Updated July 31.
This amazing synchronicity happened on the Ana code group wall today. Just after I had posted the two Pi DOT code lines Shirley posted a picture timed almost identically with a new post that Elaine posted that also showed a picture. The two pictures and the two code lines and further code proof clearly show that Ana's synchronicity wins.
This amazing synchronicity happened on the Ana code group wall today. Just after I had posted the two Pi DOT code lines Shirley posted a picture timed almost identically with a new post that Elaine posted that also showed a picture. The two pictures and the two code lines and further code proof clearly show that Ana's synchronicity wins.
Ross Kelly Here the code links the 22.7 asteroid that led to my discovery of the 47 society links and.....
4 hours ago ·
Ross Kelly Pi is a fixed mathematical constant. All of the letters in the Pi No in the line above are consonants - CSMSNRB.
CONSONANT is an anagram of CONSTANT No.
3 hours ago · · 3 people
Elaine McGuckin Mr. Kelly's anagram of CONSONANT being CONSTANT No would appear to be an error...
however as he just realised there are two T's in the Ana code symbol for Pi.
2 hours ago · · 1 person
Elaine McGuckin
Richard posted this on another thread.
Quite amazing,I"m a bit slow i"ve just realized the meaning of consonant,ie Latin=with sound ,frequencies of sound are totally entwined with the Fibonacci numbers,{Solfreggio},and through Phi leads to the expression of Pi....... the universal number.The universal vibration/ mind of Ana.
The reason he posted that was he had just discovered this about Pi.
Alex Williams, MD, points out that you can use the Phi and Fives relationship to express pi as follows:
5arccos((((5^(0.5))*0.5)+0.5)*0.5) = pi
2 hours ago ·
Elaine McGuckin As I am no mathematician I can't explain the above equation in layman's terms but I do know that Richard was given his own personal synchronicity from Ana via the use of Five Fives which are plainly visible in the above formulae. The explanation for the five five synchronicity relating to Richard can be found in Little Book Big Secret Part 2.....
at www.timesfinalrose.org,
The proof of the reality of God and the great secret that is being kept from you by the Western Governments
about an hour ago · ·
Elaine McGuckin Don't use Google Chrome to view the books use Internet Explorer or Firefox.
about an hour ago ·
Ross Kelly Mr Ladner noticed that the word CONSONANT only has one T, I like that, it means he pays attention. I told him it's ok because PI has 2 - TT.
Then I sent him this -
There are no errors, everything is done for a reason, this is why the consonant thing happened, so I can demonstrate THIS -
CONSONANT PI - I ADD A T BY R.K - 3.141592653589.
about an hour ago ·
Ross Kelly The secret maths is the O link, Ana's code.
The letters in that Pi sequence say - ID'S O LINK.
27 minutes ago ·
Ross Kelly
This is a reply that I sent to Gene Ladner in response to one of his emails in which he told me that he had an operation to remove a cyst from his brain last year and it has left him struggling to deal with perceptions of his own isolation that are worrying him -
One thing the existence of the code should clearly show you is that there are no accidents. Everything that happens to an individual happens by design for reasons that are necessary to the source.
It all happens on a one to one basis, we are in reality (each and every ONE of us) alone with God.
The reality you perceive is an information projection and it is unique to the life (story) of Gene Ladner. There is no Gene Ladner outside of that information stream. There is in fact only the thing that came up with all the ideas that are described in it. There is no such thing as a physical place, places are ideas in the stream.
It's a bipolar system that allows the source to experience it'self as Gene Ladner or Ross Kelly as if we were alive in our own 'right'. So, Gene or Ross have no power whatsoever to add to the information but God can certainly make it appear to us that we have by including such notions and synchronised experiences that make it appear to be the case when in truth it is not.
Your trip to the hardware shop for example was one such lesson. I will not elaborate on that because I can see that it is your lesson and I am sure the teacher is not going to have you miss the point of it. Suffice it to say that ALL our thoughts are received, not generated, by 'us'.
Such is the genius behind it all that, although not bound by the notion of time as she has us experience it she, having all the 'time' there is, the whole of eternity, 'has the time' to do the work of each lifetime one at a time. There is no other way it can be done because each one is a separate and complete information stream.
I can assure you (not that it is a proof) that the idea of Ross Kelly is experiencing typing this note as if Ross Kelly is typing it but the note I see is not the note you see.
The really brilliant thing about infinite divine intelligence is that it never forgets. As a way of putting it, suppose God 'did' my lifetime a trillion years ago (as measured in terms of all the lifetimes that came in between the lives of Ross Kelly and Gene Ladner some of which are the people that you think you meet or see in the days of your life because they are given as experience in the Gene Ladner information stream) such is her intellect that the streams are synchronised so that it appears to each of us that we both live at the same time in a physical world.
She may have us experience meeting each other for example, you would see 'me' and I would see 'you' it would appear to each of us that we are physically together in a physical place, and that we could hear each other talking etc, you could kick me and I would feel the pain but what you would actually be experiencing is the light show of a picture of Ross Kelly that was only happening to 'Gene Ladner' and I would be experiencing a projection of God's idea of Gene Ladner that was only happening to 'Ross Kelly'. In that sense it can be said that what we are are separate dimensions in which synchronised information is experienced as if from a different point of view.
So, don't worry about your 'problem' (unless she has you do so as a further teaching mechanism) because it is not a problem, it is the means by which in the story Gene Ladner was given a different perspective along with an apparent explanation of it's cause. Had you not had the operation and you were still given those perspectives with no explanation it would be even harder to deal with and understand.
Let's say for example that someone started experiencing the type of information that one might receive on an acid trip but without the information that one had taken acid. It would be scary shit.
The truth is it's not LSD that gives people the experience they have while they think they are on it, it's God but unless you KNOW that, if it started happening without the explanation 'Oh I took some acid' it would logically be extremely worrying and if there's one thing that God is it's ..a stickler for logic!
God is the only Pi there is,there is no Pi math outside of God because there is no outside of God, she is all the 'acid experience' there is too, that's why she named it after Pi twice, to make a point.
5 hours ago · · 2 people
Ross Kelly
The code is the thing that has been introduced into our individual and separate information streams by the source in order that we can see that there is a single source of all the separate personality streams.
I knew nothing about Ladner or the 47 society until the Pi asteroid links caused me to 'find' the connection but the code proves that the coder knew about both Gene Ladner and Ross Kelly and when we would first know about each other and appear to communicate.
In order to do that logically she had to set up 'Gene Ladner's' connection to Pi and asteroids entirely separately in the Gene Ladner stream while simultaneously knowing how it fits into the Ross Kelly stream.
THAT'S what synchronicity really is.
5 hours ago · · 1 person
Ross Kelly I had previously mentioned to Gene that both LSD and ACID are coded from the first few numbers of Pi... as is the LAD in Ladner.
4 hours ago ·
Ross Kelly Theos is Greek and means God's word.
4 hours ago ·
Ross Kelly ..
I TEST 3.14 PI HINTS BY 2 O'S - 3.14 ZERO - 3.14 ZERO.
4 hours ago ·
Ross Kelly
After sending Gene Ladner his 2 O's Pi number links he sent me an email all about synchronicity that had happened to him involving the numbers 47 and 52. This is part of it -
"I had been a huge fan of the number 47 for several years, and all of a sudden I had a dream about the number 52 in which it was displayed on a digital matrix, such as a clock or calculator."
Then I found that this is why Ana had him send it to me -
47 52 LINKS HIS 2 O'S PI TO LADNER - 3.14159265.
Same 9 Pi numbers.
The Ladner LAD Pi No links were posted yesterday (30.7.11)
Below this code line there is a little quote from one Of Gene Ladner's latest emails to me -
"Unfortunately, although I understand much of what you say, and that it could indeed be true, it scares the crap out me right now."
Now there's an honest man who can THINK!
This is the post that Elaine posted simultaneously with Shirley's Pi dot picture.
Astronomers detect an asteroid not far from Earth, moving in the same orbit around the Sun, that could be a target for future manned space missions.
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