Synchronicity Wins

Thursday 11 August 2011

Brett of the diminished....responsibility.

Updated 5.12 pm on 11 August 11 with a very special thing - see the last part.


29 minutes ago ·  ·  ·  · See friendship

  • Belle Gibson likes this.

    • Ross Kelly see who the real nutter is.
      24 minutes ago ·  ·  1 person

    • Kellie CosmicLove ‎"This scam is worse than I originally thought, it is quite apparent to me now that this is infact a suicide apocalypse cult, beware."

      BEWARE.......... Fucking fuck that's funny!.... I am so LMAO!

      21 minutes ago · 

On his blog page you can see a message sequence between Brett Lothian and myself that occurred yesterday.

The sequence below is from the day before. 

  • Brett Of-the Lothian
    • Now Ross. Just to clear a few things up for you. My name which you guys have made aspertitions about is my real name, my name is Brett Lothian, as in Brett Of the Lothian clan. Pretty basic. As for your aspertitions about my penis size, I don't see the relevance? And no, you cant see it. I suggest you guys seek mental health care, before you do some real damge to peoples lives. Thankyou.

      (On the first thread that I had the misfortune to run into this idiot I had made a jocular remark in reference to the fact that the man is a little prick by renaming him Brett of the diminished genitalia, it appears to have struck a nerve, he has brought it up three times since then)
  • Brett Of-the Lothian
    Brett Of-the Lothian
    • It's not too late to stop the damage Ross. Just come clean dude, apoligize. We'll forgive you and move on. But this behaviour can not be condoned, do you not see the damage cults do to peoples lives?
  • Ross Kelly
    Ross Kelly
    • No, I'm sure you don't, as far as I can see (and that's VERY PLAINLY) you can't see the relevance of anything. It was a hint to you about your obvious inferiority complex that shouts through just about every stupid thing you say loud and clear.
      You are an idiot.
      Anyway, it's Sunday, I've got to go and sacrifice a Chicken in the coven and do the ritual. Hooba Hooba, I love Sundays, all those lovely naked women friends of mine...and the Chicken blood...yum.
  • Brett
 Of-the Lothian
    Brett Of-the Lothian
    • Just come clean man, be honest. Why is that so hard for you? I know you must have lived this delusion for a while now, and obviously persistant. dude get some help, before you fuck other peoples lives like your own.
  • Brett Of-the Lothian
    Brett Of-the Lothian
    • Sooo desperate buddy.. You're losing her and you fucking now it!!
    • She sees your true colours cunt. All over. Move on to the next target scumbag..
    • What, you going to sue me know ross? lol..
    • You're a joke. Try away..
    • With what money dole bludger lol?
  • Brett Of-the Lothian
    Brett Of-the Lothian
    • Enjoy the new one, don't miss any rossy
  • Brett Of-the Lothian
    14 hours ago
    Brett Of-the Lothian
    • Thought i'd consolidate the whole business into one post for you Ross, make it an easier read for everyone, get all the info in one stop. Bit of a writer myself actually, only been at it about 3 years unlike you guys, I've actually been published, contributed to a spirituality book in canada, contributed to another here in aus that comes out next year, got a publisher interested in my own book, they love my writing, just waiting for the art to come back. Good times :)) I can actually prove all that too. Anyways, I'm rambling, here's the new one rosso, plenty more to come. Just warming up baby! Trying to bully me isn't working out so well, huh?! LMAO!! Love xb ~

  • Ross Kelly
    12 hours ago
    Ross Kelly
    • You didn't quite get that right did you Brat.
  • Brett Of-the Lothian
    12 hours ago
    Brett Of-the Lothian
    • So ross, if it isn't about the money, dude, how come you applied for that James Randi million dollar prize? Sucks records being kept, like the one of our exchange. Now forever, when someone googles you or any of your sites, they'll see me and our conversations. Love record keeping, especially for scum like you. Kinda fucks your whole deal lol..
  • Brett Of-the Lothian
    12 hours ago
    Brett Of-the Lothian
    • Sorry, PR lol...
    • Keeping trying to make me look bad it's hilarious, proves everything I say man, weak lol.
  • Ross Kelly
    11 hours ago
    Ross Kelly
    • The Randi thing was an attempt to get it all out in the open but Kramer is an asshole like you, he didn't even read it and totally misrepresented what we had sent them which was actually dated email proof that the code had pretimed a big storm in Oban by a date that is coded in the word OBAN'S. 12.1.05.
      The storm in oban was so big that the BBC tv news reported it.

      The shame of the phony shaman.

      see the two comments below.
      Yesterday at 08:43 · Like · · See friendship
      Shirley Kobiela, Rob Luobikis and Kellie CosmicLove like this.
  • Ross Kelly
    11 hours ago
    Ross Kelly
    • As for your attack and denial, I want them to see it you stupid boy that's why I let you on to my wall..
  • Brett Of-the Lothian
    11 hours ago
    Brett Of-the Lothian
    • BAHAHAHHAHAA!! Sure the cool million had nothing to do with it loony tune? So transperant.. I want them to see too. Great work by the way, your lying looks awesome on my blog, you know, the unedited version you wont put on your blog. LOL!
    • Love the comments on all your videos bahaha!! Dude, almost everyone see's through your scam. 14 years? Still no book deal, or million dollar prizes lol... You are a try hard!
  • Ross Kelly
    11 hours ago
    Ross Kelly
    • Don Juan....ha ha ha ha ha ...Don Juan..ha ha haha - Obiwan Peyote... ha ha ha ha ha- too much star wars as a brat Bratt.
  • Brett Of-the Lothian
    11 hours ago
    Brett Of-the Lothian
    • I love when people google the ana code, my blog comes up everytime lol. I love that all your shitty vids have my comments, even your twitter page lol. No where you can run dude. Everyone will know just what you are, delusional! Don Juan? Carlos got it printed, obviously far more credible than the shit you've spewed the last 14 years lol, still no book deal? No million dollar prize wins? You're not even good at being a cult leader, you're wannabe bahahaha!! Shit man, atleast I'm published ;))
  • Ross Kelly
    11 hours ago
    Ross Kelly
    • Your mate - Oryinthian Hileal Rayne get over it i got my ass drug acxross the ground by a cop as i was locked in chains as a mental heath patenbt going to a hospitial
      30 minutes ago · Like

      Oryinthian Hileal Rayne nanmme your looking for is Danu and yes hecate is night magic gfoddess Danu is i think back me up on this sun magic godess as god and evil arent ascribale to thes3e people they were seen as sisters thats all i know and everything brett says seems ok i summoned her asked her she said yes dear kissed me on forhead and laughed as she flew away calling you silly humans
      25 minutes ago · Like

      Says it all!
  • Brett Of-the Lothian
    11 hours ago
    Brett Of-the Lothian
    • I love when people google the ana code, my blog comes up everytime lol. I love that all your shitty vids have my comments, even your twitter page lol. No where you can run dude. Everyone will know just what you are, delusional! Don Juan? Carlos got it printed, obviously far more credible than the shit you've spewed the last 14 years lol, still no book deal? No million dollar prize wins? You're not even good at being a cult leader, you're wannabe bahahaha!! Shit man, atleast I'm published ;)) Suck on it!
  • Brett Of-the Lothian
    11 hours ago
    Brett Of-the Lothian
    • But you're not crazy at all, are you ross. There really is a conspiracy to hide asteroids and only you can save us! Picture of mental health bahahaa.. Fuckin loon..
  • Ross Kelly
    10 hours ago
    Ross Kelly
    • Don Juan was your teacher's teacher and there was no Don Juan. Phony baloney fake. Now you're on Vader's team, on the dark side. You should have learnt from Obiwan, you can't possibly win as you think it you can only serve please carry on, you are doing a great job. Bet you are a Reiki master too...ha ha ha ... bet you think you're a healer.. idiots like you are round every corner in Nimbin
  • Brett Of-the Lothian
    10 hours ago
    Brett Of-the Lothian
    • I've already won, got you to say every thing I wanted you too. Was easy, really.
    • Now published for all too see~* Can't hide from the truth forever psycho, no matter how delusional you are..
  • Ross Kelly
    10 hours ago
    Ross Kelly
    • You are the King of the mugs.
  • Ross Kelly
    10 hours ago
    Ross Kelly
    • Brett Of-the Lothian
      Sooo desperate buddy.. You're losing her and you fucking now it!!
      She sees your true colours cunt. All over. Move on to the next target scumbag..
  • Brett Of-the Lothian
    10 hours ago
    Brett Of-the Lothian
    • You got sucked in buddy, why do you think I insult you? Makes you mad, stops the filter and you slip up and let some honesty out. You bite everytime loser! Then I get you to reveal what I want you too, no matter how elusive you tried to be, I got it out of you... Epic fail lol!
  • Ross Kelly
    10 hours ago
    Ross Kelly
    • Rob Luobikis
      Don't let fools run you down Kellie. Stay true. Love ya!
      about an hour ago via Facebook Mobile · Unlike · · See friendship
      You and Kellie CosmicLove like this.
  • Brett Of-the Lothian
    10 hours ago
    Brett Of-the Lothian
    • "Polarity physics" ring a bell lol.. Your own made up bullshit is all the ammo I need.. It's easy to tear up unfounded baseless bullshit, and those that expouse it.
    • Easy.
    • Already got all I need out of you, now it's just rubbing it in.
    • So when do you start asking for cash Ross? A few months, a year? How long do you condition the members before going for the cash?
    • Hey, can't hurt to ask right? Oh that's right, you really hate people asking questions don't you, how dare people ask questions and questions the mighty all knowing will of ana as interpreted by her one true prophet of course lol... Still think alien werewolves, with guns would be better than asteroids, but it is your cult after all.
  • Brett Of-the Lothian
    10 hours ago
    Brett Of-the Lothian
    • Ana bahahahahahaha!!! Now that's a joke .. Can't even get a book deal.. LMFAO!!
    • 14 years...... I got published in one lol ;)) Credibility helps with publishers ross. Big reason why you get no where, you got none! No evidence what's so ever. Just bad dude, really..
  • Ross Kelly
    10 hours ago
    Ross Kelly
    • My books are selling on Amazon and Ebay second hand for 75 of your dollars. My other book is for sale by Waterstones, W H Smith and a whole lot more.
  • Brett Of-the Lothian
    10 hours ago
    Brett Of-the Lothian
    • Prove it!
    • Here's your chance to back one thing you say with evidence. Got any?
  • Ross Kelly
    10 hours ago
    Ross Kelly
    • Look for yourself twat.
  • Brett Of-the Lothian
    10 hours ago
    Brett Of-the Lothian
    • See ross, your lies give me all I need.
    • You can't back anything!!!
  • Ross Kelly
    10 hours ago
    Ross Kelly
    • Little Book Big Secret and Times Final Rose.
  • Brett Of-the Lothian
    10 hours ago
    Brett Of-the Lothian
    • Big reason you're not published dude, no one wants to put there name to that crap, except you that is..
    • Published as a free web page by you is not published ross!! Lmao...
  • Ross Kelly
    10 hours ago
    Ross Kelly
    • Look on Ebay
  • Brett Of-the Lothian
    10 hours ago
    Brett Of-the Lothian
    • What a joke, stop lying!!
    • Ebay? That's not published dude, that's a chapbook lol...
    • Any publishing houses involved?
    • Real ones?
    • Caught lying again ross, got to go on the blog buddy. You really should stop lying ross, does nothing for credebility..
  • Ross Kelly
    10 hours ago
    Ross Kelly
    • The on line free versions of the books are there because I am not in it for the money, all my work is freely given. I don't live by your values, the ones you have now clearly shown to EVERYBODY.
  • Brett Of-the Lothian
    10 hours ago
    Brett Of-the Lothian
    • Oh everyone will always see my blog if they google you ross. Dont worry about that!
    • Always.
    • And Rob Crombie ;))

  • Brett Of-the Lothian
    10 hours ago
    Brett Of-the Lothian
    • Karmas a bitch, for you atleast.
  • Ross Kelly
    10 hours ago
    Ross Kelly
    • Yes they will Brett, you are enticing the witnesses of your own shameful downfall. All by yourself....with a little help...king of the mugs... Don Juan.
  • Brett Of-the Lothian
    10 hours ago
    Brett Of-the Lothian
    • Not in it for the money coming from the guy that entered this crap in a million dollar challenge..., and I can prove that Ross!!
  • Ross Kelly
    10 hours ago
    Ross Kelly
    • It's on the indelible record and you put it there. Even if you remove it the record remains. You could very well end up in court.
  • Brett Of-the Lothian
    10 hours ago
    Brett Of-the Lothian
    • Is that a threat ross? Again lol..
    • Like threatening people dont you?
  • Ross Kelly
    10 hours ago
    Ross Kelly
    • No, it's a warning. That day may come. God's timing not mine. You have slandered me. You have published lies about me. It's against the law.
  • Brett Of-the Lothian
    10 hours ago
    Brett Of-the Lothian
    • I've been nothing but honest ross. No crime in that, and from memory you infact put stuff on your blog abpout me long before I reciporcated.
    • Your threats are as baseless as your beliefs.
    • I doubt some dole bludger has the money to sue anyone anyways, let alone in an international court. Laughable! Par for your course though..
  • Ross Kelly
    10 hours ago
    Ross Kelly
    • I didn't put any lies about you on my blog but you have about me on your's there is a very big difference and one day it may turn out to be a very costly one. I am not a con man, I am not a cult leader I have no religion and Ana really is God. She is behind the entire plan and you are in deep shit mate.
  • Brett Of-the Lothian
    10 hours ago
    Brett Of-the Lothian
    • Oooohhhh more threats lmao!! All you got? How you going to get me ross?
  • Ross Kelly
    10 hours ago
    Ross Kelly
    • Crombie is a different matter, he had a stroke that has left him mentally disabled. I like Rob Crombie but I don't like you.
  • Brett Of-the Lothian
    10 hours ago
    Brett Of-the Lothian
    • I doubt very much you have that kind of reach.
    • So what are going to do about it rossy?
  • Ross Kelly
    10 hours ago
    Ross Kelly
    • God does.
    • Wait.
  • Brett Of-the Lothian
    10 hours ago
    Brett Of-the Lothian
    • So god is going get me?
    • When?
    • How?
    • Why?
  • Ross Kelly
    10 hours ago
    Ross Kelly
    • She already has.
  • Brett Of-the Lothian
    10 hours ago
    Brett Of-the Lothian
    • Has she? How did I type this then?
  • Ross Kelly
    10 hours ago
    Ross Kelly
    • Polarity physics.
  • Brett Of-the Lothian
    10 hours ago
    Brett Of-the Lothian
    • Bahahahhaha!!!
    • Good one!
    • So how you going to get me ross?
    • You cant do shit.
    • We both know it.
  • Ross Kelly
    10 hours ago
    Ross Kelly
    • You typed it because she had you type it because you are helping others to see the nature of evil. The thing that you denied exists, mate, you are it.
  • Brett Of-the Lothian
    9 hours ago
    Brett Of-the Lothian
    • Why am I evil?
  • Ross Kelly
    9 hours ago
    Ross Kelly
    • Good question.
  • Brett Of-the Lothian
    9 hours ago
    Brett Of-the Lothian
    • As you accuse, surely there's a reason?
    • Is it based on any facts?
    • That you can provide to back this claim?
  • Ross Kelly
    9 hours ago
    Ross Kelly
    • Polarity physics. It's a living chess game that you are heling to make visible.
    • Kellie is a beautiful mind. She doesn't like you now. Think about that.
  • Brett Of-the Lothian
    9 hours ago
    Brett Of-the Lothian
    • Polarity physics does not exist ross, you made it up! No real school on earth studies such nonsense. You lie!! You really aren't doing well in the chess game, all pawns, no knights, rooks, castles, or bishops lol..
  • Ross Kelly
    9 hours ago
    Ross Kelly
    • helping*
  • Brett Of-the Lothian
    9 hours ago
    Brett Of-the Lothian
    • Yes, you help me expose you wonderfully, thankyou!
    • I even tell you how I do it, and you still bite?! Poor fella, not too quick are ya!
    • But of course having such a long standing delusion of granduer must make any attack on your theories as aan attack upon yourself. You must be a very frightened, frustrated, inneffectual man.
  • Ross Kelly
    9 hours ago
    Ross Kelly
    • How do you think a battery works, the thing that lights a light?
  • Brett Of-the Lothian
    9 hours ago
    Brett Of-the Lothian
    • In my opinion.
    • Explain it ross, do you know?
  • Ross Kelly
    9 hours ago
    Ross Kelly
    • How do you think an atom or a solar system works?
  • Brett Of-the Lothian
    9 hours ago
    Brett Of-the Lothian
    • Explain it ross, do you know?
  • Ross Kelly
    9 hours ago
    Ross Kelly
    • I told you where to find it but you didn't look.
  • Brett Of-the Lothian
    9 hours ago
    Brett Of-the Lothian
    • I'll take that as a no. Would be nice if you answered a question with a straight answer, even once..
    • Very devious man you are ross. You prove that constantly!
  • Ross Kelly
    9 hours ago
    Ross Kelly
    • Its on my blog idiot.
  • Brett Of-the Lothian
    9 hours ago
    Brett Of-the Lothian
    • Great!
    • Put a link to my blog lol ;))
  • Ross Kelly
    9 hours ago
    Ross Kelly
    • I already did lol
  • Brett Of-the Lothian
    9 hours ago
    Brett Of-the Lothian
    • The more you mention my name on your blog, the more the search engines link our pages in any search. So keep up the great work! Oh my.. ;))
  • Ross Kelly
    9 hours ago
    Ross Kelly
    • I showed you them a little while
  • Brett Of-the Lothian
    9 hours ago
    Brett Of-the Lothian
    • Every search people make, they'll be finding SCAM in big letters lol , cheers ;))
    • Keep it up!
  • Ross Kelly
    9 hours ago
    Ross Kelly
    • Yes they will and hat's great because they will see who wrote it, lawyers too.
    • Who do you thing runs Google?

  • Brett Of-the Lothian
    9 hours ago
    Brett Of-the Lothian
    • The threats again ross? Really? We both know it is not illegal to be honest!! I'll be fine lol ..
    • Threatening people on the other hand..
    • Big no no.
    • Not like you ever back ANYTHING up though, so nothing to worry about with you dude..
  • Ross Kelly
    9 hours ago
    Ross Kelly
    • Who do you think runs Google?
  • Brett Of-the Lothian
    9 hours ago
    Brett Of-the Lothian
    • Doesn't ana run all lol! Is ana going to get me again? Scary..
  • Ross Kelly
    9 hours ago
    Ross Kelly
    • That was not a threat it was a statement of fact.
  • Brett Of-the Lothian
    9 hours ago
    Brett Of-the Lothian
    • Bahahahaha!!!
    • So it is a threat. How you going to get me scary man?
  • Ross Kelly
    9 hours ago
    Ross Kelly
    • I'm not.
  • Brett Of-the Lothian
    9 hours ago
    Brett Of-the Lothian
    • I know that for sure dude.
    • Aint got shit.
  • Ross Kelly
    9 hours ago
    Ross Kelly
    • You are going to get yourself.
  • Brett Of-the Lothian
    9 hours ago
    Brett Of-the Lothian
    • I doubt that. You on the other hand ross, have gotten yourself quite few times, all the lying, deciet, threats and abuse.. Tut tut tut, got to pretend to be nice when you are pretending to be enlightened dude, you just suck at this whole messiah thing..
  • Ross Kelly
    9 hours ago
    Ross Kelly
    • Like that.
  • Brett Of-the Lothian
    9 hours ago
    Brett Of-the Lothian
    • With honesty? I really don't follow your logic, if that is what it could be called. No real surprise though, you are obviously wacko! Secret asteroids, conspiracies, imaginary sciences and no evidence at all... Hmm
  • Ross Kelly
    9 hours ago
    Ross Kelly
    • You are in a hole Brett. You dug it yourself, I was used to give you the spade.
  • Brett Of-the Lothian
    9 hours ago
    Brett Of-the Lothian
    • How do you figure?
    • I'm not the one banging his head against the wall for 14 long frustrating years, stuck a hole, shit, an asteroid crater !! Bahahaha!!
    • That's only in your mind...
    • Can't actually prove it, right ross?
  • Ross Kelly
    9 hours ago
    Ross Kelly
    • And still digging!
  • Brett Of-the Lothian
    9 hours ago
    Brett Of-the Lothian
    • You make it easy.
    • Anymore threats, lies I can catch you in?
    • What if I ask nicely?
    • Pretty please, with sugar on top and a cherry, how are you going to prevent the killer asteroids ross?
    • Is questioning the leader not allowed in your group?
  • Ross Kelly
    9 hours ago
    Ross Kelly
    • Polarity (physics) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
      In physics, polarity is a description of an attribute, typically a binary attribute (one with two values), or a vector (a direction). For example: - Cached
      In physics, polarity is a description of an attribute, typically a binary attribute (one with two values), or a vector (a direction). For example:
  • Brett Of-the Lothian
    9 hours ago
    Brett Of-the Lothian
    • I fully understand polarity ross. Has nothing to do with what you are claiming. How do humans effect polarity ross?
    • If I be nice and hug the negative end of a magnet will it magickally become positve?
    • Is there any experiment that has ever been published by a reputable lab or school, that's been peer reviewed and repeated, that backs any of your claims???
  • Ross Kelly
    9 hours ago
    Ross Kelly
    • Polarity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
      Electrical polarity; Polarity (physics), a physical alignment of atoms; Grammatical polarity, the distinction of affirmative and negative; Polarity item, the sensitiveness of ... - Cached

      You kept insisting there was no such thing, not very bright are you lad.
      Any physicist will tell you that EVERYTHING is governed by polarity.
  • Brett Of-the Lothian
    9 hours ago
    Brett Of-the Lothian
    • Again, you failing to answer the question shows you do not know what you are talking about! There is nothing in there about "polarity physics", that is a made up term, it doesn't exist. Polarity is studied in the subject physics. Stop making stuff up!!
    • Is there any experiment that has ever been published by a reputable lab or school, that's been peer reviewed and repeated, that backs any of your claims???
    • You know, real evidence.
  • Ross Kelly
    9 hours ago
    Ross Kelly
    • Grammatical polarity
      From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      Grammatical polarity is the distinction of affirmative and negative.
  • Brett Of-the Lothian
    9 hours ago
    Brett Of-the Lothian
    • Grammatical polarity is not "polarity physics" ross, stop changing the story..
  • Ross Kelly
    9 hours ago
    Ross Kelly
  • Brett Of-the Lothian
    9 hours ago
    Brett Of-the Lothian
    • Is there any experiment that has ever been published by a reputable lab or school, that's been peer reviewed and repeated, that backs any of your claims???
  • Ross Kelly
    9 hours ago
    Ross Kelly
    • Everything that has ever been published on the subject of polarity backs my information about it. You don't even know what that information is.
    • No such thing as polarity physics - that's a good one.
  • Brett Of-the Lothian
    9 hours ago
    Brett Of-the Lothian
    • Explain it ross, if you are the expert after all, how will humans effect global, solar and an asteroids "polarity', and how will this prevent this supposed asteroid from supposedly hitting us?
  • Ross Kelly
    9 hours ago
    Ross Kelly
    • Put it on your blog did you?
  • Brett Of-the Lothian
    9 hours ago
    Brett Of-the Lothian
    • Not yet, I'll get too it though, don't worry.
  • Ross
    9 hours ago
    Ross Kelly
    • I told you where to look.
  • Brett Of-the Lothian
    9 hours ago
    Brett Of-the Lothian
    • Explain it ross, if you are the expert after all, how will humans effect global, solar and an asteroids "polarity', and how will this prevent this supposed asteroid from supposedly hitting us?
  • Ross Kelly
    9 hours ago
    Ross Kelly
    • Yes you did, it's in the comment stream. You put it on Kellie's wall too.
  • Brett Of-the Lothian
    9 hours ago
    Brett Of-the Lothian
    • Not this part, I'll get too it, don't stress out. Answer the question
    • Explain it ross, if you are the expert after all, how will humans effect global, solar and an asteroids "polarity', and how will this prevent this supposed asteroid from supposedly hitting us?
  • Ross Kelly
    9 hours ago
    Ross Kelly
    • Don Juan...ha such thing.
  • Brett Of-the Lothian
    9 hours ago
    Brett Of-the Lothian
    • Being devious again ross..
    • Answer the question, if you can lol?
    • Explain it ross, if you are the expert after all, how will humans effect global, solar and an asteroids "polarity', and how will this prevent this supposed asteroid from supposedly hitting us?
    • If you spent half the time you do running from questions, being honest, we'd get alot further ross. Just be honest, answer the question.
    • You seem to find it very hard to just be honest, straight down the line. You're always dodgeing everything, pretty dodgey dude.
    • It's hard to believe someone like that, I like a straight answer.
    • Like an honest person with nothing to hide would do.
  • Ross Kelly
    8 hours ago
    Ross Kelly
    • I'm not dodging the question, I never did, I told you where to find it. I am not going to paste it in here I don't need to , everybody else reading the thread will look and see what a fool you are.
  • Brett Of-the Lothian
    8 hours ago
    Brett Of-the Lothian
    • That is dodgeing the question, would only take a moment for you the expert to explain here, now in plain language, and then back that some real evidence, experiments, studies, reports etc.
    • Explain it ross, if you are the expert after all, how will humans effect global, solar and an asteroids "polarity', and how will this prevent this supposed asteroid from supposedly hitting us?
  • Brett Of-the Lothian
    8 hours ago
    Brett Of-the Lothian
    • Is it not allowed to question the leader in your group? Am I to have no free will?
    • Am I not allowed to think?
    • For myself.
    • Show me some evidence I can think about?
    • If I am allowed to think for myself that should be ok.
    • Real evidence, not hearsay.
  • Brett Of-the Lothian
    8 hours ago
    Brett Of-the Lothian
    • Explain it ross, if you are the expert after all, how will humans effect global, solar and an asteroids "polarity', and how will this prevent this supposed asteroid from supposedly hitting us?
      Is there any experiment that has ever been published by a reputable lab or school, that's been peer reviewed and repeated, that backs any of your claims???
  • Brett Of-the Lothian
    8 hours ago
    Brett Of-the Lothian
    • Do you have a degree in physics ross? Any qualifications at all in regard to even science atleast? That you can prove with the appropriatte documentation? You are supposed to be the expert right? You're supposedly "teaching" aren't you? I know you are unemployed, so you obviously do not have access to a sophisticated laboratory that would be required to actually test these theories of "polarity physics" lol as you call it, which is in itself a nonsense term, enterily made up to suit your need for psuedo scientific sounding wording to suffeciently convince those without a background in or basic understanding of the subject matter. You cannot substantiatte one thing with real verifiable evidence ross!! Because it doesn't exist!!! You're a plainly mad to continue with a thoroughly baseless theory, let alone allowing the delusion to become not only an entire world view, but the entire universe itself to you??? You really need help ross.
  • Ross Kelly
    8 hours ago
    Ross Kelly
    • You do realise that you are totally insane don't you?...No, of course you don't.
      You are really boring me now. You know nothing about me, you are just a very silly little boy. So go away.
  • Brett Of-the Lothian
    8 hours ago
    Brett Of-the Lothian
    • You have an entire theory of reality, an entire wolrdview that has no substantiated evidence to support it what so ever, that you have continued for over a decade without gaining any official support from any recognized scientists, and I'm insane for questioning it? I do not see how that makes sense.
  • Brett Of-the Lothian
    8 hours ago
    Brett Of-the Lothian
    • Am it not allowed to ask questions in your group?
    • Is it i should type.
    • You say you want me to think ross, please show me some real evidence from real scientists that back any of your claims and I really will think about it. If i'm allowed to evaluatte evidence and draw my own conclusions, as in think for myself, if that is allowed?
  • Ross Kelly
    7 hours ago
    Ross Kelly
  • Brett Of-the Lothian
    7 hours ago
    Brett Of-the Lothian
    • Ross that is not a peer reviewed scientific paper, it's just you rearranging letters to suit you. If you really do want me to think, show me some independantly verified scientific reports from reputable labs or schools. Can you do that, for me to think about?
    • Accepting an entire and complete theory of everything is a pretty big deal to me, probably one the most important decisions a person can make in their lifetime. I think it entirely reasnoble for me to be able to question it's veracity, and ask for real scientific evidence that I may consider, think about and then draw a conclusion from. Surely you are not asking me to blindly put my faith in something this important? I only ask that you support your claims with real verifiable evidence, so that I can think about it, in making one of the biggest if not the biggest decisions of my life. Is that not fair and reasnoble?
  • Ross Kelly
    7 hours ago
    Ross Kelly
    • The proof is all where I told you to look. Don't you think you should have studied it for a while before doing what you have done? You have REALLY upset Kellie Brett, really badly.
      Listen mate, I owe you nothing at all. If you don't agree with what I'm saying that's your problem, go attack David Icke or something if you want to protect people from nutters, he thinks the moon is full of lizard people controlling us and he IS making a fortune out of it. Spot the difference.
  • Brett Of-the Lothian
    7 hours ago
    Brett Of-the Lothian
    • I am not the one convinced the world must be converted to your faith to save us from asteroids dude... You are the one with the claims, just back them up. Or admit they are false and leave my friends alone you psycho!! You're damaging peoples lives and relationships when you claim to be saving them? All you bring is damage from what I've seen.

      Accepting an entire and complete theory of everything is a pretty big deal to me, probably one the most important decisions a person can make in their lifetime. I think it entirely reasnoble for me to be able to question it's veracity, and ask for real scientific evidence that I may consider, think about and then draw a conclusion from. Surely you are not asking me to blindly put my faith in something this important? I only ask that you support your claims with real verifiable evidence, so that I can think about it, in making one of the biggest if not the biggest decisions of my life. Is that not fair and reasnoble?
  • Ross Kelly
    7 hours ago
    Ross Kelly
    • Study it well enough to actually know something about it or fuck off.
  • Brett Of-the Lothian
    7 hours ago
    Brett Of-the Lothian
    • Accepting an entire and complete theory of everything is a pretty big deal to me, probably one the most important decisions a person can make in their lifetime. I think it entirely reasnoble for me to be able to question it's veracity, and ask for real scientific evidence that I may consider, think about and then draw a conclusion from. Surely you are not asking me to blindly put my faith in something this important? I only ask that you support your claims with real verifiable evidence, so that I can think about it, in making one of the biggest if not the biggest decisions of my life. Is that not fair and reasnoble?
This just happened on a post on my profile from a few days ago -


07 August at 01:26 · Privacy: ·  ·  · 

    • Ross Kelly The car that timed the death of Seal team 6.
      07 August at 01:27 · 

    • Leslie Mitts ‎!?!!
      Monday at 20:11 · 

    • Ross Kelly That was quick! Take your time with this....please.
      Monday at 20:12 · 

    • Ross Kelly Lady, you have a lovely face.
      Monday at 20:13 ·  ·  1 person

    • Ross Kelly Not trying to chat you up, just being free with my thoughts, it is.
      Monday at 20:15 ·  ·  1 person

    • Obi Wan Peyote You total sleaze bag.. Typical of a wannabe cult leader~​​lly-and-ana-code-scamcult_​08.html

      Tuesday at 03:33 ·  · 

    • Ross Kelly She does have a lovely face you thick moron. I already told her where to look in the blog that leads to your link, I want people to see what a total tube you are.
      Tuesday at 10:19 · 

    • Ross Kelly It's why I accepted your friend request, with a name like that it could only be you Bratt.
      Tuesday at 10:21 · 

    • Ross Kelly The code is known as the Ana code or the O code. O is the symbol it uses to denote it'self, the dictionary defines O as - a cipher.
      This is one anagram of the code I have had and been demonstrating since 2002.


      Abbreviation: neg
      negative - also N , -ive , N- , Ne.


      ONE polarity...only one.

      Negative, the EVIL one.

      Tuesday at 16:51 · 

    • Ross Kelly ‎..

      PI'S IN MY ANA CODE BRETT LOTHIAN - 3.1415926.

      Yesterday at 12:04 · 

    • Ross Kelly I hope you get this one right Leslie. It's between you and God now, as it has always been. There is only one thing that wil ltry to prevent you from understanding this and it already has - evil.

      HE is the disinformation nut.

      2 hours ago · 

    • Ross Kelly ‎..
      Elaine McGuckin

      It really is quite fascinating to read the discourse between Brett and Ross. Brett truly believes he is right and no matter what is said or shown to him in response he just repeats his original misconceptions over and over again.

      For anyone new to the Ana Code you should read all the available information.
      Something Brett never did.

      The first book on the subject were printed in 2003 it was named
      TIMES FINAL ROSE the same name as the web

      Little Book Big Secret is a revised condensed version of that original book that describes in detail what happened in 1996 that led us to the code discovery and the true reasons for it all.

      We are all about life and life in abundance so where he got his ludicrous notion of suicide from, God only knows.

      The man is completely foolish and incapable of applying reason to anything he has been told about the code.
      To anyone wishing to understand this information please take your time with it, you have to be able to think for yourself.
      If you can't think for yourself then it is of no use to you.
      Another major point Brett missed.

      People capable of understanding need only have a clear and inquiring mind free of prejudice. They would by their very natures be the type of people who would never join a cult and never have any desire what so ever to set one up.
      Happy seeking as we have always said to anyone it is between you and God. It has nothing to do with Ross Kelly in that respect.

      The other place to look is the synchronicity wins blog where there are pages and pages of proof of what this is all about.

      There is also a film of Ross giving a demonstration of the code called
      Five Days in Varkala.




      Times Final Rose - A Clandestine Prophesy by Ross Kelly

      The proof of the reality of God and the great secret that is being kept from you by the Western Governments

      Times Final Rose - A Clandestine Prophesy by Ross Kelly
      The proof of the reality of God and the great secret that is being kept from you by the Western Governments
      The proof of the reality of God and the great secret that is being kept from you by the Western Governments

      22 minutes ago ·  · 

    • Ross Kelly When I tried to post the comment above a security box came up. It is a perfect example of synchronicity about the anagram code that may show you something Leslie. It took 12 minutes to photo it and put it in my FB photos. The code's symbol for the language of the code is IO as the Varkala film shows you. This is the security check photo. It's an anagram of PROOF AND IT'S IO.​oto.php?fbid=1015033898569​3488&set=a.101503389856384​88.401741.534193487&type=1​&theater

      5 minutes ago ·  · 

    • Ross Kelly And it's 5.06 on 11.11.
      3 minutes ago · 

    • Ross Kelly That's 11 11 11.
      about a minute ago · 


  1. I had to get up and walk away twice from reading this as I felt physically sick by Brett's loathsome words and sick twisted mind and still do - the boy consistently harps on about polarity physics yet he is the one being used to demonstrate exactly what that is - he is totally insane, which is apparent to anyone reading this - if I din't feel so sick I would probably feel sorry for him.

    1. Don't feel sorry for me, I'm an actually published author, regular contributor to various magazines and living a great life ;) I feel sorry for you being so terribly stupid to buy into Ross's insanity. Good luck with that buddy ;)

  2. Interestingly enough the security box that came up just now in order for me to post that said - procar - that'll be the LADA. And I'm all for that as it demonstrates Ana's pi admirably - 3.141.
