerely hope you do have a bright future because if you do it means it has succeeded. That's the whole point.

  • Ross Kelly ‎210
    4 hours ago · 

  • Anti Religeon Caught. I checked out that photo on your blog ross... It's a fake! An obvious fake! I opened fb in one browser and your blog in another comparing the two, and it doesn't even match the format! You've cut and posted bits everywhere, bits fb can't even do! You idiot! When you type in your blog to the search function, there is no public posts! You have to go to this link
    3 hours ago · 

  • Anti Religeon Which shows only your cronies... Hahahaa!! You are a fraud sir! Caught again ross.. Photoshop fraud! Oh my, pathetic. Your best bit of evidence is an obvious fake!!!
    3 hours ago · 

  • Anti Religeon How many photoshopped in numbers you upto now ross lol?? Atleast try to get the lines to match were they should next time, and dont add bits fb dont do lol... My goodness man.. You really are that delusional aren't you?
    3 hours ago · 

  • Anti Religeon 
    Or that much of a delusional pathalogical liar..Pathological Liar – Definition

    He repeated his pathological liar post here so for the sake of the reader I have deleted it from this blog post.
    Ring a bell ross????

    3 hours ago · 

  • Ross Kelly Exposing The Truth
    "To go against the dominant thinking of your friends, of most of the people you see every day, is perhaps the most difficult act of heroism you can perform."

    ~Theodore H. White.

    2 hours ago · 

  • Anti Religeon For me, it is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring.
    Carl Sagan.

    2 hours ago · 

  • Anti Religeon Great cataclysmic things can go by and neither the orchestra nor the conductor are under the delusion that whether they make this or that gesture is going to be the deciding factor in how it comes out.
    James Levine.

    2 hours ago · 

  • Anti Religeon Got nothing of your own after being caught lying again ross? My goodness, really ross.. Photoshopping? Come on man, try harder..
    2 hours ago · 

  • Ross Kelly ‎214
    about an hour ago · 

  • Ross Kelly ‎220.
    50 minutes ago · 

  • Ross Kelly I wouldn't know how to photoshop even if I had the programme, which I don't.
    49 minutes ago · 

  • Ross Kelly It's now at 223 but meanwhile...there's something loading ...Brett bites the dust.
    about a minute ago · 


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