Synchronicity Wins

Thursday 11 August 2011

My other self.

This just happened on a thread posted a few days ago on my profile wall  it's the 11 11 11. Proof of the code.

07 August at 01:26 · Privacy: ·  ·  · 
    • Ross Kelly The car that timed the death of Seal team 6.
      07 August at 01:27 · 
    • Leslie Mitts ‎!?!!
      Monday at 20:11 · 
    • Ross Kelly That was quick! Take your time with this....please.
      Monday at 20:12 · 
    • Ross Kelly Lady, you have a lovely face.
      Monday at 20:13 ·  ·  1 person
    • Ross Kelly Not trying to chat you up, just being free with my thoughts, it is.
      Monday at 20:15 ·  ·  1 person
    • Obi Wan Peyote You total sleaze bag.. Typical of a wannabe cult leader~​​lly-and-ana-code-scamcult_​08.html
      Tuesday at 03:33 ·  · 
    • Ross Kelly She does have a lovely face you thick moron. I already told her where to look in the blog that leads to your link, I want people to see what a total tube you are.
      Tuesday at 10:19 · 
    • Ross Kelly It's why I accepted your friend request, with a name like that it could only be you Bratt.
      Tuesday at 10:21 · 
    • Ross Kelly The code is known as the Ana code or the O code. O is the symbol it uses to denote it'self, the dictionary defines O as - a cipher.
      This is one anagram of the code I have had and been demonstrating since 2002.


      Abbreviation: neg
      negative - also N , -ive , N- , Ne.


      ONE polarity...only one.

      Negative, the EVIL one.
      Tuesday at 16:51 · 
    • Ross Kelly ‎..

      PI'S IN MY ANA CODE BRETT LOTHIAN - 3.1415926.
      Yesterday at 12:04 · 
    • Ross Kelly I hope you get this one right Leslie. It's between you and God now, as it has always been. There is only one thing that wil ltry to prevent you from understanding this and it already has - evil.

      HE is the disinformation nut.

    • Ross Kelly ‎..
      Elaine McGuckin

      It really is quite fascinating to read the discourse between Brett and Ross. Brett truly believes he is right and no matter what is said or shown to him in response he just repeats his original misconceptions over and over again.

      For anyone new to the Ana Code you should read all the available information.
      Something Brett never did.

      The first book on the subject were printed in 2003 it was named
      TIMES FINAL ROSE the same name as the web

      Little Book Big Secret is a revised condensed version of that original book that describes in detail what happened in 1996 that led us to the code discovery and the true reasons for it all.

      We are all about life and life in abundance so where he got his ludicrous notion of suicide from, God only knows.

      The man is completely foolish and incapable of applying reason to anything he has been told about the code.
      To anyone wishing to understand this information please take your time with it, you have to be able to think for yourself.
      If you can't think for yourself then it is of no use to you.
      Another major point Brett missed.

      People capable of understanding need only have a clear and inquiring mind free of prejudice. They would by their very natures be the type of people who would never join a cult and never have any desire what so ever to set one up.
      Happy seeking as we have always said to anyone it is between you and God. It has nothing to do with Ross Kelly in that respect.

      The other place to look is the synchronicity wins blog where there are pages and pages of proof of what this is all about.

      There is also a film of Ross giving a demonstration of the code called
      Five Days in Varkala.




      Times Final Rose - A Clandestine Prophesy by Ross Kelly

      The proof of the reality of God and the great secret that is being kept from you by the Western Governments

      Times Final Rose - A Clandestine Prophesy by Ross Kelly
      The proof of the reality of God and the great secret that is being kept from you by the Western Governments
      The proof of the reality of God and the great secret that is being kept from you by the Western Governments

    • Ross Kelly When I tried to post the comment above a security box came up. It is a perfect example of synchronicity about the anagram code that may show you something Leslie. It took 12 minutes to photo it and put it in my FB photos. The code's symbol for the language of the code is IO as the Varkala film shows you. This is the security check photo. It's an anagram of PROOF AND IT'S IO.​oto.php?fbid=1015033898569​3488&set=a.101503389856384​88.401741.534193487&type=1​&theater
      5 hours ago ·  · 
    • Ross Kelly And it's 5.06 on 11.11.

    • Ross Kelly That's 11 11 11.

    • Ross Kelly This is what Brett said to my good and lovely FB friend Kellie in Australia today -

      Kellie CosmicLove "Certainly no good, or fight in you. Changed my mind, drink the fucking Kool Aid you crazy bitch. I'm never going to stop. Your cult is fucked. I will hound the pack wolves forever. Think you can think? Think you can fight? Please, wouldn't know the meanings of the words. Most likely never had a real fight in your life. Shit man, used to do it for a living. You cunts tried to bully the wrong dude man. Fuck you." Brett of the Lothian

      Shit, I live in the same country as this crazy man.
      20 minutes ago · Like

      You decide Leslie.

    • Ross Kelly I'm bloody thankful that I don't!
      4 hours ago · 
    • Ross Kelly I should have said on an 11. 11. date.

    • Ross Kelly God! now I'll have to kill myself!

    • Ross Kelly Then this happened to Shirley.

      Shirley Kobiela In order for me to post that note to Faye, I had to fill in a security check box - this is for anyone who has read Little Book Big Secret and to those that haven't, it would certainly be a good idea to start -​edia/set/?set=a.1015033667​7815202.394766.616135201&t​ype=1 - 'Glen you Kely' - Glen and Ross have both played a huge part in my understanding of Ana...mat it also do the same for YOU.

      more writing on the wall
      by: Shirley Kobiela
      Photos: 1
      11 minutes ago · Like · 1 person ·

      Elaine McGuckin Oh my God, it's all heating up...that is more than incredible...♥
      8 minutes ago · Like · 1 person

      Elaine McGuckin Parahandy ....
      8 minutes ago · Like · 1 person

      Elaine McGuckin Glen you Kely, Kely you Glen, I'm in tears at the beauty of it all.
      Life is eternal.
      2 minutes ago · Like · 1 person

      Kellie CosmicLove ♥

      4 minutes ago ·  · 

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