Updated Jan 29 ...Moser's code link ends ...timed by Ana.
Jan 30th The Bell.
Jan 31 ...Horseman Lester.
Feb 2 - 151.
Feb 5 - The 9 link that slipped by.
Feb 7 - more added to Cat's lines.
The previous post ended with an amazing timed proof for David Moser the 23 man.
In order to understand the meaning of this next bit the other post needs to be read first.
This is David's next post after the one that that thread was on -
This code line shows that even this was set up by Ana as further proof of the 3.14159 23 Moser Pi RI lesson in the previous blog post -
3,14159 23 MOSER LESSON ..THEN ID IT BY - 23 0 PARK.
What a planner God is ... this code line follows on from the ones in Davids previous 23 post comment stream ..
I SEND MOSER HINTS BY .. 3.14159, No 23, 23.0 PARK.
Ross Kelly ..
Archimedes' 22/7 = 3.142 .. there's a WORD in that.
22 hours ago ·
Ross Kelly ..
THE MIRACLE Nos PI .. 3.14159265 - 22/7 .. TO ID ANA.
PI Nos TO ID THE ANA MIRACLE - 3.14159265 - 22/7.
21 hours ago ·
Ross Kelly
Anna or Ana is an ancient Goddess name in many lands, She was the Celtic Goddess, Ireland is named after her and Britannia means Anna of the firestone (meteor).
Inanna (sumerian name), Astarte (kanaanäic name),Arinna (hethitic sun goddess), Tanit (karthargic name)Anna = Goddess,Other spelling: Ishara, Istar, Istaru, Aschtar, AschtartGeschtinanna, Nins-AnnaBabylonian scriptures called her the "Light of the World, Leader of HostsOpener of the Womb, Righteous Judge, Lawgiver,Goddess of Goddesses, Bestower of Strength,
Framer of All decrees, Lady of VictoryForgiver of Sins, Torch of Heaven and Earth.Many are her sacred titles - "Exalted Light of Heaven""She Who Begets All", "Guardian of the Law" and "Shepherdess of the Lands"
According to Barbara Walker, editor of The Woman's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets, the name appears in a great many cultures, some widely separated by time and/or space. Thus, there is Anna-Nin, Nana or Inanna, Queen of Heaven in Sumeria (An means Heaven in Sumerian, according to Graves), Anatha, (Syria), Anat (Canaan), Ana or Anah (Old Testament), Di-Ana (Semitic) or Dinah (from the Syriac version of the Old Testament, referring to the goddess of the Dinaite tribes in Sumeria), both uses of "Di" referring to divinity or godhead, Anna (Pelasgian Greek), Nanna (the incarnation of the Danish Goddess Freya as the mother-bride of Baldur), Anu (early Danaan Goddess in Ireland), Ana or Anan, which Robert Graves says are names for the Goddess Danu, who had two aspects, one nurturant, the other maleficent, as which she was sometimes known as Morg-ana to the Irish ("Death Ana," one third of the triple Goddess known as The Morrigan, ("Great Queen"); Anna Perenna (Roman), Black Annis of Leicester to medieval Christians, who lived on "Dane Hill" (Danaan?) and used to devour children - ending with St. Anne, mother of the virgin Mary, grandmother of God. This long history seems to me too ubiquitous to be reduced to an abstraction! It goes even further: Graves cites the view of a Mr. E.M. Parr that Athene was another Anna namely, Ath-enna, which occurs in inverted form in Libya as Anatha. Graves' verdict on the subject is "..if one needs a single, simple, inclusive name for the Great Goddess, Anna is the best choice."
In 1996 when she woke me up I had no knowledge of Goddess names.
I was given the name Anna directly by synchronised clues, not from books.
The response -
Christie Gardner
2 examples of origins of language on Earth being specific evidence on the origin of culture of this planet was done by interventionist genetic engineers: 1. Sumerian alphabet: when you shine a laser light through the glyph structures, you can fabricate sub-cellular structures in bio-physics. According to microscopy research expert Dr. George Merkl, what you end up with is an optical waveguide system for creating cellular metabolism. 2. Hebrew alphabet: is the tilt angle of magnetic domain, reference by symmetry of the tetrahedron in order to "tilt DNA codons" into a tetra-helix [golam]... a software environment for interventionist genetic engineers. It is the wave function of sound and light that phase locks matter/DNA into form; "Shape and Proportion" gives us sacred geometry and the maths.
16 hours ago ·
Christie Gardner
"While most people associate superconductivity with only the free flow of electrons, I have discovered that it also permits the free flow of Life Energy, the Life Force, Orgone Energy, Free Energy, and the Superlattice Order. I observed that this superconductivity occurs when electrons are arranged in what I call a "Superlattice", a circle of six with one in the middle. This pattern creates a gravitational wave, imploding by way of wave interference, through the seventh. The implosion draws in "cosmic" energy (or Zero Point Energy as some call it)." Dr. George Markl, PhD.
16 hours ago ·
Christie Gardner Pi, is one of many waveguide software systems that phase lock matter into sub-cellular metabolism... AKA Life and Form.
16 hours ago ·
Ross Kelly It began with life, it was life that had the idea of basing the story of time and form on the mathematics of Pi.
She KNOWS what she's doing.
16 hours ago ·
Tyson F Nuss Christie, your point re: the Hebrew alphabet reminded me of Stan Tenen's work:
He's determined that the Hebrew glyphs can be derived from human hand positions functionally related to the meaning of each single-letter word:
13 hours ago · ·1
Christie Gardner I will have to check out his work. The name sounds familiar, but can't place his work. Have you heard of Dr. Leonard Horowitz?
12 hours ago ·
Tyson F Nuss Horowitz has been on Coast to Coast AM, yes? So has Tenen, so maybe that's where the name rings a bell. :^)
12 hours ago · ·1
Christie Gardner Ok if Tenen has been on C2C then that's probably where I recognize his name. I've been a Coaster since 1989!!
12 hours ago ·
Christie Gardner I must admit I am more of a George Noory person. I like Art Bell, but I LOVE George!
12 hours ago ·
Christie Gardner How about Dan Winter's research? That's the bulk of what I quoted earlier in this thread about interventionist genetic engineering and waveguide system research into golden mean ratio.
12 hours ago ·
Tyson F Nuss
I tend to regard Coast as calibration for my BS detector, so I preferred Art Bell's approach of simply facilitating the guest in spinning their own yarn while neither supporting nor challenging their message, allowing it to stand or fall on...See more
12 hours ago · ·1
Christie Gardner In order to get people to buy the lie, they must embed some truth. Decipher everything with applied mindfulness ;)
Ross Kelly ..
No 23 LINK ON THE 29.3.12 MOSER DAY - PI .. 3.14159.
The Pi numbers add to 23.
But feel free to waffle on, it's only God.
about an hour ago ·
Ross Kelly It was just after 12 o clock that I posted that pi link.
THE NOON 29.1.12 MOSER DAY 23 LINK - PI .. 3.14159.
The 2002 code key links to real people and real time ... it's NOT RANDOM.
Jan 30 ,, The Bell.
To put it simply, this film exposes some very well kept secrets including the one connected to Fatima that really got Diana Spencer killed and answers the biggest question of all, the question most people think can never be answered, this one - Does God exist ? It does it all for a vitaly importan.....
Jan 31 .. Horseman Lester.
Feb 2 - 151.
Inci Samiye Hamit John 1:1 : 'In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.' In the Quran it says 'La Illaha Illa Ana'. (Ana = 7 Allah = 7).
Feb 5 - The 9 link that slipped by.
On Jan 24th I posted the Monkey Pi picture on Cat Emberton's wall.
I met Cat in India in 2006 at a time that I bought my son Michael a rather important Hercules Omega bike.
Cat's home is an organic farm in Scotland called the Pillars of Hercules.
A few days later on the 27th (a 9 day) Cat posted this bicycle post -
Cat Emberton shared European Cyclists' Federation's photo.
Cat read 7 articles.