The esplanade in oban takes a buffeting with the high winds and heavy sea all ferry traffic to the islands was cancelled. a case of sitting tight until it blows itself out picture kevin mcglynn
To understand the significance of this picture please read the Irene posts.
I just sent this link to Kellie in a message and this happened -
To understand the significance of this picture please read the Irene posts.
I just sent this link to Kellie in a message and this happened -
21 minutes agoRoss Kelly- I could only find two pictures of Katia and Oban and that's the one I looked at first, it's the bloody cathedral and Alexandra hotel.
Eric and I were working there decorating the place when I met Elaine.
18 minutes agoKellie CosmicLove- I saw that.... a mind blower, especially after the big boom the other morning.
14 minutes agoRoss Kelly- Yeah and the pigeon that did the same thing as the other two did at the time of the Cody links!
8 minutes agoKellie CosmicLove- Uhuh, and considering pigeons are used deliver messages.
"The homing pigeon is a variety of domestic pigeon derived from the Rock Pigeon (Columba livia domestica) selectively bred to find its way home over extremely long distances.[1] The wild rock pigeon has an innate homing ability,[2] meaning that it will generally return to its own nest and its own mate." Wiki
6 minutes agoRoss Kelly- That's St Columba's Cathedral!
Oh fuck!
4 minutes agoKellie CosmicLove- WOWZA!
about a minute agoRoss Kelly- That's put the Cat among the Pigeons!
There are several Daniels it could scare including Oban's Daniel Hoey.
The two old Oban area 'friends' that the code has previously linked to are Eric and Pod.
This is from my blog post on 25 Nov 2009 .
Last month a Pigeon crashed into my kitchen window killing itself and leaving a clear imprint of the impact, by the lanolin on it's feathers. I was sitting in front of the window looking at it at the time.
It had a timed purpose as it was a collision that timed a code line that Elaine had found shortly before it happened, a line about another kind of collision.Three weeks later the same thing happened again, the mark of the first Pigeon was still on the window and the second imprint partially overlapped it.Elaine , my son Michael and I were sitting there when it happened. Both birds bodies landed in exactly the same spot in a gutter on a little roof below the window. I know that everything is timed and has meaning.I knew then that something is coming that involves a double event. One that will cause death.They were very shocking very sad incidents.A little bird told me, may have more meaning than you think.The Pigeon's markCODE ON 25.11.09 WARNS , THE LITTLE BIRDS PAY.
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