Wednesday 6 January 2010

Popes and volcanoes.

An interesting link between Popes and volcanoes has come to my attention.

In earlier posts on this blog a connection between the name HELEN, an eruption of Mt Etna volcano in Italy timed to HELEN'S arrival in Rome, Helen's connection to the Lady in red and the pulling over of the Pope by a lady in red are connected as a warning to the Pope about the downfall of The Roman Catholic church.

The great eruption of Mount St HELENS happened on the previous Pope's birthday in 1980.

Helen Kogan, the Lady in red that the synchronicity related to is now living in Santa Monica California, I thought I'd better mention it in case there is a connection involving either an earthquake or a volcanic eruption timed by the Sauniere link to January 17th or January 22nd explained on the Baldrick page..

At the time of John Paul the second's death after an illness that started just after an eruption of Mt St Helens in March 1995 Prince Rainier of Monaco also died. The code at that time timed both deaths and clearly showed that the reason for the connected timing of the deaths was to provide a further warning to America about THE BIG ONE, the threatened west coast catastrophe that was also linked to the code timed by HELEN'S visit to the Mt Shasta volcano in the Cascade range in California in October last year (see Conversations with Helen)
Mount Rainier is a massive volcano close to Mt St Helens in the Cascade range in Washington State.

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